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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

15:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Seed of Her Divinity

Jin Thi Kyong achieves exceptional success on three successes instead of five on all Social rolls against the character. The character may resolve the Condition at any time by sharing and spreading the Acolyte’s myth. The character uses the same Presence + Expression roll to do so.

Step 2: Who you were.

I was born to serve the Goddess. Little did I know, I was also born to be a god. The members of the Goddess' cult was cultivated to serve her - to spread her love and her wrath to those deserving. My mother called me Pembe, after the rare and beautiful tusks of the great beasts of the plains. Our days and nights were veneration. Sacrifice was our life and our honor - our blood, sweat, tears, and our bodies were hers should she command them. There are many who could not endure such a lifestyle - but there are also many who are fools. There is no greater position to be in than to serve the Mother of Creation. Upon reaching manhood I was made to mate with the female servants of the Goddess in massive orgies in Her veneration. I am a father to many, both alive and dead. When I was 18 years of age, the Goddess' mate fell to one of his enemies, and I was chosen to replace him. Though I had already been anointed and blessed by her blood, it was only now that I learned the truth. The Goddess was no goddes - but only a servant. And I would serve her for eternity as the Father before had done so.

Step 3: Why they took you.

In short, I was beautiful I was desirable, and so desired. I was young and virile and a father. I was an instrument of creation and a loyal servant of the Goddess. That was all she needed. When I was brought before her, I learned her name. Chausiku. The Goddess who was not Goddess. The one who gave me life and took it away. She could not be refused. She was night and day, fire and ice, life and death. And she would be my companion forever.

Step 4:  How you survived.

In the early days, things were sublime. The goddess' cult satisfied my hunger and my desires. I wanted, I needed for nothing. I learned of what is now called 'The All Night Society' and of those who were born from a different aspect of the Goddess. I learned of the Kings and Queens of the night. We allied with them, and spread the worship of the goddess across Zimbabwe and beyond. There was nothing to stop us, for a time. And then the ships came.

This is also the step where you list your Mask.

Step 5:  Who you are now.

I have awoken to a strange new world. People are more numerous. They live longer. Many of them believe that they do not need the Goddess.

They are wrong.

But I am not as strong as I once was. Marjani's experiments upon me have damaged my connection to the Mother's power, and I have lost the knowledge of some of her more sacred rituals. My blood has thinned, and I find myself unable to awe mortals in the capacity that I once had. Now I must rebuild, remake my world, and undo the wrongs my wretched child put me through. Though I have been weakened, I have retained much of my knowledge and experience. I will help this small garden these fledglings have built grow into something great, beyond them, beyond each of us. And when they have matured we will rule in decadence and glory as we did in the days of old.

My cult, my legend will grow in this city, but first, I must find what I have lost. Marjani took much from me, but she could not take that spark - the spark that allows me to connect to the mother and draw down her powers. I will commune with the Mother, and do whatever it take to recover what was taken from her. My devotion to Her will draw more and more into her fold, mortal and Kindred alike. And all shall be what it once was.

Renata has paved the way for my ascencion and I thank her for that. What little allies I have within the city, I will teach the old ways. Candice is the most curious of the mortals, and the most interested in what was. She is a descendant of mine, though she does not know it, and her influence among the mortals will be crucial.

Dirge: Visionary.

Step 6:  What you will become

The Verdant crown will plant seeds of greatness in humankind and in themselves, spreading our roots throughout the entirety of the city, and on to the world. I will seek power within the circle once more, and reclaim my birthright. I will once more lead mortals in my worship and in their own revelry and devotion. And I will find those who share my blood so that our circle will be complete once more.