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Welcome to New Mutants: Coming of Age

22:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Erica Pierce

NAME: Erica Pierce.
AGE: 31
DATE OF BIRTH: March 1 1998

Fifteen years later - What has she been up to?
Erica stayed as part of the X-Men for several years, through highschool and then while attending college at the same time.
She would never admit it to anyone but the first year or so on the team was almost too much for her. Learning to be an effective team lead in the field while at the same time constantly battling with her insecurities and massive "I'm not good enough" mentality that made her second guess every call or worse, dive head on as a way to prove herself. She had actually been pretty close to quitting more than a few times only to be talked out of it by some of her close friends or the faculty at the mansion.

Through experience on the field, profesional help, awesome friends and teammates and even a bit of maturing on her own things began to steadily improve. She no longer saw herself as someone who constantly needed to prove she belonged or that she had to know the best way to handle every crisis. She started to feel confident in her role on the field regardless of what that could be each time and never again considered sitting on the sidelines of a mission as a personal attack.

Some things never changed though and after a decade of being part of the team and living in the relative safety of the X-Men mansion Erica needed to know that she could make it on her own without relying so heavily on the X-Men's unlimited resources. So she quit the team, moved out of the mansion to her very own (and small) apartment and started adulting like your average woman in her mid-twenties complete with highlights like 'how the fuck do you get a job?' and 'dafuq is a credit score?'.

Erica still visits the mansion regularly to work with the new students and help train them sometimes, to stay in touch with all her friends but also for regular medical checkups... most 'normal' doctors just wouldn't know what to do with a patient with several million nanobots in them.

Some important information
The nanobots that were supposed to allow her to walk again didn't turn out to be a permanent solution and she has been back on a wheelchair more or less permanently for the past decade or so.

The bots are still inside her and actively bypassing her damaged spine but their effect is barely enough for her to barely be able to feel her legs. Walking anything more than a few short steps while heavily leaning on a cane is completely out of the question.

While Moira, Hank and other X-Men were unable to restore the nanobots back to full strength they did figure out a way to temporarily boost their effect, giving her full mobility for a short time at the expense of a world of hurt as soon as the effect ends.
After trying it the first time she is very reluctant to use this unless absolutely needed.

Player's Note: I'm glossing over the details here as how it turns out is still up in the air and part of the plot I want to pursue in the actual game.