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14:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Coraline Jung

<img src=""Align="right">Name: Coraline Jung
Nickname: Cora
Actual Age: 4 years old

Appearance: With soft blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin, Coraline looks nothing like her Mother or her Father. Of course while Ella will fervently say that the little girl was born in her heart, she was not born in her womb. Coraline resembles her biological Mother. Her eyes are her Biological Fathers and her abilities came from both Parents. Coraline moved to her new home when she was a year old. There was an adjustment period of course but the three bonded quickly. Coraline now sees Ella as her Mother and she is most definitely a Daddy's girl.

Like all little girls Coraline loves to dress up. It is not uncommon for her to wear her fairy dress down to the store though she loves her street clothes too. While not opposed to jeans and t-shirts Cora quite often prefers a dress. Though this is most likely due to the fact that her Mother will do the same. Her favourite colours are pink and green and at four years old Cora has no issue with wearing theses colours every day. For the most part she is allowed to pick out her own clothes and accessories though the line was drawn when she asked to get her ears pierced. Not fully understanding what it entailed she just wanted earrings like Mommy. Mommy was forced to say no however. Ella is a firm believer in kids being kids. Cora had plenty of time for piercings, make-up and high heels. For now she was to remain as innocent and carefree as possible and that truly was what Coraline was. She was different from other little girls but she didn't look it because when you took away the ability to morph and the need for blood, she was just a 4 year old little girl.

Personality: Coraline is unique though any parent would say that about their child. Her supernatural abilities not only make her strong but smart. There is a certain thing called age appropriate knowledge and in many ways Cora knows too much. She understands life and death with an awareness that could be considered frightening. It most certainly is for her Parents. A normal child of four should not know what Coraline knows. However, just because Cora may understand the afterlife and be fully aware how different she is does not mean that she's any less of a little girl. At times one cold be forgiven for forgetting what she was. When she slips up and mispronounces a word or is twirling until she makes herself dizzy, in many ways Cora is very normal. In others, she's quite different.

Coraline enjoys all the normal things. She has her toys and her games that she's happy to share. Her favourite pastime would have to be asking questions. There is rarely a time when she is silent. Even when playing on her own it's only natural to hear her singing. Cora loves Preschool and is learning quickly. She will astound you with her ability to count to 20 and she can recite the first 7 letters of the alphabet without thinking. The next 19 are a little more tricky but she's getting there. She's a bright little girl and she is genuinely happy most of the time. Of course like any child she has her bad days and her tantrums and that is when things get a little scary.

Coraline's fangs will descend when she is upset and to try and comfort or discipline a distressed vampire four year old is frightening not to mention dangerous. Coraline knows who and what she is. It was explained to her who her Birth parents were and that like her, they were special. She understands that if she doesn't drink blood she will get very sick. It's possible she sees it as medicine though occasionally that thought will be shattered as she frankly and bluntly will explain to you where it comes from. It is almost as if at times she forgets or the Vampire side of her recedes deep enough that she is able to be normal.

History: Coraline was born in Hallow Lake. It has always been her home and though she has travelled elsewhere, she will always see it as the place to lay her head at night. She remembers little about her birth parents as she was only months old when they were forced to give her up. Normally a child so young would remember nothing but it seems that the blood bond they shared has left an impression upon the young girl. Coraline only remembers what her Mother looked liked because she has seen pictures but she can describe to you with incredible detail what she smelt like. Her Parents know that the blood bond is still intact because every now and then at random times for no apparent reason Coraline will say with either a smile or a frown that her Other Mummy is happy or sad. The conviction on her face during these moments is a little disturbing. Without a doubt there are moments where she can feel what her Birth Mother is feeling. She knows that her Birth Parents love her and still miss her to this day but it has been explained that they could not take care of her like they wanted to. Coraline understands she was adopted and she is happy in her new life.

