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Welcome to The Morrow Project PF 010 The Final Watch

13:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dylan Richard Sinclar

Name:  Dylan Richard Sinclair
Branch:   Science
Team / Role:   Engineer/Demolitions/Gunner
Assignment:   KS-S6, KZ-P167
Team Freeze Date:    1989 pre-november

Age:   at freezing 37
Blood Type:   A rH pos

Hair Color:   Black
Ethnicity:   Indeterminate
Eye Color:   Pale Blue
Handed: L / R   Yes
Mass:   10 medium
Weight  78 kg
Height  179 cm (165+14)

- Father: ?
- Adopted Father: Lee Bai Peng [Deceased]
- Adopted Father: James Rogers [MP/former Judge/retired Navy JAG Officer-SEAL]
- Mother: ?
- Adopted Mother: Ellie Sinclair [Deceased]
- Adopted Mother:  Zumi Ai Rogers (nee Peng) [MP/Kung Fu instructor/former Homemaker]
- Brother(s) or Sister(s): Biological: ?, Adopted: Mae Rogers [MP/former Navy Surgical Nurse]

[Physical Characteristics]
Dylan Sinclair is a unremarkable individual in the looks and stature departments.  But when you consider what he can make his body do and the skill he shows in every step he takes, he is remarkable.  Holding on to a quiet reserve like other would hold a cloak in winter, Dylan can focus with an almost laser like intensity.  Truth be told, Dylan is so quiet many wonder if he is a serial killer in the waiting or at least a high functioning sociopath.  Which he is neither, which is a good thing since Dylan is very talented at blowing things up and is hyper aware of his surroundings.  While he does not know the exact lineage of his biological parents, he has a slight swarthy blend to his face and a definite Caucasian features suggesting European and Mediterranean heritage.  Hair color can be determined by the goatee that Dylan sports, and only visible hair on his head.  He has a small frame that is deceptive with his wiry strength.  He has a slightly stocky build with a high degree of muscle tone from working on engineering builds.  He has a burn on his left forearm from coming into contact with a high pressure steam pipe while holding a beam while off a machinist mate during a damage control action.

[Personality Profile]
Focused and alert are the words that show up the most in Dylan's fitreps.  To best describe Dylan's character is reserved.  In his social life he is intense and leans toward exciting active pastimes.  He gets along with everyone, but cannot tolerate any form of racism or bias.  To Dylan, the team is everything and he will move heaven and earth for his team.  Due to factors in Dylan's childhood, he is rather detached and socially awkward. But the childhood also gave him grit and coolness under fire.  Very few people know of his childhood and of the few that do, not many totally understand how he has remained stable.

Dylan's mother brought him into the world on a dark and stormy night that he barely survived. Given that his mother had obviously not done any form of prenatal care, there were several points in his first days on earth that it was miraculous he survived.  His mother, after the delivery, said that she needed to go to the car to get her overnight bag.  Because of the ease of the delivery on the mother a naive nursing student let her leave the birthing center, and she never returned.  During his first months of life a charge nurse named Ellie Sinclair took care of the born fighter and spent several off shift hours cradling the child through one medical problem after another, in fact everyone agreed that Ellie had spent so much time with the newborn that she should name him.  She gave him the name of her father, and while it was difficult to get permission to do so, she managed to apply to be his guardian and have him come live with Ellie's sister and herself.  Dylan spent four months living with Ellie's family until a car accident kill Ellie's sister and caused Ellie to suffer brain death.

After this, Dylan did the foster home shuffle.  Unluckily, most of the homes were abusive and by the age of 10, they had created quite the little terror nicknamed the Cajun Monster.  There was a lot of physical abuse because Dylan was a willful child. In two different foster homes he was witness to constant beatings of other foster children that resulted in deaths.  He got several scars but true evil was visited upon him his last two years in foster homes.  In that time, a seemingly perfect foster couple kept Dylan locked in a utility closet except when the wife wanted to have some "fun."

During a commitment hearing for young Dylan, he had a severe outburst in court.  A visiting friend of the judge was present and immediately calmed the boy using Shaolin techniques that had great effect.  Lee Bai Pieg, the Shaolin Monk, felt for the boy and his tortured soul, so he asked his friend to let the boy stay with him for the year that he would be working on opening the Shaolin Temple outside of New Orleans. The state did not object but asked to check regularly on the child, this was not a problem and Dylan lived at the monastery and attended a special needs school.

