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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

02:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kaz Striker

ITSDA Superhuman Dossier

Full Name: Kaz Striker
Aliases & Nicknames: N/A
Age: 23
Years Awakened: 7
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Build: Medium-weight, athletic, mobile build.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Electric Blue

GVD (Generalized Visual Description): Kaz is an muscular, yet highly toned and relatively compact young man with wild, black hair and shockingly blue eyes. His typical attire is fairly specific, making him somewhat identifiable to our organization. He usually wears a black undershirt with a layer of netting to keep it from limiting his range of movement. Over that, he wears a light and flexible black/green shirt made of relatively durable and expensive material. His regular lower coverings include camouflage cargo pants and holsters tied to a simple, brown leather belt. On the rare occasion he is not hunting, he sports a simple black leather jacket. The only apparent marking on his body is a small Yin-Yang on the upper half of his right arm, a trademark tattoo worn by members of his old gang. Please note that information on said gang is fairly scarce. As such, the significance of Mr. Striker's symbol could only be corroborated by interviews with individuals who witnessed the gang's most critical battle that were conducted years after the event had occurred.

Political Alignment: Unaffiliated

Namidian Resources: N/A

Superhuman Abilities: Kaz Striker's gift enables him to control the powers of the classical elements, as well as the power of lightning. Although Kaz can normally only use this small series of "basic" elements (Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Lighting) one at a time, his blasters allow him to combine the elements he controls to create a variety of powerful effects. The precision with which he controls his five basic elements varies between said elements. However, it is not known whether this is due to one element being more difficult to control for him, or if it is simply a quirk of his abilities. He demonstrates a great deal of control over wind: he can virtually command air molecules to do whatever he wishes. He can easily command them to move to, compress themselves at, or dissipate at any singular location of his choosing. This, theoretically, provides him with some control over weather patterns, but he rarely seems to make use of that potential application of his powers.

His control over water is more limited: he simply robs the area around him of moisture in order to create "waves" that he can fire out at enemies or otherwise manipulate. Interestingly, his ability to control fire comes with the ability to produce it: the man has, dozens of times over the course of his career, demonstrates the ability to create a "suit" of fire around himself by concentrating hard enough. Even more shockingly, his suit never seems to harm him, suggesting that either his control of fire extends even to its heat, or that he subconsciously directs the fire away from him even as he commands it to form a protective shield around his body. His ability to control earth includes bending raw iron and causing bits of Earth to shift and collide on the planet's surface or up to about a couple hundred meters below it. His control over lighting is, however, ultimately the most frighteningly precise: he can even use his control over electricity to disrupt someone's brain or nervous system functions. That being said, he needs to be completely focused on a target to accomplish such a feat of lightning control skill. If he falters in said focus for even a moment, the electricity he controls can react in a dangerous and unpredictable manner.

Kaz's blasters enhances his natural ability to wield the elements around him. They work differently depending on what "ammunition" (that is to say, what elemental particles) he fills them with. To name one example, if he fills his blaster with a large amount of fire and a small piece of earth, the earth bullet that emerges from the blaster will turn to a ball of lava about 30 milliseconds after he fires it. To name another, if he mixes water vapor particles and air particles, the blaster will cover the entire area in a thick cloud of steam.

Common Uses: Outside of combat, Striker commonly uses his ability to control the classical elements to accentuate his already incredible survival and hunting skills. Namely, he uses his control of the wind to increase his movement speed, drains moisture out of lakes and rivers so he can cross them more easily, kills and cooks wild animals with fire, and the like. When in combat, however, he becomes an incredibly quick-thinking tactician. In the span of a few seconds, he determines what combos would probably be most effective, then rushes in. Given that fact, it is best to avoid engagements with him whenever possible. If the ITSDA must fight him, however, it is recommended that we plan ahead and use trickery to goad him into using specific attacks that we are prepared to defend against.

Specialized Equipment: Elemental Blasters - Fuses Kaz's elemental abilities, transforming whatever elemental particles he places inside them into specialized "bullets" that he can then fire to attack or confound opponents. Given his extensive control of elemental particles, it is believed that there are hundreds of potential "bullet types" he can create, making Kaz an incredibly unpredictable and versatile opponent. Although it is a powerful tool to use when in combat, it takes concentration to hold the particles in the "bullet" like state. If he gets distracted, the particles inside the blaster dissipate rapidly. Furthermore, overusing one element seems to tax and eventually exhaust his ability to use said element. Thus, he can, over time, "run out" of fire. This exhaustion, however, only seems to last until he has time to sleep. Finally, his own bullets can backfire on him or fail to fire correctly if he tries to fire them in rapid succession too often. Keep in mind the limitations of his blaster's abilities if and when you engage in combat with him - they may be your best chance at surviving his attacks and ultimately overcoming him.

