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16:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Julian Stuart


Name: Julian Stuart
Maiden Name: Von Roehm


Gender: Female

Age: Twenty-seven

Hair: Black

Eyes: Gray

Distinguishing Marks: A small mole just under the outer edge of her left eye, a scar running down her right shin where her leg was split open and another scar resting above and to the left of her naval where she has been stabbed leaving a round, discolored divot. Both injuries were training accidents.

General Appearance: Short and trim, Julian has trained her body from a young age in order to fulfill family expectations as a warrior. Her bronzed skin is peerless despite the hardships she puts herself through on a daily basis making her far more regal than your average sword-arm. Her sharp eyes pierce those that cross their vision in a cold gaze. Though she has long since crossed the threshold into adulthood the young Von Roehm still retains her baby face from her youth and her chest size leaves much to be desired. Three golden studs adorn her upper right ear and are the only jewelry upon her person. Often she was referred to as a 'Wild Child' due to her refusal to treat and manage her short, messy hair. She rarely wears feminine garments and only does so at extremely important events.

Julian's Armor; ignore the weapons and face/hair


Personality: She's often times quiet and aloof. Julian is quite comfortable all by herself and has very few who go out of their way to call her friend. This does not mean she will not speak when prompted to, though more often than not her answer is curt and dismissive. She expresses compassion much differently than others which has led others to think that she is incapable of such things. She isn't very skillful with her words despite her noble status and has a hard time conveying her feelings or point when flustered or enraged. Her love for her family is second to none and she doesn't tolerate disrespect towards her relatives or the family name. Luckily her tolerance of other subjects is high and her patience is exemplary, but once she loses her temper it's best for all others involved to get out of her way.

Sexual Preferences: Homosexual.

House: Major - Von Roehm

About Your character: Many have called her a savant or genius when it comes to the sword. Her parents, after recognizing her talent, spent much time and effort into cultivating her capabilities by enlisting instructors in all forms of weaponry as well as military tactics. Though her own skill as a combatant are unfathomable and her recollection of strategy above average, her abrasive personality has made it difficult for Julian to ascend the ranks without the assistance of her family name. Over the years many have challenged her in order to make a name for themselves or to defame her household only to find that such rumors of her skill ring true which has led her name to be synonymous with Champion of the Crown as she has yet to lose a single duel. Having gained recognition as one of the most skilled in the kingdom Julian has published a few innovative training manuals for both the sword and spear as they are the most prevalent weapons within the armed forces. Her current rank is that of Captain and she has less supporters than those opposed to her career.

Recently rumors of her having a tryst with a servant were quashed almost immediately, but not soon enough to keep it from the ears of the other households. Until this time there had been no evidence that she fancied women with no interest in men with the fact still remaining true for anyone that has yet to hear the more detailed account of the excursion. She has been moved to a new duty station with only her aid and another trusted officer whom have served under her for the past nine years. Despite their close relations in the past there is much dissonance between Julian and Grand Duke Alexander. They have only met once since the incident and the visit was short and bittersweet.