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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

05:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Birth Name: Eustacia Mink
Mutant Name: Watchtower
Other Names: Stacey (Preferred nickname.)
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Powers: Chronopathy, Super-Senses
Status: SHIELD Field Agent, Clearance Level Eight. Inactive Avenger.

Appearance: Eustacia is a woman in her physical prime. She is a whisker over five feet seven inches, and does not carry any spare flesh. She is not a muscle-bound athlete either; she is toned, and in good shape, as if she spent time working out, but she is not a professional athlete, either.

Her features are strong, and while she might pass as striking, she is never going to be considered to be a great beauty. Her dark brown eyes are perhaps a little too narrow, her jaw a little too strong to be wholly feminine. Her nose is very straight, giving her a classical Grecian profile. She has an unfortunate tendency to come out in freckles when exposed to a lot of sun, and given her profession, their presence is rather incongruous.

Her hair is long, straight, and black. It is usually worn in either a professional French plait (when she is trying to look businesslike) or in a loose ponytail when she is more relaxed.

Her voice is crisp, well educated, and suggests a strong personality. The accent is rather hard to place, being something akin to a cosmopolitan Eastern US in tone, liberally daubed with a lot of other influences, suggesting that she may have done a great deal of traveling, or spent a few years living abroad, where the local patois managed to insert itself into her vowel sounds.

Personality: Stacey has two personalities. Her business self, and her off-duty self. The business personality is all about duty, getting the job done, and officially will Take No Shit From Anybody. In her line of work, there are a lot of people who like to lie, break rules, and on occasion, use lethal force to get around the law. Special Agent Mink may look a little unlikely to be the means of administering legal sanctions, but she has big brass balls, and a mind like a steel trap. She doesn't let anyone get in the way when she has a job to do, and considering she spends her life facing down both mutant and government sanctioned entities that have the ability to break her in half like a dry twig, her success is very much down to her cold, hard professionalism in a very dangerous world.

On duty, she has no sense of humour. Jokes have no place in the world of a FBI Special Agent.

Off duty, she is a wholly different person. Smiles, friendly banter, and a warm, approachable nature might seem out of place to those who know her professionally, but those who get to know her realize she plays as hard as she works, and has many fun qualities, which include a truly mischievous sense of humour, and a tendency to drink, joke, and act the goat. Anyone spending time with her as a friend will discover she is loyal, considerate, and willing to go the extra mile to help anyone in need. She has always claimed that her job does not dictate who she is, merely what she does. This separation of work and identity is a rare thing in most law enforcement operatives, but Eustacia is definitely not a normal person. In fact, she is a long way away from being a normal person...


Chronopathy - the ability to see time.

Retrocognition: Eustacia can look backwards in time in her environment with a considerable degree of accuracy. The present fades out and she views the location in the manner of a videotape in reverse, perceiving the events but not actually being present within them. The speed at which she rewinds back time to get to a specific point is phenomenal. Time is reversed at a speed of approximately one hour per second of real time, and she can then choose to play time back at a normal speed, or skip forward to a specific point as required.

The time-images she perceives are exact representations of the past, and she loses all sight of the present location when she views them. Her available senses function in these images, and she can move around inside the environment freely. Any attempt to leave the immediate area (such as a room if indoors, or out of line of immediate sight if outdoors) will end the image. Obviously, if she tries to move physically while in this state she can't see the actual room she is in, so risks falling flat on her face or bumping into people.

Weakness: While using Retrocognition Chronopathy, she has absolutely no way of sensing her environment - she is essentially deaf and blind. Moving around the vision she receives is possible, but it means she is moving around in a room that she cannot see in the present, so she can fall over things - and is utterly vulnerable to attack, as she has no way of seeing one coming. She is totally deaf, blind ... and vulnerable.

Another side effect is that while using her power in this manner, her eyes essentially vanish and are replaced with a manifestation of the space-time vortex, something which no human is ever meant to see. It isn't just unnerving, it is creepy beyond belief, and those of a low Willpower score may actually be genuinely scared or terrified by it at first, until they become used to the phenomenon. She radiates a sense of wrongness that bypasses rational thought and plugs directly into the primeval centres of the brain.

Gaze of Cassandra:  Using chronopathy to see the future is far harder than viewing the past. The future has yet to happen and therefore only a possible impression can be seen, as events in the present may cause new potential futures to unfold. Every action, no matter how small, causes a new potential future. This is called the Theory of Phase Space. The chronopath has a good chance of seeing the most likely future amongst these myriad phase space options, but this is by no means certain; any of the potential futures may be shown.  Sudden changes in the actions of people, or disruption to the timelines, will invalidate the phase space option shown as the new potential future takes over. While the past unfolds by rewinding, the future comes by simply fading reality out and the new images slowly fade in to replace them. People may pop in and out as they pass through the loc
ation. As with viewing the past, movement while in this state is fraught with risk of colliding with objects she cannot perceive. At this early stage, she cannot see particularly far into the future, and Phase Space theory means that she cannot see the ACTUAL future, merely the most likely future based on current parameters. The future could change, if people act in different or unpredictable ways. However, it is worth noting that a few seconds into the future can be read with almost perfect accuracy - giving her the ability to know for sure what will happen in a gambling game, as well as to predict all the moves in combat with enough accuracy to be able to avoid any blows.

