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11:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rem Karsin

Name: Rem Karsin (Throbo)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Contruum/ Drall heritage)

Appearance: 1.8m, 108kg, ice blue eyes, black unkept hair. Generally wears a cap and tinted glasses, with a dark grey Ronto skin flight jacket. Has several tattoos on his shoulders and back, including Sacorrian tribal chains and a Rancor.

Personality: Fairly easy going and a bit of a smart mouth, Rem is known for keeping his word once it is given.

Bio: Rem  is a second generation pilot with a modest reputation built up for his courier service with his ship, Mistress of Staves.

He is known to operate mostly in the core and inner rim, but has had contracts much further. Tends to try to stay as far away from military jobs as possible for some reason, as well as government contracts. Does not talk about his family, especially his parents or well known uncle , a smuggler named Finn Karsin (former owner of the Mistress). He does not talk much about his parents, but a little digging will turn up he was once CorSec but resigned after his parents (Ambassador Fay Karsin of the Contruum consulate and Davin Throbo, former CorSec security detail officer to the Consulate) were arrested and found guilty of treason. Digging deeper will find his great uncle was Ibraheim Contreas, a fallen Jedi from Contruum before the Clone Wars.

Aboard his ship is his best friend and companion, an orange and grey astromech droid named R5-L8, but nicknamed Late due to his slow rolling speed.

Status: Smuggler

Gear: Modified YT-2400 Stock freighter (Mistress of Staves), Ronto leather flight jacket, vibro shiv, utility belt with double holster, twin Merr Sonn Flash4 heavy blaster pistols, Verpine Shatter rifle (kept hung over the cockpit door of his ship), wrist commlink/chronometer, survival tool and glow rod. Has an large toolkit and medkit aboard ship.

In a hidden locker in his room aboard ship( kept locked)he has his uncle's utility belt, complete with Q-39 BloodDrinker Heavy Blaster Pistol and Scout Blaster, a datapad journal with everything he has learned about his family and his CorSec uniform complete with his presented medals, including a set of Corellian Bloodstripes he earned but does not feel he deserves to wear after his family disgrace.

Abilities: Force sensitive, has a minor ability to use telekinesis and telepathy with those he is very close with (has only happened twice, with his brother and his former lover)