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07:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hansel Alaric Xavier

Name: Hansel Alaric Xavier

Age: He'll say he is thousands upon thousands of years old, he's really only about a thousand plus or minus a few decades. Looks to be in his mid to late twenties.

Sex: Male

Species: Dragon (Western)

Powers: All of them, yes.

Appearance: Which version of Hansel you are introduced to depends entirely upon the environment he happens to be in. If you're treated to Hansel within the comfort of his own home, or his Pawn Shop, than you are going to see a version of him that does not instill thoughts of 'dragon'. Sure, no matter where he is, or what he's wearing, the man is undeniably gorgeous. Tall, with broad shoulders, a muscled chest, chiseled abs, toned and massive arms. A face that is masculine, handsome, yet still somehow pretty, often downplayed by a length of beard to help him look a little less boyishly handsome and a little more rugged. Deep, vibrant blue eyes that look like they were crafted from sapphires, and a long length of golden blond locks that truly look like molten gold flowing down his back, and around the natural golden tan he always possesses. But, when you see him within his own domains, he's also the guy wearing some variety of geek chic tee stretched over his muscled chest, a pair of jeans that hug the equally sculpted lower body, and usually a brown hoodie that says 'Firefly' across the front, and on the back says 'Browncoat Rebel, I aim to misbehave'.

If he is not within the comfort of his domains, he is a little less obvious about his overwhelming geekdom. Well, unless you count the VW bus he drives with the custom paint job that makes it look like the Mystery Machine. Or the giant stuffed Scooby Doo that sits in the passenger seat. But beyond that, he tends to dress a little less nerdy. Though you may still catch him wearing a Deadpool Tee, or some homage to Star Wars or Star Trek.

Personality:  If one were to consider the personality of a dragon, Hansel would probably be the furthest thing from what they might think. At least in some ways. Sure, like many dragons, Han is egotistical, he is proud, perhaps even a little cocky. But he tries his utmost not to be obnoxious about it. Deep down, he does consider himself superior to most beings, the 'lesser' beings. But not in a hateful way, or a conquer them all sort of way. More in an amused and condescending sort of way, though he tries to keep that under wraps. He is one of those people that is often a little patronizing or condescending without realizing why people find him to be so.

If you can get past the ego, you'll find that Han is a pretty friendly guy, all things considered. He loves a good conversation that you can really delve into, and loves a good story even more. In this regard, he tends to prefer the company of other beings who are long lived, for they often have some of the best stories. He loves a good joke, and to have a laugh, and loves riddles and puzzles too. Perhaps it's because, in dragon terms, he is still fairly young, but he appreciates socializing, and enjoys good company. He loves to learn, and to experience new things, and sometimes those things are the subtle experiences of humans, and how they relate to the world. He'll never truly understand what it means to be mortal, and how that affects the way you live your life, but he loves to ponder it. The sheer psychology of it.

Han is fiercely territorial, protective, and possessive. Those he has claimed as his own are under his protection and he will fight as fiercely as one can imagine a dragon fighting to defend them. He is the same way with his possessions. Especially his horde, but this also includes his vast array of collectibles and science fiction and fantasy memorabilia. Outside of this, however, Han is not a particularly hostile or violent being. He's far more prone to talk and logic something out then to jump immediately to violence. But if and when the time calls for it, he'll do the very essence of violence justice.

Despite viewing most other beings as lesser, he truly does enjoy the company of others. He hasn't met many dragons who he has gotten along with, at least not for long periods of time, but he has often found friends among the other species. Even humans, though he is perhaps a bit more choosey when it comes to human friends. Not because of any disparaging attitude toward humans, but just because they're so fragile, and they're lifespans so brief. Nobody enjoys losing a friend, not even a dragon.

When it comes to romance, Han can be a bit dense. If he's the one pursuing someone, purposely flirting, then all is good. But he can be a little oblivious when it's someone coming onto him. He tends to flirt without realizing it as well. It's simply his nature. Which can lead to some confusion when the attention is returned, because oft times it goes right over his head and can lead to further issue. Regardless, Han has been burned in the past, and tends to avoid long romantic entanglements, preferring instead fleeting encounters and friends with benefits style arrangements.


Hansel will tell many stories about his background, but most of them are likely not true, or at least embellished. The believable bits are that he is not originally from this realm, but was carried over by his parents when he was just a little drake, and was raised among humans for many years. He favors himself the 'First American Dragon', as his draconic nature, which had been magickally sealed, was awakened shortly after America began to be colonized around the 1700s. Since, he has lived very well among human kind, often a pioneer in whatever the big technological boom of the age was. He has stock in many technological and mechanical markets, some of which are more or less superfluous nowadays, some which are very important, like stock in Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Though he has worn many faces over the last few centuries so as not to draw suspicion, he's always been a magnate on the front lines. It is only within the last few decades that he has chosen a more subtle life, where he can be comfortable in his current cultural obsession.

Profession:  Owner of Han's Pawn-Pawn

Hobbies: Watching movies and television, anime, reading comic books, puzzles, collecting specific cars with custom paint jobs, especially VW buses, reading, learning, gardening, board games, cosplay, renaissance faires, sewing, magick, video games, computer games, tabletop roleplaying, cooking, baking, collecting memorabilia, music, painting, jewelry crafting.

Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible