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02:33, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Faction: G.U.C. (Gog United Citizenry)

Name: Aiu
Occupation: Oracle

Species: Grenu
Nationality: Jeyosian*
Gender: Female
Age: 25

*Jeyos (pronounced Jee-yose) is a country in the Grenu home world Gog


Size: 2' 4" at top of head
Weight: 78 Lbs.
Fur Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Royal Blue
Eye Color: Gold

The Gog United Citizenry or G.U.C. is an organization devoted to settling international matters on Planet Gog. Its founding members pretty much police the politics of Gog's nations, but with restrictions on what it can or can not police. However, aside from the counsel of the G.U.C., the next highest rank is Oracle; a Grenu gifted with visions. Aiu was born with such a gift, which meant she was taken from infancy and trained up for the position.

Her life, and the lives of the other oracles, were pretty much handled by the G.U.C. counsel. Aiu grew up learning how to handle her powers and how to handle the people who came to her seeking foresight and insight.

Aiu's visions, unlike the other oracles, seemed to deal with a more interstellar scale. So the counsel decided to put together a new program for Aiu that would allow the girl to be a Gog representative. She has been given the same rights, privileges and such that an emissary is given. So now, Aiu spends her time going from one world to another, based on guidance from her visions or dreams.

Aiu has grown somewhat jaded about her visions or anyone's visions for that matter and has come to learn she enjoys the now far more as now is what is being experienced. While it is not at the expense of appreciating her gift, Aiu's love of current experiences meshes really well with her new job of being an interstellar emissary. Also, having been raised mostly in captivity, Aiu loves to live out experiences she literally only dreamed about before. Finally, due to her powers being the way they are, past, present and future seem almost the same thing to Aiu.

1) Minor Telekinesis - Almost the most minor form of telekinesis. Aiu can pick up and move small objects weighing up to five pounds. She has a limited range of 25 feet.

2) Minor Telepathy - Aiu can establish a two-way connection between her mind and one other if the person is willing. To establish this connection, Aiu must touch foreheads with the willing person. This connection remains until either participant willingly cuts it off. The range of her telepathy is normally 50 feet, after that it becomes increasingly hard for Aiu to continue communicating telepathically.

3) Visions - Aiu can enter a trance that allows her to tap into a vision of the future, the past, or the present. Her visions of the future are usually cryptic, but just enough to keep people mindful of the wiser choice when faced with a problem. Her visions of the present and past are clearer and her visions of anything farther back than five years can be as clear as she wishes. She sometimes uses this to re-experience key moments of her life, or someone else's. Her visions never grant her the knowledge of what the person was thinking (unless it was her), their emotional state, or anything like that. At best, it is like watching a movie with VR goggles on. Thus she can not read minds, but she can gain a vision of someone's past, present or future. To get a clearer vision, though, the person who she will be getting a vision about must be willing.

4) Oracle - As an oracle of Gog, Aiu has been trained since birth for the role and knows how to counsel people about life decisions, be they political, personal, or otherwise. She is no politician, but she can give general advice backed by common sense and wisdom she has gleaned from others. Aiu also has a strict diet and routine that she follows daily to keep her body and mind fit at all times.

1) Mental Strain - Each of her powers come with a level of strain:

 A) Telekinesis: While her telekinesis comes easy to her just as carrying a drink comes easy for a normal person, overuse can tire her as much as if a normal person were holding a drink for prolonged periods of time. Try holding a gallon of water aloft for longer than 30 minutes and you find out it isn't as easy as it looks.

 B) Telepathy: Like a normal person can lose their voice after a time or after yelling a while, so too will Aiu's telepathy become fuzzy if used too much or at longer distances than normal. It can hurt her, causing headaches and eventually even cause her exhaustion to the point of collapse if not careful.

 C) Visions: Aiu is used to giving one vision per day. Once she begins to give more than one a day, Aiu can have a number of problems happen to her, depending on how many more visions and what kind of vision.. She can get a migraine and begin bleeding from the nose. She can get lost in the trance (this happened once and she was in a coma for a week). She can have involuntary visions for several days. One time, her overuse of Visions caused her to forget her entire identity and she was an emotional wreck.

2) Gog Comes First - Aiu is very loyal to her home world. This means she can get called away at any time and she will respond without question. It also means that in her mind, her government is always doing what is right to the best of their ability. After all, they oft check with her about what the course is right.

1) None -

1) Clothing -

IQ: 135
Title: Oracle, Emissary
Quote: "Now is forever."
Name means: Intelligent Beauty