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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

22:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Douglas Hood

Douglas just by his presence and chiseled good looks will cause most people to look and see that he has entered the room. Douglas feels confidant communicating with any social circle. Some say he is a social chameleon. Douglas was a civil lobbyist working with several non profit groups focusing on housing and employment in Detroit. He was not rich prior to his embrace, but afterwards he has become one of Detroit's wealthy elite. He no longer works for any groups directly, but is known to use his pull and charm in City politics to get what he wants.

Douglas has been Featured in local Detroit papers as one of Detroit's most eligible bachelors. Most nights he can be seen with a different woman socializing at some of Detroit's elite hot spots. Few have criticize his rise to richest lifestyle, but most see him as a modern day Horatio Algiers living the Dream.

Douglas is average build standing 6 foot tall. He maintains a meticulous grooming regiment. Most of time he can be seen dressed in urban chic style clothing, but this changes as need dictates.

Douglas was the son of a one time successful businessman. He watched his father slowly destroy himself as the economy of Detroit failed. His father believed in the principle of business fortifying society. Each major lay off stole a little piece of the man Douglas looked up to. Douglas unlike father understood the need to adapt. He saw the wealth and importantly was in the concept of rebuilding Detroit. He used his schooling and good name to help him launch himself as a major community builder. The Invictus saw the true Douglas, and understood his man of the people act would work well when negotiating with the Carthian Movement.