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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

07:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mark Scott

Height: 6 foot 2 inches
Weight: 13 stone.
Hair: Shaved, Beard is dark brown bordering on black, with touches of grey.
Eyes: Deep Blue
Age: 32

Personality: Quite quiet at times, Mark has spent many years alone. He's keen to form a family. Very devout, he's keen to avoid any hint of sin or vice. He is however more than able to defend himself, and can be ruthless if needed.


Born in the small sea side town of Lossiemouth in Scotland, Mark emigrated to America as a young child, whilst having a Scottish accent at times, he has few firm memories of his place of birth. He feels only a passing connection to his place of origin. Mark's family died early in his life during a Cholera outbreak, as near penniless immigrants the squalor they resided in contributed to their demise as did their borderline malnutrition. Since then Mark has had a strong drive to ensure he's never reduced to the charity of others, and to be self reliant.

With little ability to support himself he wandered from job to job, finally driven from desperation to the wilds where he used skills taught by his grandfather. Since then Mark has developed his skills and prospered albeit at a hard life. As able to live comfortably in the wilds as in a hotel, he has a devout austere faith indoctrinated into him as a young child. Charitable to a fault, but more than capable of slitting a throat in his own defence would sum him up well. Although not one for combat, he prefers blades or fists to guns. A knife is all he needs to survive in the wilds; in town he prefers gold, and turning the other cheek.

Mark joined the Confederacy in defence against the War of Northern Aggression; fighting for his adopted homeland's liberty at Wilderness, Spotsylvania , Cold Harbor and Petersburg under Lee. Mark
sustained a minor leg wound at Cold Harbor which whilst not impeding movement does give him some discomfort on cold nights in the wild. An astute
observer might note a slight limp. Mark considers himself honoured to have been able to serve the cause of liberty. In the years since he has become resigned to the loss and the harsh and brutal treatment meted out by the Northerners in their victory. He has long learnt to keep his views on this matter to himself except in receptive company. Mark is in two minds about slavery, on the one hand considering it part of the natural order; on the other very conscious that the British Empire has banned it. Coming in his
formative teen years, his war service made a deep impression on him, and in part lead to his eschewing civilisation for the beauty and more primal aspect of the Wild. Still he finds the life tough if rewarding and enjoys spending time in civilisation.

Mark has avoided any serious relationship with a female and the solitude bites hard on the cold nights. His mind is turning to a dream of acquiring a wife, and starting a family either supporting himself through trapping etc, or homesteading. Not a rich man, Mark has however some savings, having been frugal in his spending and avoiding most of the vices that would otherwise consume his income. He prides himself on the level of self reliance he can exercise.

Mountain Man clothing
Sunday Best
Mountain Man/Trapper/Fishing Gear in a pack and on mule saddle bags
Mule (Jesse)
Black Powder Long Hunter Rifle (Powder and Balls)
Colt Pistol
Bowie Knife
Gold Panning equipment