Within six months Dylan had caught up with and gotten ahead of his age group at regular school and was transferred to a normal class.  He learned alot from the monks, including how to deal with the horrors that were locked in his past as well as methods to calm his mind and focus his spirit.  And it worked very well, though Dylan did have his moments at the monastery.  When it was time for Lee Bai Peng to move on and leave New Orleans to return to his home in Chinatown San Francisco, Dylan became frantic.  What Dylan did not know was that Peng had spent the prior six months going through court to adopt Dylan.  Dylan was spared his plans to run away to California at the going away party were Lee Peng announced that he would miss everyone and that he hoped his newly adopted son would as well.

Dylan thrived in Chinatown at the Kung-Fu Studio/ Apothecary that Lee ran out of an old tenement building that also served as a community center.  Always one to help his fellows, Lee passed that along to Dylan along with the language of his home, china, has learned.  During this time Dylan was learning Kung-Fu and by the age of 16 Dylan was teaching advanced classes and readying to pass his final tests to master the Martial Art.  On the night of his last test which he had just completed to the great pleasure of the 'old master', Dylan suddenly was struck by a horrid sensation.  He felt his adopted father die.  Dylan ran off to find Lee Bai Peng's body as the last of his spirit was being pulled from it, Lee Bai Peng was able to tell Dylan with his last breath of his love for the boy and how proud he was of Dylan.  Dylan was sure he was going into foster care again, but he was surprised.

The social worker that was working on his case received a plane ticket from Lee Bai Peng's estate that would send him to live with the person that was Dylan's new guardian.  Dylan was very nervous about returning to New Orleans, but a very sweet lady a little younger than Lee Bai Peng met his plane.  Little did he know that Lee Bai Peng had a sister or that she had married the judge that so positively affected his life.  James Roberts had just taken the bench seven years prior and was very pleased with one of the first real decision he had made on his own as a judge.  He showed Dylan compassion and while boring him with war stories of when he was a Navy SEAL or in the Navy's Judge Advocate Generals Corp, it eventually influenced Dylan's final decision on what to do after high school.

The stories lead Dylan to the Navy, and for being so unsure of what to do with his life - he excelled.  Volunteering for building barracks and latrines, Dylan showed enough aptitude to be approached to enter Naval Combat Engineers.  Master Chief Sinclair, quickly distinguished himself.  While deployed and during downtime, Dylan took on-line and distance college classes in Engineering and Physics to get his bachelors degree so that when his military service was concluded, he would have options to work in interesting places, perhaps in power plant.  He got top marks from his college classes and breezed through OTS, going so far as continuing to get a PHD.

Deployments as a SeaBee were never a bore or chore.  Dylan's team were tasked to many jobs from the routine building of civilian or military infrastructures to the exciting jobs defusing bombs, blowing up weapons/obstructions, and tinkering with nuclear bombs/reactors in several garden spots in the middle east, USA, the Americas, Africa, and other European locals.  In several of his engagements he has received covert action metals, (Unfortunately most of them are classified).  At the time of his unlimited TDY into the Morrow Project, he had just attained the rank of Lt. Col.

[Career and Education Summary]
Dylan graduated High School and entered the Navy where he has served for 19 years.

He currently holds a PHD in Nuclear Physics.  Dylan graduated with honors and passed OTS, to gain his commission and pursue his doctorial studies.
Currently on an extended covert TDY to cover his recruitment into the Morrow Project.  Dylan would very likely have gotten into the Project on his own merit, but a recruiter who was a close Army buddy of Judge Robertson approached the Judge and his family for a billet at Prime Base.  Along with his daughter, James mentioned to the man that his adopted son was currently serving in the Navy. Dylan was then checked out and approached.

[Personal Traits]
He is thoroughly grounded in Chinese traditions and can perform them by rote.  One of the many traditions Lee Bai Peng taught his adopted son was the help those in need, especially those living under an oppressor (whether the oppressor is a government or individual.).

- Highly proficient with land based and water based heavy equipment.  He is also highly skilled at waterborn engineering and salvage operation.
- Expert in Martial Arts (Shaolin Kung-Fu).
- Skilled at operation, troubleshooting, and repair of Project equipment. Dylan hold the specialist rating with Project power plants, no mater the size.- Highly proficient in all aspects of the operation, troubleshooting, and procedures involving nuclear power plant and nuclear weapons.
- Has advanced military training as a combat engineer to supplement his Morrow training.