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Welcome to Killian University

11:22, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Theodore Sherwood

Real Name: Theodore Sherwood
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado
Ability: Element Controller (Electricity)
Major: Journalism

Appearance: Theodore is a well put together young man. His dark hair tends to be kept short and well away from his striking bright blue eyes. He has an athletic build that strikes the a well maintained balance between muscular and lean. The outfits he favors when he isn't in workout clothes are well fitting and stylish, choosing nice button ups and cardigans to go with well made jeans and slacks. His smile has been described as dashing though very few have seen it lately as Theo tends to appraise everyone he meets with the same deadpan stare.

(Attractive 1)

Personality: Theo often comes across as cold upon first impression. It's rare for him to ever initiate a conversation and if he does he's almost always obviously trying to get something out of it. His mood is always serious and he's very single minded when it comes to the HCP. Theo tends to avoid recreational activities and in his mind any time spent that isn't improving himself in some way is time that he's wasting. This philosophy is applied to others as well and he isn't afraid to let people know when he thinks they're wasting their time frivolously.

History: Theodore is a first generation Super from a small mountain town in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. His father was an independent contractor that made a living remodeling homes and his mother worked as a nurse at the nearest Urgent Care in the next town over. Growing up, Theodore never really had a role model to look up to due to his parents being unable to relate to what he was going through and the relative seclusion of the mountains. To Theodore heroes were no more real than famous actors and the characters they played on TV.

His powers began to manifest when he was seven in the form of enhanced speed and reflexes. They weren't really noticeable at first as Theodore just seemed to excel in the small sport groups his town had to offer. This gave Theodore a major boost in confidence and made him very outgoing . He also developed a very carefree attitude due to the ease with which he seemed to excel. Besides being called a talented athlete he was described as having a great sense of humor as a child.It wasn't until middle school when the full extent of his abilities manifested that Theodore realized he was a Super. After losing repeatedly to people at the years latest NBA game, Theodore lost his temper and fried the game console he and his friend had been playing on. Once he'd realized what he could do other uses for his powers seemed to pop up everyday as Theodore pushed the limits of his new found abilities.

As he grew more powerful, Theodore wanted to push his limits further and further. With all the open space the rural mountain town provided, Theodore never had to worry about innocent bystanders being caught in the crossfire of his experiments. This continued for several years until Theodore reached his first year of high school.One day Theodore's mother was able to come home from work early and went out looking for her son when she found their home empty. Theodore was out in the woods listening to his iPod and trying to see how bright of a light he could cause with an electrical discharge. He didn't hear his mother approaching from behind. She tried to get his attention just as he was preparing to release another blast of energy. Startled, Theodore released the concentrated blast directly into his mother and the energy ripped through her nervous system. After twenty four hours in the ICU the doctors told Theodore and his father that she would live but she would never walk again.

The month after the accident, Theodore feel into a deep depression, barely eating and sleeping more than he was awake. His father wasn't around to help as he was forced to work overtime to support his family alone and pay for the hospital bills. It wasn't until Theodore's mother was able to come home from the hospital that she was able to coax Theodore out of his room and back into school. retreated from any sort of social activity. She told him she wasn't upset and didn't blame him at all. She was still proud of how special he was. Theodore returned to school for her but felt even more guilty for crippling his mother.

Back in high school, Theodore retreated from all social activities that didn't look good on a college application. the remainder of his free time was devoted to studying and making sure his grades were as high as possible. He needed every advantage to get into a HCP, valedictorian of a class of only 100 wasn't exactly to most impressive achievement. After almost a year of physical therapy, Theodore's mother was able to return to work as a secretary for the same Urgent Care. Even though much of the financial burden place on his father was relieved, Theodore still refused to let his parents help him with tuition when he was accepted to Killian University's HCP. He would take out loans for whatever his financial aid didn't cover.