Temporal Tracking:  She can track people or objects through time. So long as she is able to find a point where the subject has been in the past, she can focus on that item then perceive where it went and where it has been. The person or item appears as a line of images, as if taken on a stop-motion camera. People can then be followed in their movements from place to place, further into the past or forwards. However, there are limits. The images only extend for a fifty metres in any direction, and on reaching this, she must attempt once more to look through time to visualise the target again.  Objects can be traced the same way, but they appear floating in mid-air if they have been carried.  This technique can also give a rough idea of how long the target was in a particular spot; if the target stayed in one area for a while, the image may be crystal clear. If they moved quickly through, the image shows as a blur.  This technique is more dangerous than seeing a static image of a location. To follow the
 time-image of the target, she needs to move physically. Because she is perceiving an alternate time-stream superimposed over the present, her actual surroundings are distorted and indistinct, so she is at risk of walking into things or missing hidden dangers. Moving slowly helps, and it is better yet to have someone else present to assist.  Tracking a target this way cannot go beyond the present moment; attempting to look into phase space to locate where the target MIGHT be will result in a massive sensory overload, and possibly a temporary blackout or fainting spell. The human brain cannot process input from an infinite number of time-stream images simultaneously.

As an example of this, consider how Hiro perceived Daphne in Heroes when she is running at full speed and he has stopped time. Thus!

Sense Rift: By using chronopathy, she can ascertain whether or not a location has had a space-time disruption occur at some point. Recent disruptions (within a week or so) show up as a major distortion, and can be sensed immediately. Much older disruptions (for example, many years) are more akin to an edgy feeling, but nothing palpable. Actually looking at a recently disrupted area with a full chronopathy scan shows the area with a major distortion, as if looking at it through a warped glass mirror. This makes it far harder to see any details, of course. Far older areas when scanned may show only tiny signs - a mirror may show a warped image, or a single ornament may be floating an inch off a shelf, as the rift in space-time is more or less healed.  Such disruptions that show up include time travel teleportation, creating a rift in space-time, or faster than light speed travel inducing a time dilation effect.

Super-Senses: As a knock-on effect from her powers her senses are all supernaturally acute. She can see well beyond human range, both in terms of ultra violet, infrared, long-range zoom etc. She can hear at a greater level than humans can manage, and can even tune into radio waves. Her sense of touch is hugely acute, and she can feel imperfections and sensations when touching things that most humans would never notice. And her sense of taste is often overwhelming, so unless it is a special occasion, she has to eat bland food

-   Fully trained FBI Special Agent
-   Has FBI combat training, knows their procedures, and has a variety of law enforcement contacts. With her powers, she is a superb markswoman.
-   Fully trained in the procedures of other law enforcement agencies, such as state police, US Marshals, Interpol, etc.
-   Has a variety of contacts in the mutant underground, some of whom she personally saved from capture. They owe her favours!
-   Highly analytical mind.

Weaknesses: As mentioned above, there are the following weaknesses:
-   Effectively blind and deaf to the real world when using Retrocognition.
-   Retrocognition has a very disturbing side effect, making those who witness it freak out at times.
-   Gaze of Cassandra does not give wholly accurate information, as the future is a mutable, changing thing.
-   Attempting to push herself beyond safe limits with any of her powers results in a mental short-out, fainting, and blackouts.
-   Super Senses can lead to sensory overload, so she needs to be careful to keep them in check and not lose control.

History: Special Agent Mink's life was fairly normal until her teens. The middle child of three, a decent middle class family with neither too much nor too little money, a good education - they seemed like the average sort of all American family. It was only when the children started to display mutant abilities that their father revealed his own gifts to them. From then on, the children were nurtured and trained in their powers at home - and even offers to attend Professor Xavier's academy were politely refused.

With time being key to her powers, Stacey ended up focusing on physics. She went to the University of California at Berkeley, the other side of the nation from her home in Connecticut. She obtained her degree, and began working as a (very) junior research assistant at CalTech.

Which was when disaster and tragedy struck. In an outpouring of anti-mutant sentiment, her family were targeted. Their home was firebombed, and her father killed - with her mother and siblings being scarred in the process. In the light of such atrocities, Stacey abandoned her scientific career, and applied to join the FBI - to fight against that sort of unspeakable behaviour.

She was accepted, and her powers helped her sail through training. After graduation, she was accepted into the Counter-Terrorism unit. And, as the feelings of the nation were running down an unpleasant path, she was placed as a Special Agent for Mutant Affairs ... which was a loosely veiled euphemism for detention and interrogation.

Special Agent Mink did not waste her time. Those mutants who were a threat to all were hunted down and dealt with for the good of everyone. The innocent, and their families? She helped them. Hiding them. Even helping them flee the country. She became a form of sleeper agent, helping to protect the mutants she was meant to hunt, and this gained her considerable respect amongst the mutant underground.

During this time, she was contacted again by Professor Xavier. He recruited her to his cause, and she began funneling important information to him. Her detailed reports helped save the lives of numerous mutants, and he was very grateful for the risks she took on his behalf. He never once revealed her identity to anyone, not even his closest allies. She was known simply by the codename Watchtower and only his closest confidantes knew that she even existed. All they were aware of was that the Professor received reliable reports from an agent in deep cover. They did not know who the agent was, or where. But the reports were undoubtedly genuinely beneficial to the mutant cause.

Precisely where she has been since the incident on Genosha is unclear - with no way to overtly contact any survivors, she has continued with her work for the mutant cause with little support. Those who know of her existence may well hold some respect for the danger she places herself under, working alongside both Monolith and Hydra. They likely do not know who and what she is, and if they are aware of Watchtower's existence, they have yet to make that connection to Special Agent Mink.

Most recently, she appears to have been posted to Stark Tower. Naturally, the public are not made aware of what goes on behind closed doors there, so precisely what she is doing there is unclear.

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 5
Endurance: 3
Agility: 4
Awareness: 2/6
Charisma: 6
Willpower: 5

Chronopathy 3
Super-Senses 2