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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

02:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Deep One

Name: N/A
Alias: The Deep One, R'yleh, Illithid (possibly Cthulhu?).
Age: 4
Years Awakened: 1
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Lean, but not very defined.
Hair: None
Eyes: Black, with a silver, W-shaped pupil(Glowing a dim violet when its Gift is activated).

GVD: Tall, masculine humanoid, lavender colored skin, lithe build, and thin limbs. Face like a Cuttlefish; a cluster of suckerless tentacles with connecting membranes hanging over the mouth like a beard, but otherwise possessing a humanoid head with solid eye-sockets and skull. Usually seen wearing a hood, robe, and mask made of salvaged, watertight materials.

Political Alignment: Unaffiliated

Superhuman Abilities: 'Nightmare' Telepathy, Common Telepathy, Telekinetics, Superhuman Intelligence, and Amphibious/Octopus Traits. Other possibilities include natural camouflage, memory manipulation, and possibly regeneration.

Common Uses: When engaging in battle, the Deep One keeps to the shadows as he mostly fights at night and sometimes near bodies of water, not needing to confront an enemy directly and preferring to avoid such a thing. It possibly uses limited natural camouflage abilities to blend with surroundings, and depending on the environment, may enter nearby bodies of water in order to facilitate stealth.

Utilizes Telekinesis by manipulating surroundings, toying with its opponents by flinging barrels, tires, trash bins, and even light object like soda cans and newspapers. Rarely uses fixed objects like mailboxes or street signs, and even rarer reports indicate recognizable weapons created from scrap, like daggers and javelins. Reports have indicated that sometimes it doesn't even directly attack its opponents with objects, making things skitter around right on the edge of its opponent's vision to occupy them as it slips away. Longest recorded range of telekinetic manipulation is 60 feet.

On few occasions, it makes use of what those few sane enough to explain after experiencing it call 'Nightmare Telepathy'. In some limited sense, the Deep One is able to influence how people perceive their surroundings via a telepathic ability it possess'. It can make you 'hear' false noises, 'see' shadows flickering and even 'feel' like a breeze came from somewhere else. This, as well as potentially using this gift to 'speak' to others if necessary, is believed to only be a use of its 'common' telepathy.

Against opponents who demonstrate a considerable threat to him, he takes this manipulation of senses to a whole new level, dubbed 'Nightmare Telepathy'. It involves drastic manipulation of the target's nervous system, causing the opponent to feel anything, from feeling like their body is being consumed by fire ants, or hallucinating that the shadows nearby are coming alive and reaching for them. There have been some occasions of maddening whispers in an unknown language gradually building in volume or pitch until the target collapses out of sheer stress, straining to block it out, and even combinations of manipulating multiple senses, like inducing coughing and making it taste, feel and look as though blood is beginning to waterfall from the target's mouth.

Only heavily armed victims like soldiers and Gifted Agents have been recorded to have had these horrifying experiences thrust onto them, as opposed to police forces and gang members who have reported conflicts like this. Whatever is doing this, it has a sick, twisted mind. The longest recorded distance of telepathic manipulation is unknown but hypothesized to have a slightly longer range than the telekinetics, around 80 feet.

Specialized Equipment: Hand-crafted wet-suit, with hood, mask, and cloak. Possibly constructed to retain water and keep it close to skin.

Specialized Training and Skills: Unknown, but possibly continuously increasing. There is no cohesive list as to what this being knows, how much it can know or what it can do. As close-quarters engagement is not recorded as of yet, there is a possible weakness in hand-to-hand combat. Otherwise, assume it knows whatever you don't want it to.

Hypothesized Goal: Learning. Over the course of the last 11 months, there have been several similar engagements following reports of suspicious activities at a variety of public locations, such as schools, universities, town halls, and even a block away from ITSDA Headquarters as recent as 5 weeks ago. In each of these locations, people inside these buildings have independently said that they just 'felt like they were being watched'. It's possible that whoever or whatever this thing is, it is trying to learn something. What that something is, we have yet to know.

