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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

00:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Brief History:

Theldaren was born within Fort Hold and spent most of her very early life among the kitchens where her mother worked or among the Hold's dog pack, near her father, who worked with the beasts that helped the hunters or kept the folk company around the heart fires.

While easily distracted in her tuition with others of her age, there was one thing that kept her attention long enough - the stories told through song. Singing came naturally - though studying didn't. Theldaren would often prefer to be outside, among the dog pack or behind sacks of flour, covered in the white milled powder.

She first started to sing among class, at recitals put on by the Harper teacher there who would later recommend her training at the Hall proper.

Here, she spent many years, beginning at around 9 years old. Though traditional studying was still difficult for her, she still found the art of song and music easiest of the arts to learn. At 18 she was granted her full journeyman title and walked the tables. She spent 4 more years at the Hall and Fort Hold before requesting permission to travel. At first it was just short trips to neighbouring villages or lesser Holds. She visited Fort Weyr just once and it was an awe inspiring visit that made the young woman sing all the more about her adventures.

At 25 years of age, her Craftmaster recommended her for a more permanent position and between them and the Master Harper, secured her a place at the newest settlement on Pern. Seascape and its surrounding lands.