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Welcome to Killian University

02:16, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elyze Lysle

Name: Elyze Lysle.
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Buffalo, New York
Age: 19.
Power: Teleportation.
Major: At the moment ->

Finding out you have powers can change a person in a lot of ways, specially when it happens at an early age. For Ely her new-found ability to teleport and the seemingly non-existent limitations to where she could go really changed how she looks at the world. Boundaries and distance went from being harsh realities to loose guidelines she could simply ignore.

Teleporting around is not something extra, not just something she can do but rather is a big part of what and who she is. When at home she's just as likely to teleport to the other end of the couch to grab the remote or to the fridge to grab a bite than she is to walk there not because she's lazy but... well because she can!. She does her best to hide it when in public or among people other than her friends but it actually takes a conscious effort to just walk from A to B.

This freedom also developed into a slight problem with privacy which usually manifests in the form of her jumping into her parents room at exactly the worst possible time.

At her core Ely is happy, outgoing and really likes to hang around and get to know new people. She is also impulsive, springing into action before thinking things through and more than a bit on the reckless side. She might not be super strong or tough but it's hard not to feel somewhat invincible when you are convinced nothing can stop you.

Physical Description:
Ely is around 5'5 tall and barely weights 110lbs at most has light green eyes and brown-somewhat-black hair that she likes to keep at medium length and mostly tied into a bum with some strands over her face. She fits more on the 'cute' side of the spectrum rather than the "supermodel hot" end but still knows how to draw attention though it takes more than just looking at someone and batting her eyelashes.

She doesn't have a set style when it comes to clothing but tends to favor punk/rocker style jeans or skirts and leggings and shirts with band logos with some very slight touches of make-up to complete the outfit.

Oh, she also has a tattoo over her right shoulder blade ( ... one would think that after assimilating that their daughter is some kind of freak of nature (in the good sense) her parents wouldn't have given her such a hard time for something as minor as a tattoo... and one would be direly mistaken.

Hobbies and Interests:
Elyze likes listening to a lot of different music ranging from pop to more obscure metal stuff and thanks to distance not meaning anything to her she takes every chance she gets to attend concerts all over the world (though her parents don't know just how many she has gone to without their permission). Eventually she convinced her parents to buy her a guitar and has been practicing with it as well as singing almost every day.