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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Turning

21:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Strong Guy

Name: Guido Carosella
Alias: Strong Guy

Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 800 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
Unusual Features: Guido's torso is disproportionately large

Born in Rhineback, New York, to Italian parents who tried to teach their son the value of a dollar, Guido Carosella showed this by earning a fortune in a settlement when his parents were killed by falling space debris. Skinny and shy, Guido's mutant powers were triggered in childhood when an incident with schoolyard bullies and being hit by a bus ended in his body becoming disproportionately large and overly muscled, separating the already withdrawn boy even further from his peers. Luckily, he had the love and support of his aunt and uncle, who had taken him in after his parents' deaths, and Guido coped with his pain, both emotional and the physical pain generated by his transformed body, by developing an outgoing "public face", rarely letting even those close to him see him in any discomfort.

After losing much of his fortune, he began to take on jobs that would allow him to maintain his luxurious lifestyle. This led to Guido becoming the long-time roadie and bodyguard for the mutant musician Lila Cheney.

Kinetic Energy Absorption: Strong Guy has the ability to absorb kinetic energy and use it to enhance his physical strength to above normal limits. However, he cannot store the energy he absorbs for very long; as a rule he must expend it within 90 seconds to prevent the enormous amounts of energy from permanently distorting his body. He is in constant pain from the existing distortion, although he hides it well, traditionally playing the role of team comedian to distract himself. An unusual percentage of his body mass is stored in the upper half of his body, causing him to appear top-heavy, imposing, and somewhat comical.

Superhuman Strength: Guido possesses superhuman strength that varies depending upon the amount of kinetic energy his body absorbs. He possesses a base level of strength sufficient to lift approximately 50 tons. However, he can channel kinetic energy he absorbs to increase his strength. While the maximum amount of weight he can lift after absorbing as much energy as he can safely isn't known, he has at times exceeded 100 tons.

Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Strong Guy's body are considerably harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of an ordinary human. Strong Guy is capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, high caliber bullets, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. Under most circumstances, he could harmlessly absorb the energy produced by these attacks and increase his physical strength. However, he can still be injured as there is only so much energy he can safely absorb and he can be hurt if the force is powerful enough.

Non-mutant Abilities
He is a multi-talented actor and stand-up comedian. He is also a formidable hand to hand combatant, often using street fighting techniques that allow him to make full use of his strength.

As Guido's body gains additional muscle mass, it puts strain on his other organs, which grow only to a lesser degree. Most notably affected is his heart, which has occasionally threatened to fail entirely. He currently has a form of advanced pacemaker implanted, designed by the mutant inventor Forge to channel additional energy into his heart muscles so that his heart will grow in closer proportion to the rest of his body. However, the possibility remains that too much energy absorbed too quickly could overload the device and Guido's heart, possibly killing him.

Guido's distended muscles always hurt. He has adapted a high pain threshold as a result, but gaining mass always hurts a LOT more (and thus serves as a reminder that he needs to expel that energy). While he has been known to drink socially, he has avoided taking painkillers because that would just be the start of a slippery slope with no bottom.

He's also extremely nearsighted and wears thick corrective lenses.