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23:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kyrian MacDoyle

Name: Kyrian MacDoyle (K-eye-ree-uhn)

Alias: Cheshire

Age: 400s

Age Apparent: Mid Twenties

Sex: Male

Supernatural: Cait Sidhe


General - Cait Sidhe, are at their core, a Fae being. As such, they are prone to the same abnormal traits as other Fae beings. Strength that far exceeds human limits, speed to match. As an inherently feline being, they have other physical aspects that are unique to them, and their more mundane kin. Eyesight sharper than a mortals, better vision in near pitch darkness, far more sensitive hearing and scent. They possess the same ability, indeed the same gland in the roof of their mouth that gives them an additional sense, which can best be described as a combination of scent and taste.

Cait Sidhe are incredibly agile, and dextrous, they can move in absolute silence if they so choose. They bear the grace and fluidity of their feline brethren. As well as all the famous cat like behavior, from their playful mischief, to their utter indifference. Like other Fae, the Cait Sidhe are Eternal, they can not die of old age, or disease. They also share an aversion to most man made metals, but can tolerate most begrudgingly, however, like most Fae, they can not stand the touch of iron.

Lonely Roads - All Cait Sidhe have the ability to traverse the shadow roads, roadways found in the Shadow Realms, that allow one to get from one location to another far more quickly. In terms of real time, depending on the distance, it could appear to be only seconds, despite the fact that to the Cait Sidhe, it may have been closer to minutes. However, even the Cait Sidhe can not remain on the shadow roads indefinitely. If a Cait Sidhe stays on the Shadow Roads too long, they will eventually lose consciousness, at which point their ability to hold themselves in the Shadow Roads fails and they will return to the mortal plane forcefully, which can be dangerous. Such as reappearing in the middle of a busy freeway, or inside a wall. The alternative is that the Cait Sidhe falls off the Shadow Roads into the Shadow Realm, and are lost forever, theoretically.

A Cait Sidhe can pull others along for the run through the Shadow Roads, but it requires more strength, and is hard on the individual being dragged along, as they are not designed to endure it. There is no oxygen in the Shadow Realm, and it is painfully cold. Other beings can often only endure it for a short period, unless they are similarly attuned to the Shadow Realms in some fashion.

Kitty has Claws - Cait Sidhe generally look human in their natural form, though they have cat eyes, and pointed ears with small tufts of fur on the very points. Their hair is usually the color of their feline form, and they have small upper and lower fangs. Some have a slightly wider nasal bridge, and some even have their tails. Nothing that a little glamour can't fix.

When angered, their feline features can become more pronounced. In younger or less powerful Cait Sidhe, this doesn't manifest strongly. But older and more powerful Cait Sidhe can manifest sharp talon like claws, longer fangs even to the degree of looking almost like a sabretooth. Their size can become larger and more intimidating.

Forget the Light, Walk Toward Me - Cait Sidhe are dealers in souls and minor necromancy. A Cait Sidhe can not take the soul of a healthy living being, but when a person dies, before they have passed on, Cait Sidhe can swoop in and steal the soul. These souls can be used for all sorts of dark magicks, or, can be used as leverage. Some Cait Sidhe return to the soul to their body, granting them a second chance at life, or in the event that the host body is unfit, can put the soul into a new body. But it always comes at a price. Most times in the form of favors owed.

Don't Cross a Black Cat's Path - Cait Sidhe, as Fae, are naturally magickal beings, as such they have access to a wide number of curses and spells. But the aptitude, strength, and variety of these spells depend on the individual. However, in olden times, Cait Sidhe were known for cursing the homes of those who insulted them in some fashion. Or who injured or insulted their mundane cousins. With GM permission, this ability would take form in the ability to curse a person with bad luck. After that, it would be up to the GMs how negatively that impacts the target.

A Cat by Any Other Name... - Cait Sidhe are tied in to the intrinsic nature of cats. They are not restricted to any one type of cat, though they often present themselves in the form of domestic felines, for ease of access and so as not to draw attention. But Cait Sidhe can access the feline nature of most feline species living and dead. In those who are truly powerful, this often manifests as an ability to transform into a larger cat, like a lion, or tiger, though this larger form usually still bears the marking of their domestic cat form. In Kyrian's case, he can transform into a feline the size and general appearance of a tiger, but the stripes are just a little off, and the telltale "M" of his Tabby form is clearly evident on his forehead.

