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Welcome to Byttingesaga

19:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Ingdrun Ulfhildr
Court: Spring
Seeming: Beast
Kith: Clear Eyes

Eyes: Amber
Hair: Silver Grey
Skin: Pale
Age: Unknown, Apparent Age early 20s, late teens
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Nationality: Nordic

The Mask

Those untouched by the magic of Jotunheim perceive Ingdrun as an attractive young woman in her early twenties with a trim, athletic build, pale grey hair and eyes the color of amber. She wears her hair long and pulled into a simple braid that hangs down her back. Ingdrun uses her grey hair to make herself appear older then she really is to mortals. She covers the lower half of her face and wears a long sleeved, brown woolen coat, with green leafy embroidery to hide her figure. Over that, she wears a dark, hooded red vest, trimmed with fur and embroidered with gold and white paw prints. She has various embroidered skirts ranging in color from dark green to dark red and always wears a pair of sturdy, calf-length, leather boots, trimmed with fur. Very few are aware that Ingdrun’s boots are heavily weighted with lead soles and more weights around the top to artificially slow her down. When she really wants to move, Ingdrun always runs barefoot.

Ingdrun tends to walk slowly, hobbling along with her distinctive wooden, volva staff. The staff is a twisted branch, nearly as tall as Ingdrun is, ending in two prongs, between which she has strung blue thread in a pattern resembling a spider’s web. From it, various trinkets dangle: pieces of bone, feathers, carvings, leaves and brightly colored stones that rattle gently when she walks. Those mortals who know her well though, are aware that Ingdrun’s slow movements are all an act and that she can move faster then anyone when she wants to.

The Mien

When Ingdrun is alone, or among other Changelings she dresses in much the same way, but she prefers to walk barefoot and wear buckskin pants. She also does without the scarf that covers the lower part of her face. Behind her Mask, Ingdrun hardly looks any different from how she appears to mortals. The true color of her hair is a lustrous silver and her eyes are a bright, almost luminous gold.

The most obvious marks of her time wearing the ulfsark of the ulfhednar are her ears, which are those of a grey wolf and sit nearly atop her head rather then on either side of it. A silvery grey wolf’s tail also protrudes from her backside. Because of her bestial traits, she finds it difficult to hide her emotions from those who can see her mien. Her tail and ears typically betray her mood involuntarily, even when she can hide the emotions in her face. Those who look at the soles of Ingdrun’s barefeet can also see that they are partially rough and padded like a wolf’s, with dark, blunt claws on her toes instead of nails, although her hands appear perfectly human.