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Welcome to Wardens of Nexus - GURPS Dungeon Fantasy

14:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Andreni
Height: 6'1" Weight:  165lbs Age: 500+ SM: 0
Appearance: An elf with green hair wearing leathers sporting a bow and multiple quivers.

Attributes - [205]
ST: 14* [50] HP: 14 [0]
DX: 14* [60] WILL: 12 [0]
IQ: 12 [40] PER: 15 [15]
HT: 14 [40] FP: 14 [0]

Basic Lift: 39
Damage: Thr 1d+1; Sw 2d+1
Basic Speed: 7 [0]
Basic Move: 8* [0]
Encumbrance: None (33lbs)

Damage Resistance: 10
Dodge: 10
Parry: 17
Languages: Common (Fluent/Literate) [0], Elven (Fluent/Literate) [0]
TL: 3 [0]
Cultural Familiarity: Elven [0]

Advantages - [245]
Wood Elf - [30]
-ST-1 [-10]
-DX+1 [20]
-Basic Move+1 [5]
-Appearance (Attractive) [4]
-Forest Guardian 4 [20]
-Magery 0 [5]
-Elven Gear [1]
-Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15]
Outdoorsman 2 [20]
Heroic Archer [20]
Weapon Master (Bow) [20]
Enhanced Tracking 1 (Multiple Lock-Ons, +20%) [6]
Bow Fencer [10]
-Damage Resistance 4 (Accessibility, Only on parries, -20%; Partial, Bow, -40%) [8]
-Technique Adaptation (Bow & Arrow Parries) [1]
-Technique Adaptation (Bow & Arrow Strikes) [1]
Night Vision 9 [9]
Striking ST 1 [5]
Signature Gear (Armor, Bow, & Quivers) [5]
Druidic Talent 2 [10]
Green Thumb 1 [5]
Animal Friend 1 [5]
Animal Empathy (PM, -10%) [5]
-Plant Empathy (PM, -10%) [1]
Speak With Animals (PM, -10%) [23]
-Speak With Plants (PM, -10%) [3]
Ally (Powerful totem beast of equal points; 15 or less; PM, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [29]
Mind Control (Animals Only, -25%, PM, -10%) [33]

Perks - [5]
Strongbow [1]
Flawless Fast Draw [1]
Flawless Knocking [1]
Unique Technique (Quick-Shooting) [1]
Unique Technique (Double-Draw) [1]

Disadvantages - [-50]
Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism) [-10]
Vow (Never sleep indoors) [-10]
Intolerance (Urbanites) [-5]
Loner (12) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Bloodlust (12) [-10]
Callous [-5]

Quirks - [-5]

Skills - [89]
Bow (A) DX+16 [32]-30*°
-Targeted Attack (Weapon Thrust/Eye) (H) Bow-4 [6]-26
-Quick-Shooting (H) Bow+0 [2]-30
-Dual-Weapon Attack (Bow) (H) Bow+0 [3]-30
Camouflage (E) IQ+6 [1]-18†*
Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX+4 [1]-18*
-Double-Draw (H) Fast-Draw+0 [2]
Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-14
Tracking (A) Per+1 [1]-16†
Fast Draw (Shortsword) (E) DX [1]-14
Shortsword (A) DX+2 [8]-16
Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-13
Stealth (A) DX+4 [2]-18*
Cartography (A) IQ [2]-12
Shadowing (A) IQ [2]-12
Traps (A) IQ [2]-12
Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+1 [1]-13†
Mimicry (Bird Calls) (H) IQ [1]-12†
Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-13
Survival (Woodland) (A) Per+1 [1]-20†
Esoteric Medicine (Druidic) (H) Per-2 [1]-13
Herb Lore (VH) IQ-2 [1]-10•
Naturalist (H) IQ+2 [1]-14†•
Religious Ritual (Druidic) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10
Theology (Druidic) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10
Animal Handling (Felines) (A) IQ [1]-13^
Veterinary (H) IQ [2]-12^
Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-11
Riding (A) DX+2 [8]-16

