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Welcome to Starship Troopers - Season 2 - Survival of the Fittest

23:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Name: Takahashi Ayako

Officer Cadet

Ayako was born into a large and wealthy family living the heart of the bustling urban hub of Tokyo, her family had been involved with the powerful Japanese Transnational Corporation named the Renraku group since its founding not long after the Second World War. Her Great Great-Grandfather had started as a little more than a minor clerk for the corporation but generations of loyal service, careful ambition, and well thought out plans had allowed his descendants to slowly climb the ladder of the power zaibatsu. By the time that Ayako was born her family were firmly ensconced in the corporations upper middle management with bright prospects for the future so close that they could almost touch them, with several attractive and intelligent young daughters marriage alliances would surely open the way to a future among the acknowledged elites of the vast corporation and once among those rarified heights of the families that actually ran the Zaibatsu the sky was the limit. Unfortunately Ayako's families luck was about to run out or at least her father's luck was about to, secretly Takahashi Noboru, her father, had many flaws including a addiction to high stakes gambling as well as other vices of the rising wealthy. Unfortunate he had neither the control to manage his condition or the resources to sustain it secretly, leading the man to unwisely begin to launder money from his own company. Within the year the financial irregularities were noticed and a investigation was opened which spelled the inevitable end for her father's career and his honour. The day after the investigation was announced Ayako was driven home from middle school by the families driver and ran up to her father's office to leave a copy of a project that she'd just finished for him to consider and judge. Instead she found her father in his office dead, unable to bear the burden of what was to come and what his actions were about to drag his family through, her father had taken the antique hunting shotgun off the wall of his office and had chosen to end his own life.

The experience was a devastating one for Ayako, who'd always been close to her father especially considering she'd been the one who'd found it; and she spent the next couple years of her life with regular sessions with well paid physiatrists trying to deal with what had happened and what she'd seen. But for all the psychological help her family could afford the wound was never truly able to be healed because of her mother's actions, acutely aware of the position that her husband's scandal and death had left her family in, her mother remarried again with almost indecent haste. The family's wealth, honour, and position within the corporation demanded it and for the most part her mother and older sisters were all too willing to bury their fathers ghost in the past and never dig it up again. Ayako proved unable or unwilling to do that; even she was willing to admit what her family did was reasonable and her step-father was nothing but a good man, but the young woman simply could not accept her family's actions. Fights became common as she butted heads with everyone and anyone she could, as she got older she began to grow increasingly distant from her family and from the friends she had grown up with preferring the embrace of strangers in the face paced heart pounding drug and alcohol fueled world of Tokyo's nightlife.

While her sisters were complete their courses at University and happily taking positions within the company and making good marriage alliances within the dynasties that ruled and ran the corporation; Ayako proved herself to be an increasingly unmotivated and troublesome student who prove her teacher, tutors, and professors to the point of apoplexy. before long she was being constantly shifted between one private for the business elite to another each time the academy grew more discipline focused and her fellow classmates became more and more the embarrassing wild children and delinquents of the corporate nobilities children. Ayako's intransigence eventually drove her mother to a move of despair and desperation, when the young woman turned eighteen and legally became an adult, her mother stopped paying for her schooling and effectively dumped her onto the streets with only a small allowance to keep her afloat. It was a desperate move to salvage her daughter or at least the family's honour, either the experience would frighten her daughter back into line or she would disappear into a world that beneath the notice of the people who were her families peers and superiors. Either way the problem would be dealt with and the families position secure.

Reason for joining the Mobile Infantry:
After being dropped out of school and left to fend for herself, Ayako feel back firmly into the party scene of Tokyo although this time into some of the seedier sides of it. To stubborn and hardheaded to come crawling back to her mother to beg for forgiveness and another chance, the young woman found what work she could with her expensive, if incomplete education and wasn't above doing work that involved legal grey areas or worse. It was these experiences that would eventually lead her into a alley outside of one the hottest new night clubs in downtown Tokyo getting kicked and stamped by a couple of Yakuza heavies who she'd been unable to talk fast enough or run hard enough to get away from. That moment would probably have been the end of her right then and there if not was Career Sergeant Major  Azuma Tokaku, who had been leaving the club with a date around each arm and plans for a very pleasant night after all the drinking and dancing. Sergeant Major Azuma never explained what made her leave her hot dates behind and step in to save a young woman she barely knew from being beaten half to death and left for dead in an alley or much worse but she did and Ayako was just barely conscious enough to watch with amazement as the other woman took those thugs apart with ruthless efficiency before passing out. She woke up a couple days later in the hospital alone and to her own surprise found her room paid for by the woman who brought her in, at first it seemed like she'd merely been a lucky recipient of good fortune in the shape of a generous woman. But only a day after waking up she was visiting in her hospital bed by Sergeant Major Azuma, after a brief and rather awkward conversation the Sergeant Major managed to force the truth of the situation out of the young spoiled rich girl turned psuedo criminal; then proceeded to box her violently over the ears and give her a dressing down that bordered on the legendary.

Over the next few days as Ayako began to recover the older woman became a regular fixture in her room bringing her books, holotapes, and playing games with her while they talked; a conversation that always seemed to lean back toward the fact that Tokaku was pretty sure were her current life would lead her young rescue victim and none of the options were very pretty. The Sergeant Major made some very pointed statements about her own youth which suggested that she might have been on the same road once herself and she did her best to listen without laughing as Ayako clutched her pride close refusing to go crawling back to her family in same. Finally on the night before her release from hospital Sergeant Major Azuma came to her room one last time and after a few fond farewells, she left a business card on the nightstand for her young friends consideration. It was a third way, one that neither woman had ever talked about and one that Ayako had never before considered in her wildest fever dreams; it was a business card with the address of the Federation military recruitment office on it and contact information.