Personality Profile: The only 'reliable' report on this thing's persona comes from a family of 4 from Prince Edward Island, Canada, which said that their 7-year-old daughter would go to the beach in the evening, and converse with this thing outside of her parents' knowledge. The little girl, named Lucy, claimed 'he had a lot of questions' and 'he liked it when I told him things.' She goes on to explain that, in a few days, she taught this thing the alphabet, some simple words, sentences, and even how to read all in a span of about 7 days. She also taught it simple shapes, math, and 'common manners', apparently.

Based on this one testimony, this individual can be assumed as intelligent and perhaps even civil, capable of fast learning and understanding abstract concepts like most people, and possibly social interaction as well. However, a cohesive persona is hard to form. The only definitive personality trait from Lucy's testimony is that 'he likes learning things', obviously indicating an attachment or obsession with collecting knowledge. Otherwise, we do not know what this thing is willing to do, what its morals are or how it would interact with other, less understanding humans.

Background: There is no concrete evidence, but the prevailing theory is that an Atlantic Octopus somehow awakened and, as a result, drastically mutated a humanoid body and developed psychic powers as a result of its gift, including telepathy and telekinesis. How this occurred, nobody knows, but the fact of the matter is that something to that description

Its earliest recorded contact with human beings was 9 months before the Gaultown Incident, in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The mother of a family of 4 says her 9-year-old daughter would go to the beach in the evening, saying she would 'meet a friend.' For a month, this continued until the father of the family decided to take a camera and spy on his daughter. What he saw and photographed was her daughter, conversing with what could only be described as a Lovecraftian horror; a person with an octopus for a head. Naturally, the family reported this and, within the hour, police were scouring the beach but didn't find this suspect.

Though the daughter pleaded that the creature was innocent and was only learning things from her, the family was placed under protective custody in case the creature was hostile, but it has not pursued the family since. However, in the last 10 months, there have been no less than 14 spottings across the US east coast of 'The Deep One', named by a Call of Cthulhu  player who saw it on a walk home off the coast of Boston and reported it.

Its current location is unknown, as it was tracked to a port in Southampton in Long Island, New York following a supposed sighting near ITSDA HQ a month ago and the trail has since gone cold, but all agents posted near popular port cities along the east coast of the USA are warned to be on high alert for this target.

Scientific Speculation:
It is unknown whether or not the Deep One has kept many of its natural abilities, such as camouflage, expelling ink, and regenerating limbs, and it is hypothesized that the majority of its sightings have been masked by memory wiping applications of telepathy, but the latter two are more of a rumor, while the former two are accepted theories.

Regardless, biologists expect the Deep One to still have several unique mutations, such as a working ink duct from its biological roots, and a skeletal structure with more cartilage in it than a human's, particularly the spine and rib-cage. This would allow for the greater flexibility required of an aquatic creature, but it possibly makes the Deep One more physically brittle as well.

Additionally, ITSDA scientists suspect the Deep One to still possess 'biologically distributed intelligence', meaning the rest of its body aside from its brain also contains neurons, including the tentacles that make up its 'beard'. Combining this trait with its larger physical mass, the scientific community speculates that the Deep One is hyper-intelligent, beyond that of even the smartest humans in history. This sophisticated intelligence could make it the most dangerous telepathic gifted in the known world. Agents are advised to expect as much as possible until further information is discovered.

Awareness: Yes. Having engaged ITSDA Agents and possessing telepathy, we can only assume that the Deep One knows what we are and where our HQ is.

Threat Level: 5 (Direct engagements to take the Deep One into custody have resulted in mental and physical trauma for agents, but not death. Though not inherently hostile and having no confirmed reports of deaths caused by the Deep One, assume it is dangerous and contact the ITSDA immediately if spotted.)