† +2 from Outdoorsman
* +4 from Forest Guardian
° +4 from ACC
• +1 from Green Thumb
^ +1 from Animal Friend

Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [205],
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarity [257],
Disadvantages/Quirks [-55],
Skills/Techniques [89]
Unspent Points [25]
Total [503]

Fine Spider Silk Cloth Armor
•DR 2 [Skull, Neck, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet]
•Cost $16,350, Weight 3.25lbs

Fine Dragonhide Leather Armor
•DR 6 [Skull, Neck, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet]
•Cost $23,460, Weight 9.75lbs
•Lighten 2 (-50% Weight) $10,000
•Fortify 2 (+2 DR) $4000

Cornucopia Quiver (Regular) Cost $110, Weight .5lbs
Cornucopia Quiver (Regular) Cost $110, Weight .5lbs
Cornucopia Quiver (Willow Leaf) Cost $110, Weight .5lbs
Cornucopia Quiver (Willow Leaf) Cost $110, Weight .5lbs
Hip Quiver $15, 1lb
-(18) Meteoric Arrows $800, 2lbs

Fine Balanced Elven Longbow
•Fine +3CF, Balanced +4CF, Elven +16CF
•ST 19, Damage 2d+3 imp
•ACC 4, Range ×15/×20
•Bulk -8, Weight 3lbs
•Cost $4800
•Penetrating Weapon (2) $5,000

•ST 8, Damage 1d+2 thr, 2d+1 sw
•Parry 0, Reach 1
•Cost $400, Weight 2lbs

Quick Release Pack $300, 3lbs
-Personal Basics $5, .5lbs
-Blanket $20, 4lbs
-Canteen $10, 3lbs

Arauka - (Great Cat Ally, built on 100%, appearance 15)

Attributes - [346]
ST: 25 [75]*† HP: 30 [9]*
DX: 16 [72]† Will: 14 [30]
IQ: 8 [-40] Per: 16 [40]
HT: 14 [40] FP: 12 [0]

SM: +1
DR: 5 [25]
Speed: 10.00 [50]
Move: 15/30 [25]
Dodge: 14

Bite (20): 3d impaling
Claw (20): 5d-1 cutting

Advantages - [186]
Catfall [10]
Claws (Sharp) [5]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Damage Resistance 5 (Tough Skin, -40%) [15]
Discriminatory Smell [15]
Enhanced Move 1 (Ground) [20]
Flexibility [5]
Fur [1]
Limited Camouflage (Dense Vegetation) [1]‡
Night Vision 9 [9]
Perfect Balance [15]
Striking ST 2 (Only with Move and Attack with one combat skill, -60%; Takes Extra Time 1, -10%*) [3]
Striking ST 5 (Bite only, -60%; No Fine
Manipulators -40%; Size, -10%) [5]
Silence 4 [20]
Super Jump 2 [20]
Teeth (Fangs) [2]
Unfazeable [15]
Unique Technique (Running Attack) [1]
Vibration Sense (Air) [10]

Disadvantages - [-89]
Animal Ally [-44]
Compulsive Behavior (Pouncing on small things that move suddenly) (12) [-10]
Quadruped [-35]

Skills - [40]
Brawling (E) DX+4 [12]-20
-Running Attack (H) Brawling+0 [6]-20
Climbing (A) DX+3 [4]-18§
Jumping (E) DX+2 [4]-18
Stealth (A) DX+2 [8]-18
Survival (Plains) Per-1 [1]-15
Tracking (A) Per [2]-15
Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-15
Mount (A) DX-1 [1]-15

Class: Animal
Unspent Points - [14]
Total - [484]

* Cost reduced for Size (-10%)
† Cost reduced for No Fine Manipulators (-40%)
‡ Gives +2 to Camouflage and Stealth when standing completely still in dense vegetation
§ Includes +1 from Perfect Balance