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14:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Regina Goode

Regina Goode
Nickname: Ginny



Age: 20

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Blue

Distinguishing Marks: She has a crescent shaped white birthmark on her left hip.

General Appearance: When at major court functions, public gatherings, or whenever her uncle is in sight, Ginny loves to dress in scandalously designed gowns that show far too much skin for a noblewoman, much to her parents' dismay. The cuts are, simply put, only barely acceptable, and she seems to thrive on the affronted looks of the men and women around her. Her richly crafted gowns shamelessly accentuate her long legs and smooth pale skin, and when her hair is pulled back it shows the pleasant curve of a slender neck. Such pale flesh is typically adorned with jewels that sparkle as bright as her eyes.

However Ginny wears scandalous fashion like thespians wear eyeliner, and when the stage lights dim and the curtain closes she dresses like an almost entirely different person. When she is off hawking or in more private settings, her gowns are much more modest, subdued in hues, and comfortable as though she were an actress that had finally sighed and taken off the costume.


Ginny is difficult to define, and most anyone but her closest friends have a hard time understanding her seeming disparate personality traits. She is from a major house that is known for being both pious and conservative, yet she dresses more scandalously than even the liberal houses. She is a shameless flirt, but hasn't taken a lover. She loves to ride and hawk, but often pushes away company to bury her nose in the library. If that weren't enough of a confusing tangle of embarrassment for Cardinal Goode, his namesake niece can recite nearly any of her uncle's religious teachings by heart, but her true passion lies with myths and magic.

What Ginny's close friends have learned about her is that she loves to shock people and is absolutely driven to be competent at whatever she does. If that means causing a stir through the gossip circles, so be it. Or if that requires her to travel to the edges of the kingdom to search (perhaps in vain) for signs of magical beasts, she will make it so. What the young woman lacks is patients. She's known to be blunt to a fault and treat subtle threats with direct verbal reposts.

She's about a subtle as a battleax.

Sexual Preferences: Regina is an inexperienced lover, but she fantasizes about men.

About House Goode: The Goode's are a minor house whose lands form a duchy. Regina's grandfather, Reginald, had been elevated from Duke to Archduke before passing away and leaving the lands to her father, and both her father and uncle Cardinal Goode had consolidated allies and power enough to maintain their new status.

About Your Character: Regina Goode is the third child to Archduke Francis Goode and Archduchess Willow Goode. With the older to siblings being boys, Regina was doted upon as the only girl in the family. Cardinal Goode, who had anticipated the day of influencing a godly daughter, had insisted that Francis name the child after him so that fortune would smile upon her. Francis agreed, and chose Regina after both his brother and father.

Later Cardinal Goode would say it was this duality that caused the child's problems. Francis had said it was for the lack of proper discipline in her upbringing; her mother was too soft with her. Willow had countered by saying Francis didn't read from the book as much as he had to his sons.  Her wet nurse had said it was from the lack of pastries and proper ruler spanking. All of them did agree on the outcome: young Regina was anything but the pious godly daughter they had hoped for. In truth she was the wild child who took to bluntness and shouting more than demure curtsies and soft spoken metaphors. No matter how many times they sent her to her rooms or washed her mouth with soap, Regina stayed wild. As a matter of fact past the age of nine she refused to be called Regina at all and insisted that if anyone should refer to her by her first name, they should call her Ginny.

However her behavior changed, briefly, when she discovered that she was growing breasts and that she liked men in a way that made her tingle. At this point she decided that, maybe, her mother and father had a point on demure and modest behavior. So the wild child dressed like a sensible young lady and attempted to gain the attentions of a young man of her social standing. The gentleman had at first acted interested in her, and she blushed and looked down in response. In a moment of brief privacy he said she was the most lovely creature he ever beheld and would she please marry him one day. Naturally she was incandescently happy over the news.

Well, until Ginny overhead what he said to his young noble friends when he thought she wasn't nearby. He said that Ginny Goode was pretty enough, but not pretty enough to tempt him. Besides, she was boring.

Boring Ginny threw wine in his face.

Everything went back to normal. And every ball her gown cut seemed to grow more and more daring until, on her seventeenth birthday Cardinal Goode declared that she might as well have been naked for all that she left to the imagination and was therefor damned and possessed of a demon to drag down to the eternal fires the noble names of her uncle and grandfather! To this she said, "If this is what the eternal flames feel like, they're pretty damn Goode." It was the proudest day of her life.

Though given that she had reached the pinnacle of her Uncles condemnations, she soon grew bored with only dressing and acting as though she loved to experience men between the legs, which for all her bravado she had never attempted being truly naughty, and decided to adopt another scandalous hobby. Magic. At first the hobby was just to pester her mother by slipping down to the family library in naught but a nightgown to read at midnight. Often times the old librarian would find her curled up with a book and burned out candle in the morning. What was started as a hobby to frustrate her parents into drinking and prayer became a true and genuine passion, like her hawking. She devoured everything from fairy tales to magic rituals to adventures of those fortunate enough to encounter mythic beasts. Some of them even survived.

Ginny had eventually grown restless of her books, journals, and tales and decided it was time to strike out on her own to the edges of the kingdom. The very mention of the trip had turned her father a delightful shade of purple and made her mother scoff and leave the room, but besides all that it was a chance to do something outside of her world. She was desperate to see a unicorn before she actually became impure and could never approach one. More than likely it was a fool's wish. Ginny wished it all the same.

Unfortunately her father had pleaded with Cardinal Goode to intervene before his daughter-gone-witch completely ruined herself, and begged for the Cardinal to find her a proper match so she could have done with this mystic nonsense. Her good uncle had other plans. Two days before the summons to Rosemont for every eligible man and woman of the nobility to meet and marry their enemies Regina Goode was on her way to the New World to study under the priests. Naturally she was out of contact by the time the summons reached her father.

Fortunately for Ginny the collective noblemen would be coming her way, despite her uncle's schemes to keep her out of a public courtship. It was an opportunity to try and make alliances long after the core group had already formed connections. Despite the significant setback it was still an opportunity to exact her very special brand of revenge on her uncle for keeping her from Breiton's most eligible bachelors.

And who knows? Perhaps she would find that unicorn after all.