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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

18:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jamal Weathers

Jamal Weathers is those rarest of things, a rough shaven Vampire.  Where as most of the Kindred are clean shaven, with a rare few having carefully cultivated beards, Jamal still bears the two day old stubble that he wore when he was Embraced.  It is a state of affairs that tells much, if one knows how to look for it.  It existence suggests that Jamal's Embrace was likely an unplanned one, and its continued survival suggests a lack of care for appearance that is striking for one so high up the Ordo food chain.  He tends to wear the same outfit night after night, only discarding it once it falls to rotten rags.

Known colloquially as "the Archive," Jamal is the chief researcher and Kogaion for Detroit's Dragons.  He is often seen at his Convener's left hand at Elysium functions, and is known to have her ear.  That said, once his duty to his Covenant has been met, he almost immediately departs for his lab, apparently having little concern for the ebb and flow of the Dance Macabre.