Curiosity Killed the Cat... - Cait Sidhe are Eternal like other members of the Fae. However, unlike most Fae, the Cait Sidhe have an interesting ability. When a Cait Sidhe dies, through some forceful means, they will eventually return to life, still injured and fatigued from their death, but alive once more. However, this ability is not endless. A Cait Sidhe can return from certain death a total of nine times, at which point they are out of chances. Damage that is too serious to return from also negates this ability. Such as being burned to ash, or decapitation where the head is permanently removed from the body and the two have no chance of restoration.

I taught I taw a Putty Tat - Like most Fae, the Cait Sidhe are capable of glamour. Which aids in hiding their catlike features among humans. They can also freely change between their two primary forms, the humanoid one, and that of a domestic feline of slightly larger than average size. Kyrian's feline form is that of a large black tabby.

Here Kitty Kitty... - Cait Sidhe are fully capable of communicating with other felines, and all cats, mundane or otherwise, are capable of reaching the Court of Cats, which is a pocket piece of Faerie that is specifically inhabited by cats, Cait Sidhe or otherwise. Short of the Elder Fae, or the Gods, nobody can enter the Court of Cats without leave of the Lord or Lady of Cats who rules that specific Court, or the leave of the King or Queen of Cats who govern all Cait Sidhe.

Appearance: Even in his most human guise, one can usually discern a somewhat feline sense, or energy, to Kyrian. Some of that could be from features that one might equate to feline traits. Intense green eyes that are ever so lightly tilted, easily soulful. The kind of eyes that one can lose themselves in completely, but that promise to take you on a painful, heartrending journey. Those eyes can just as easily portray mischief and amusement, but it always falls a little short of reaching a place of true sincerity.

His cheekbones are high, giving his bone structure a somewhat angled and sharp appearance, which only further lends to the feline comparison, and a strong jaw usually covered in a thin layer of stubble insures the image of masculinity. In his natural form, his nasal bridge is a bit wider than most humans, particularly near the eyes, and his ears are pointed like a Tolkien Elf, the very tips capped in small tufts of black fur. If you look closely, you might notice that the pupils of his eyes are slitted like a cats, and in near darkness, what little light their is can reflect in them and make them shine like a mundane feline's. His teeth are straight and white, but sport small upper and lower fangs.

His hair used to be kept long, but since his retirement, he wears it shorter, which can make it hard to tell that it's not actually black. It's a very dark gun metal gray, with black streaks like the markings of a tabby. If his hair is laying in a particular way, and you look closely, you can even see a black "M" in his hair, with the middle valley point directly on his center part. Lately he has been starting to grow it out a little longer, which makes it harder to notice the black markings, but it's not yet grown out enough to be considered 'long'.

His body would be a masterpiece of carved muscle, and he is carved muscle, but the masterpiece is ruined by the multitude of scars that criss cross his body. His back is a mess of intersecting, thin scars. Like those of a whip, or crop. His arms have neatly stacked scars most likely delivered almost ritualistically by a blade. His chest is a scrapbook of past battles and fights. Some are small, clean, well tended and barely visible. Others are larger, ugly, nasty scars that were clearly dealt with in the crudest of fashions. Either for punishment, or necessity. His hands and face are the only parts of his upper body that are unmarred. His legs carry similar scars to those on his amrs, and the backs of his thighs have some criss crossing scars similar to those on his back, as well as more vicious scars that are clearly from battle.

Now that he is retired, Kyrian favors casual clothing that he feels comfortable in. Well loved jeans, V neck tee shirts or long sleeved Henley style shirts, and a pair of comfy, broken in boots. While he can dress up, he really doesn't like to and will do his best to avoid it. If he's going for sexy, he'll often trade out the jeans for leather pants, and the tees for a button down shirt, but it's often left untucked, and the sleeves often rolled up. Even in his retirement, Kyrian is never without blades, and you really wouldn't believe how many he can, and does, carry on his person at all times.

Personality: After centuries of life, Kyrian is just now truly developing who he is as a person. Rather, he is discovering who he can be, without the chains to bind him, without the limitations of necessity. He has the freedom to be whoever he wants, and the room to grow. His sense of self can be exterior to himself, instead of locked away inside, often repressed to make it easier to do the things he needed to do, and be the person he needed to be.

