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16:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Unndis the Fair

Unndis the Fair

Ah, the lovely and talented Unndis!  She can serve your food and drink with a practiced, professional smile and she can serve your man with the same practiced, professional smile.  Or she may serve your woman.  She is an equal-opportunity lady, after all.

Can you resist her beautiful 'come hither' eyes?  If so, you are the very rare person indeed.

And now for the nitty-gritty details:

Both Mask and Seeming:

Seeming:  Fairest
Kith:  Hulder
Court:  Spring
Gender:  Female (and WHAT a female!)
Height:  5'6"
Weight:  lithe, curvy and perfect in form
Hair:  golden, long to just below her buttocks - if she wears it down around her, it will cover the 'bikini' parts, but only barely.
Eyes:  blue as the summer sky, sparkling with delight

Noticeable features from the Seeming only:
   *  Her back from the nape to the top of her buttocks is covered in a delicate, golden-brown bark.  A shade or two darker than her fair, milky skin, it is rough, but pleasant to the feel, and supple.

   *  She has the tail of a cow, a golden Jersey, that protrudes from her backside and hangs down to her lower calves.  It is sleek and golden, and ends in a well groomed tuft that often has a scrap of ribbon tied around it in a bow.

   *  Her Mantle manifests as Jasmine flowers drifting around her, covering the “good” bits but only barely, teasingly.  As well, her skin seems to glisten as if she has just had REALLY good sex but now has her second wind.

Unndis is a very hard worker, never stinting to help out where needed even in the filthiest of tasks.  Some catty women from her past observed that this was only because it gave her an excuse to strip down and bathe - usually within sight of their men.  Whether this was true or not, Unndis never confirmed.

She is well versed in the "womanly arts", meaning she can cook, sew, embroider and do the myriad of other tasks that are generally ascribed to women.  From plucking a chicken to creating a hunting scene on a woven tapestry, she is skilled.