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Welcome to Dark Heresy: Faith of the Fallen

17:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ellen Palsil

The flowing red robes of her station billow behind her where ever she ventures, yet Magos Militant Palsil shows surprisingly little outward sign of modification for one of her position.  Her twin mechadendrites mark her for one of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but little else can be seen of her modifications, covered as they are by the ever present suit of dragon scale armor she wears.  Her face and head are further covered by a specially made helmet that she almost never removes, save in the most trusted of company.

Rumored to have bordered on tech-heresy several times, Ellen Palsil is largely considered a radical within the Mechanicus, and as such they have been more than content to allow her to remain on extended duty with the Inquisition.  Her interest in advancing Imperial Tech is looked on with apprehension by many and her tendency to deconstruct xeno tech to divine its secrets has drawn the ire of more senior Magos' more than once.  Currently she is known to be among those most trusted by Inquisitor Canaris and serves as armorer and weaponsmith to her most senior acolytes.