Specialized Training and Skills: Survival tactics was what he was taught for most of his life, so survival skills are simply part of his nature. His career as a bounty hunter has also made him a very strategic thinker who is easily able to find and exploit a target's weaknesses.

Hypothesized Goal: Kaz seems to always select the toughest target for his bounty hunting missions, even when the bounty for a less dangerous target is greater. This suggests that the man's goal is related to some sort of "ultimate challenge" or "ultimate prey" that he's attempting to find and conquer. It is hypothesized that the psychological impulse that created this desire emerged from his background as a lonely, abused child. Kaz Striker, some of our profilers suggest, seeks to demonstrate to himself and the world that he doesn't need anyone's help. And he hopes to do this by eliminating the toughest foe or foes the world can offer.

Personality Profile: Striker usually has a calm, professional demeanor around him. We believe this demeanor is a result of two things. Firstly, it is partially owed to his being raised by his grandfather, a former officer of the US Army. Secondly, it can be partially explained as a result of his dealing with a great number of high-class individuals seeking a skilled bounty hunter. Moreover, since he has been alone for a lot of his life, he is remarkably quiet unless he absolutely needs to communicate. Although he is loyal to whomever hires him, he has demonstrated a great willingness to change sides if he is given a good reason to. He is determined to complete whatever mission is necessary for his or his career's advancement. When in combat, Kaz becomes a regular strategic genius who focuses solely on overcoming his current "target" or "targets" to the exclusion of everything else happening around him.

Background: Kaz Striker's mother died while giving birth to him. While his father did his best to raise young Kaz, he ultimately failed his son by disappearing one night when the boy was 4. After his father's disappearance, Striker lived with his grandfather, a caring, but paranoid army veteran. Most every day was a struggle to survive with his grandfather around. Indeed, the elderly man kept attacking Striker due to his suffering from the delusion that his grandsom was an old enemy come back to haunt him. On the rare days when his grandfather acted normally, he put Kaz through his own customized training camp. This training camp, though it psychologically scarred Kaz, taught him to think tactically and forced him to learn how to survive in the wild.

One day, when Kaz was just 12 years old, his grandfather dropped him off in a secluded location and gave him a singular mission: get home by himself. Instead, Kaz, thinking of how much he disliked walking on eggshells around his grandpa and knowing how excellent his survival skills were, chose not to go home. He headed in the opposite direction, looking for a town where he could build his own life from scratch.

Four years after that fateful day in the desert, Kaz was running a gang he had become a member of less than three years prior. While running the gang, he learned the value of teamwork, gained a deep knowledge of ground-level tactics, practiced his combat abilities regularly, and became a master of evading the law while making himself rich. But the "ideal" life of a dashing rogue would not last forever. Kaz "Awakened" at age sixteen. He wasn't aware of his powers at first, but he slowly began to catch on when random things kept getting blown apart, burned, soaked, or shocked when he was nearby. However, when his gang got into a big territory war and began taking heavy casualties, he completely lost it. He put all those years of survival and strategic training to use and unleashed all of the anger building up inside of him. In mere moments, the other gang was obliterated. Most of those whose corpses could still be readily identified as human remains had deep slashes all over their body or third degree burns. Others had drowned from the water he sprayed or simply been fried by electricity. When it was all over, the remaining members of his gang ran from him, forcing him to start his life over once more.

The last seven years of his life have been interesting ones for Kaz. Shortly after his powers truly emerged, he decided that his powers, bloodlust, and perfect survival skills would make him an excellent bounty hunter. This new career path proved extremely profitable, as he quickly became one of the most requested bounty hunters in the world. What's more, bounty hunting even made him a more powerful individual. Indeed, his blasters were constructed by a renowned scientist (whose name has been withheld from this document) and inventor who offered to develop a weapon for him in lieu of regular payment. And while Kaz would have accepted the first prototype the man developed as payment, the scientist quickly became enamored with the young man's abilities. He worked on improving his design for two and a half years, constantly using the data on Kaz's power, skills, and strategies that the device's computers gathered to revise and improve his weapon. Finally, approximately four years ago, the scientist declared his work complete.

Striker has spent the last four years mastering his powers and control of his blasters as he hunts down tougher and tougher targets. At this point in time, Kaz has a wide variety of connections that he could call upon if needed. These include criminal masterminds who could hide him away from the law to rich CEOs that would gladly supply him with everything he needs to accomplish his latest mission. Nevertheless, for the past four years, he has lived a highly solitary existence, nearly always thriving off the fat of the land while waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike down his latest target.

His solitude may soon be broken, however. His current mission, though its parameters are unknown, has brought him close to the current conflict. We, therefore, feel it is within our best interests to contact and recruit him before the Namidian Wave can do so. Only then can we be sure that our men and our interests are safe from this legendary hunter...

Awareness: Y

Threat Level: 4.5 (His versatile powers and unstable personality make him a threat, even if he has not yet demonstrated a desire to interfere with our organization's operations.)