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Welcome to Killian University

20:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jason Grimes

Given Name: Jason Grimes
Adopted Name: Big Bad
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"/6'3"
Weight: 160 lbs./225 lbs.
Eye Color: Pale, bright blue/Brown-gold
Hair Color: Fiery red/Light reddish-brown with silver highlights
Skin Color: Ghostly pale, heavily freckled/Covered in fur
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
OOC: "Natural Born Leader" (Presence 7, Leadership, Inspire 4, Teamwork)
Jason Grimes is at once average and distinctive. Grimes is not very tall and has a wiry build. When dressed, he seems rail thin and fragile. Once he removes his shirt, however, Jason has a tight, shredded physique. His muscles may not be big, but they are sinewy and strong for his size.

His facial features are modestly good-looking but by no means model handsome. His eyes are a piercing blue the color of a clear summer sky. His hair is wispy and copper-colored, carelessly tousled atop his scalp. Jason is a pale man that seems covered in freckles.

Grimes favors shapeless clothes in neutral fabrics. Nothing he wears looks particularly new or cared after. He usually shows up to class is an oversized gray hoodie and more form-fitting black trousers. Jason never wears lace-up shoes.

Jason led an idyllic--if wholly unremarkable--life in Detroit. Shortly after turning thirteen, Grimes manifested his powers. From then on, his path in life seemed clear: Jason would serve humanity as a Hero.

He dedicated every free moment of his teens training towards his goal. Physical training, boxing lessons, a black belt in judo--each of these were a means to better serve the public. Grimes enrolled at Killian with a double major of Criminal Justice and Forensic Science.

Jason Grimes is a Super with the power to transform into a werewolf-like hybrid of man and beast. He appears to make the transition effortlessly. Jason enjoys heightened senses and physical capacity, recovers from injury at a faster rate than normal, and enjoys dangerously sharp claws.

Despite having the appearance radically altered to seem like a monster from folklore, there is no mystical component to his power. As such, he lacks the vulnerabilities that pop culture attributes to werewolves. Also: if it is possible for Grimes to transform into an actual wolf, he has not yet demonstrated the ability.

Instead, Jason transforms into a man-wolf hybrid. His entire head shifts into that of a large wolf, and his body is covered in thick fur that is a light reddish-brown with silver highlights. His hands and feet gain razor-sharp claws, but otherwise seem mostly humanoid. The entire transformation packs on roughly fifty pounds of muscle, gained through undetermined means. Grimes is capable of using his full human faculties in this state, including speech.

As an only child, Jason Grimes is close with his parents. His father works for the mayor's office in Detroit, and his mother is a behavioral scientist. Grimes skypes with his folks once a week. It is important to note that his parents are unaware that Jason is a Super, much less training to become a Hero.

Jason made fast friends with Theo Sherwood. The guys work out together nearly every day, and it's unusual to see one without the other for very long. Jason and Theo share a strong drive to succeed within the HCP, and they push each other forward through encouragement and friendly competition.

Xiu Fen Wen is Jason's sparring partner. Yes, she almost always beats him soundly, but Grimes nevertheless shows up once a week to train. To his credit, Xiu has noted that Jason had good basic skills, and has improved since they began practicing together. The pair are friendly, but aren't often seen hanging out aside from their standing sparring date.

Jason is a natural born leader--he is naturally charismatic, and carries himself in a way that people will listen to him when he's passionate.

Jason Grimes is always hungry, and is almost never seen without some kind of food in hand. His favorite snack is teriyaki beef jerky.

When in the field, Grimes uses the name Big Bad.