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Welcome to Berlin by night.

23:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Samuel Dyer

Name: Samuel Dyer

Clan: Malkavian

Born:August 25th 1920

Embrace: May 10th 1945

Ethnicity: White British (French-German descent)

Eyes: Icy blue

Hair: Naturally dark brown but dyes it blonde, styled

Height 5"11'

Weight: 170 lbs

Build: slightly athletic

Apparent age: 25

Personality: The madness within Samuel appears to be a subtle one. on the outside he seems perfectly normal and it is this perfect normality that hints at how broken his mind truly is, every gesture and word is too perfectly normal to be natural. He is exceedingly polite and intelligent and maintains a standard of cleanliness and fashion that paradoxically mirrors the current members of high society whilst being reminiscent of the old. Everything Samuel says and does is clear and precise but its never always precisely clear why he does these things or why he pretends to be so normal. In the past he had invested in business ventures and was given to offering and asking for strange favors that seemed mad and foolish only to have them pay off a decade later. many of the kindred are lured into believing they understand him but they do not, they think that the madness is what causes him to act so strangely normal but it is in fact a choice. Many strange things happen around Samuel but he never appears to be the cause or creator of these occurrences in any way, but he sees through the lie that is reality and understands that madness and chaos is everywhere just waiting for the opportune moment to appear. Only the deranged minds of his clan mates seem to understand him and so far none of them have bothered to mention it to anyone else.


Samuel Dyer was the third son of a famous and incredibly wealthy doctor and businessman named Jonathan Dyer and his mother was named Catherine. Samuel's early life was a happy and simple time. Days were either spent in his families gardens playing with his brothers and sisters or studying. Samuel's father was of mixed German and french descent whilst his mother was of purely British lineage. Before Samuel was born the family name was Baasch but was changed quickly to Dyer (great grandmothers maiden name) as it became clear that a war was to break out between Germany and England.

Samuel advanced in his studies exceedingly quickly, displaying sharp and keen intellect from an early age. Samuel  learned to read, write and speak several languages including french, German and Latin by the age of 13. Around the age of 10 Samuel began to take an interest in his fathers work; the detention and rehabilitation of people with unsound minds, commonly known as asylums. Jonathan Dyer was a psychiatric specialist who owned several asylums around Britain for the purposes of curing unfortunates who had succumbed to madness and the business became especially prosperous after the great war.  Samuel studied fanatically during his teenage years and was admitted to Cambridge university at only 17 whereby he devoted his life to the study of the mind at the exclusion of nearly  all else.

When World War 2 was at its height Samuel was made exempt from the military drafting  thanks to his fathers wealth and connections and he began working within one of his families asylum part time to help with the heavy influx of patients and veterans. The asylum was located some 20 miles outside of Cambridge, situated near an old and dilapidated village and Samuel eventually began to combine his studies with practical experiments and studies within the asylum.

During the month of may 1945 the whole of Britain was celebrating and Samuel had driven into town to celebrate with his friends whereby he met a curious lady in one of the dance halls. she did not appear to have company and though she was beautiful many of the young men seemed to unconsciously avoid her. Samuel watched the lady for a long time and he was unnerved by her, her eyes constantly scanned the crowds of dancers and drinkers in a predatory way until she suddenly stood up and moved other to Samuel who had become very embarrassed and perplexed to have been caught staring. The lady  introduced herself as Caroline and she had a strong American accent, they talked for a while and she seemed genuinely interested in the asylum and his research which pleased Samuel to no end, most women had been put of by the nature of his fascinations but she seemed strangely encouraged by it. After a few more drinks he drove her to the Asylum at her request so that he could show her around. It was the early hours of the morning and only a few workers were still in the building when Samuel showed her around. Finally he reluctantly showed her the procedure room where various equipment and tools were laid out. Caroline had been quite for a short while until she began to giggle, this then proceeded into an unholy and terrifying laugh. Samuel tried to move for the door but without seeming to move she had traversed the room  and grabbed him by the throat before  slamming him onto the table with inhuman strength. Samuel felt a few ribs crack and cried out in pain before he looked into her eyes and became silent in terror. Her eyes seemed lit from within as a cruel  smile split her face, Samuel felt a flash of pain then ecstasy as he awoke with inexhaustible hunger. That night he killed the workers and many of the patients in his thirst but all he can recall was him and Caroline dancing on a bloody floor. Samuel awoke the next night in an expensive Hotel with Caroline where she explained what had happened, he contacted his family and told them he had found a woman he intended to marry and was leaving for America immediately. He had no reply for a long while until his father began to hear rumors about his sons revolutionary theories and the cause and treatment of madness as well as the acclaim granted to Samuel by researches of this field. Soon after Samuel kept contact with his family through letters and telegrams whenever able.

Samuel spent the next few years in America with his master learning how to survive and use his vampiric talents to feed safely and blend in with mortals. Samuel wrote several  books about the nature of madness and nightmares which earned him high acclaim within the field and no small amount of money. One day his master vanished with barely a trace. Caroline left a note simply saying that she had been called back and that Samuel should live out his unlife in peace until she called on him again. The letter never explained who or what she was called back to and Samuel still does not know.

Samuel decided to see the world and traveled to many countries attending late night parties and providing lectures after dark. Many of his peers and colleagues in the medical industry found his preference for conducting business in the night strange, but attributed it to the ussually eccentricity that clung to rich, intelligent young men and humored him. Wherever Samuel traveled trouble always seemed to follow him and in 1979 he moved back to England under the name of Samuel Baasch and wrote a few journals on the development of mental healthcare. In 1984 Samuel received a letter from his master directing him to move to west Berlin to contact the other kindred there.

Samuel has had contact with many of the kindred during his un-life but did not feel any great camaraderie with any of the other clans and preferred to keep away from the politics but has given advise or planted ideas in the head of rising stars within several clans. Samuel currently finds himself in Berlin and seeks out the reason for his masters request. Samuel can feel that something important will happen soon and he can hear the chaos scratching at the doors of the city and smell the madness that will destroy the wall and with it, peace in the night.