The young child first laid eyes on her new Mother and Father when they picked her up from the Hospital. Ella and Asher having been close friends with the girls biological parents were shocked to learn that not only did they say they had to leave Hallow Lake but that they had to leave their only Daughter behind. They pressed upon the Jung's the urgency and the importance that Coraline grow up in a stable caring environment and it was their wish that their friends and neighbours adopt their little girl. Though to this day Ella and Asher still do not fully understand why Coraline's parents had to leave, they have accepted the situation and fully adopted Cora not only by law but by love.

Bringing the child home her new Mother became quickly aware that something was not right. Having raised a child of her own she understood that while every baby was different, it was not normal for them to so consistently cry through the night. Coraline did not take to formula; it brought her out in a rash. The little girl seemed to always be ill and lifeless yet the Doctors could find no reason for this. It was only when they were approached by a knowing friend that it was revealed to them the reasons why Coraline was so very different. Her new Parents did not believe it at first but becoming desperate they had to act and against everything that she knew and believed in, Ella gave her daughter her first few drops of blood. Within the hour Coraline returned to full heath and it was clear, she was a Vampire. That night her Mother cried herself to sleep. She was confused and scared at how to raise this child. Coraline was young and was not yet aware of her Mothers distress.

Time moved on as it does and Coraline grew. With her keen awareness she saw how difficult it was for her Parents and even at the age of two and three she helped as much as she could. At three and a half she explained to her Parents that they didn't have to be scared for her. She loved them and she was happy. She was different but that was okay. In her infinite wisdom at three and a half Coraline stated that being different was a good thing. She didn't want to be like everyone else. If she was, she never would have met her new Mummy and Daddy. There was really nothing Ella and Asher could do in a moment like that smile.

Life raising a Vampire is still difficult. Coraline struggles as do her Parents but together they make it. Her Mummy does everything she can to try and make things as smooth and normal as possible. For her dietary requirements Coraline has her own special fridge in the cellar. She understands that it can't be in the kitchen in case guest or visitors stumble upon it. In her fridge is a fortnights worth of blood as well as some other treats. Ella has managed to find the perfect mix of AB negative and sugar syrup to make blood Popsicles. These are Coraline's favourite treats. In the end Coraline is a special little girl. She knows no other way of being.

Species: Forsaken - Vampire

Rapid Healing – Cora does not possess the speed of healing that an adult Vampire would have. Her abilities are still growing as is she. A scrape or a cut will be healed in a matter of minutes. When the girl was 2 she fell of the jungle gym and broke sprained her ankle. By dinner time she was running and dancing as if nothing had happened. Whether she is capable of healing from a more sever injure at this young age is unclear. Her Parents are vigilant at keeping her safe so an occasion to test the theory has not come along.

Weapon – The young girl has no use for a weapon but she does posses a set of sharp little fangs that appear when she is either hungry or experiencing strong emotion. Being only 4 Cora has not yet learnt to control her fangs which means that during a temper tantrum or a thunder storm they can show themselves. It is similar to when a child cries. It is a way to express the emotion they often don’t have words for. Coraline can bring her fangs out on a whim such as when she is hungry but mostly it is out of her control.

Enhanced Body – This ability really only shows as slightly heightened strength and coordination. Coraline is stronger than an ordinary 4 year old should be and she also as an over developed sense of coordination. This makes her rather good at sports and her sense of balance comes in handy with dance. In the future this gift will of course make her a force to be reckoned with if she ever need defend herself but such a thing does not even enter the mind of little Coraline.

Alternate Form – The ability to shape shift is no doubt Coraline’s favourite gift. It first showed itself during a game of hide and seek when she was 3. Running from her Mother to hide in their backyard Cora unexpectedly morphed into a sparrow and flew off. The change only lasted a minute and having landed in a tree her Father was forced to climb it to get her down. Coraline can still only maintain the change for a minute or two but she’s learning. She has the good sense however to land now before she changes back. A rescue is rarely needed.