In a lot of ways, having to keep himself locked away made him the perfect infiltrator. The perfect spy. The perfect killer. It made it easier to adopt a persona necessary to finish a job. And in doing so, he got to craft a character to be, that allowed him to explore the idea of actually being a person. Those jobs that required more in depth work than simply popping out of the shadows and stealing someone's life were his favorite. He got to fully immerse himself in a full realized person, he got to have a personality, and bits and pieces of who he actually was, but had to keep hidden, got to shine through in those characters. In many ways, this was the only way he had to really feel and out and discover who he was as a person, and it has left his sense of self somewhat fragmented.

Now that he is on his own, he's slowly exploring exactly who he is. What is his truth, and his foundation. He can be slow to speak up, or speak out, but when he does, he does not back down, and those violent tendencies he tries to avoid can surface. He has found that while he may be a dominant person socially, or sexually, romantically he is more submissive, slower to take charge. But this is only in regards to women. In a lot of ways, the idea of actual romance, or emotion, confuses him. He's not entirely sure how to handle it, or react to it. So most of his interaction with women tends to be casual, or end in epic fashion. With men, he does not accept anything short of equal status. But he still has no idea how to handle the notion of romantic relationships. His sexual interaction with men has always been casual.

Now that he's free of his past life, he's been more open to explore his whimsical and artistic sides. This is represented in his collection of odd items that catch his attention, something he's always done, but had to hide and be careful with before, as well as his pursuit of music, dance, sculpting and poetry.

But mostly, he has begun the tentative process of discovering those little intricacies of his personality. Sarcasm, humor, wit, playfulness. These things that he couldn't be with his Uncle, and in limited amounts with the Queen, are unfettered now. It has been a slow process, a confusing process, but every day Kyrian gets closer to realizing himself, and who he wants to be.

There is still a dark side to Kyrian. He is prone to aggression and violence, especially when backed into a corner. He was trained to be ruthless, practical, and efficient. So things like mercy and forgiveness and trust come hard to him. The erratic nature of felines only furthers this eclectic array of personality traits. He can be happy and fine one moment, and take grievous offense to the simplest thing in the next, and then be perfectly fine with you literally moments later. But that's just cats for you.

In the realm of the Fae, the Cait Sidhe exist in a sort of in-between. They are not beholden to either the Seelie or Unseelie Courts, but are a Court unto themselves. Ruled over by the King or Queen of the Cats, they have their own slice of the Faerie pie, and most large cities or areas has it's own Court of Cats, which is a small piece of the larger mosaic, presided over by a Lord or Lady of Cats.

Unlike the other Fae Courts, whose royalty is heavily hereditary, the Cait Sidhe still exist on the idea that the strongest should rule. Thus, any Cait Sidhe has the potential to rule, if they're born with the gifts, strengths, and drive necessary to take over. Most Lords and Ladies, Kings and Queens, groom these individuals for eventual leadership, if not of their own territory, of another. Even though this potentially means the death of the former leader, it's in the best interest of the Cait Sidhe as a people to have those strong enough to protect them leading. In some cases, an existing Cait Sidhe leader can willingly step down, but graceful retirement is certainly not the standard.

Kyrian's Uncle was not such a man. His Uncle, of course, wasn't really his Uncle. But when it was clear that Kyrian was a boy of no small skill or potential, the Lord of Cats of their Court took him under his wing, as was proper, and thus took on the title of Uncle. But what should have been a nurturing, if strict and violent, upbringing to craft him into a leader capable of protecting his people, was just a violent one.

Eventually, his Uncle Tiberius, told his true mother and father that he had not survived the rigors of training. But in truth, Kyrian was very much alive and well, but only his Uncle knew that. Instead of training Kyrian to be his successor, he trained him to be his weapon, his tool. In the beginning, Kyrian took to this training willingly, joyfully either. He'd always had a natural and prodigious calling to martial talents, so having them honed appealed to him. But Tiberius didn't want an individual, with thoughts, and opinions of their own. He wanted a loyal killer. He wanted a soldier. He didn't want to teach Kyrian to lead. He wanted him to follow. He accomplished this through torture, physical, emotional, psychological. Breaking a cat is never easy, and really can only go so far. But at the very least Tiberius taught Kyrian to keep his thoughts, opinions, feelings, beliefs, and ultimately himself, to himself.

