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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

18:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nyadhial Goodman

The Convener of the Ordo Dracul in Detroit is not a particularly imposing figure, despite the tattoos which adorn her face and the black dye that stains her lips.  She is primarily a quiet woman, prone to brooding silently for long periods of time during official Elysium functions, and rarely contributing to the discourse.  Her habit of dressing in dark hooded robes, wandering the streets and night, and her reliance on the Cacophony Society to get her viewpoint and position on various City Laws out would suggest that she was a close ally of the Lancea Sanctum.  However, Nyadhial acts far more as competitive predator with the Spears than she acts as ally, despite their similar tactics, preferring instead to align her Covenant with the High Priestess of Shadows and the Circle of the Crone.  This had led to a number of skirmishes between Nyadhial and the Lancea Sanctum, though so far there have been no reported deaths.  As such, the Ordo Kogaion is almost never seen without her khukri strapped to her thigh, though the robes she generally wears can conceal it easily enough if she does not wish to appear armed.

Nyadhial Goodman came to Detroit in the early 1960's, founding the Covenant's Detroit chapter via petition to the Prince in the Summer of 1962.  The Prince and his Baron had been rumored to initially oppose the formation of a chapter of the wildly misunderstood Ordo Dracul within their domain, but had relented when the soon to be Kagoian had presented seven Elders to the Court.  No other Covenant could claim so many of such thick blood, and their sudden migration to the city presented its rulers with a host of problems.  Had they been barred from forming their own Covenant, they would have presented a major destabilizing force within the First Estate, challenging Prince Acosta's own base of power.  In an attempt to contain the damage to his Masquerade, the Prince had been forced to grant Nyadhial Goodman's wishes and formally declare the Ordo a legal Covenant within the city.  Her origins from before that point are a mystery, as any investigation into her past has come up with nothing but dead ends.  Where had she had come from, and the origin of her court of Elders, remain one of the Detroit Masquerade's most highly debated secrets.

There were rumors, of course, such things always surrounded the rich and powerful.  Some were even so bold as to claim that the Convener and her allies had broken the Masquerade's most sacrosanct Tradition.  In 1973, Nyadhial's right hand man, Frank Leznak, was accused of committing diablerie surrounding the disappearance of a minor Knight of the First Estate.  The Crone's Oracle Mother herself presided over the examination of Frank's aura, and he was declared incapable of having committed the heinous crime.  Still, the label is still whispered as a muttered curse by the Ordo's detractors.