This began a long career of murder and infiltration, information brokering, and death dealing. His Uncle commanded him to leave a calling card, he wanted everyone to know of his assassin, even if they didn't know he was his assassin. His tendency to leave his victims with a gruesome and wide grin earned him the nickname 'Cheshire' among the various supernatural communities. It was whispered that he would appear as if from nowhere, and death would shortly follow, only to vanish once again. Sometimes all his victims would see is the flash of the knife, a bit of his arm, and then nothing. What few witnesses there were often saw even less.

Despite the unpleasantness of the training, of the indoctrination into this lifestyle, Kyrian would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it, at least on some level. He told himself these people deserved their fate, otherwise they wouldn't have been on someone's radar to begin with. He buried any compassion, any guilt, and tried not to even think of them as people. He focused on the joy of the hunt, utilizing the skills he'd mastered. He especially enjoyed the difficult kills, the ones who fought harder, lasted longer, made him work for it. He used all the rage he harbored for his Uncle and found catharsis in the kill. It was easy to provide the gruesome and brutal ends his Uncle sought, he found himself enjoying leaving his mark, and he even found amusement in the nickname he'd been given.

Of his own volition, he began taking trophies from the victims that fell to his knives. Early on in his career, even, he would often take little things. But they weren't really trophies, they had little to do with the kill itself, or even the victim. But they were trinkets that caught his eye, pieces of the world outside his life that he could bring home with him. Store somewhere safe. Use as a touchstone for the reality beyond the one he knew.

As life went on, and Kyrian's dutiful loyalty became more secure, more reliable, he did see an increase in his freedoms. It had been long enough (and his birth parents had likely been quietly murdered long ago anyway), that Tiberius was not overly concerned with anyone recognizing Kyrian. He'd been a little boy, after all, when he'd 'died'. Now he was full grown, honed into a warrior. The innocence long since ripped away. No, he didn't resemble that little boy much at all anymore.

His Uncle allowed him limited freedom to go out into the world. Preferring that he stay somewhat distanced from the Court of Cats, unless he was directly accompanied by Tiberius, he did take Kyrian with him when he went to important events, meetings, etc. After all, it was important that Kyrian be able to navigate social environments. It allowed him to be more than just an assassin. It allowed him to be a spy. It widened his usefulness to Tiberius overall.

Eventually, his life shifted again, and not necessarily for the better. His Uncle was likely to be deposed, the hard way, soon. Another Cait Sidhe of considerable power had risen to prominence, and unlike Kyrian, Tiberius had had no ability to stem the child's progression.

To assassinate his would be successor would be too suspicious, and would likely get him executed anyway. Instead, he bartered with the Queen of the Unseelie for her aid in the matter. She had met Kyrian at Court previously, and had a history with Tiberius as well. Her curiosity had certainly been peaked. Kyrian was the price he paid.

So began his storied career working for the Queen of Darkness, mostly as a spy, but sometimes as an assassin, and as her own personal plaything in the meantime. At first, that seemed a fun reprieve from his normal life, but he soon realized that the Unseelie Queen's tastes ran to very dark extremes.

It is only very recently that Kyrian has mustered the courage and will to leave that life behind. Freeing himself from the bondage of his oppressors, and fighting his way to a life that is his own, and only his own. His first step was to escape, his second to kill his Uncle. Now he finds himself in Belcoast, mostly by accident. The only thing to help keep him hidden is the fact that none of the Cait Sidhe know he is alive, or who he is, or why they might wish to find him. As long as he can keep the Unseelie from tracking him down, he finally has a chance at a normal life.

Profession: Supernatural Assassin (Retired), Spy (Retired), Owner of Curiositas, Information Broker, Mystical Consultant for Hire

Hobbies: Collector of Trinkets. Sculpting. Music (Violin, Piano). Martial Arts. Dance. Collector of Secrets. Pranks. Cooking. Terrible, terrible, poetry. Photography. Reading. Sleeping. Hunting. Sleeping. Swimming. Sleeping.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Sexual Likes: Fun and spontaneous partners. Rough. Minor BDSM/DS.

Sexual Dislikes: Domineering people. RPoL Limits. Dog people.