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13:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alexandra Carter

Name: Alexandra Carter
Aliases: Calista Carter, Melinda Adams, Jessie Cole
Age: 18
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134 lbs.
Hair: Light Blonde
Skin: Pale
Place of Birth: Redding, California, US
Major: Computer Science
Power: Duplication

OOC: Things that might be relevant. Alexandra and her copies have Presence 2
and Attractive 1, the copies are immune to mental powers and Alexandra is resistant to them.

Alexandra is a new transfer to Killian, following her acceptance into the Hero Certification Program. Formally, she studies Computer Science.

Her twin sister, Calista, is registered into the school's Mechanical Engineering preparatory path, after having dropped out of highschool and gotten certified as a mechanic, then later gotten her High School Equivalency Diploma.

What most people don't know is that the twins are actually the same person, as Alexandra's power is that of making duplicates of herself. Her supposed twin sister was her first copy, and has been kept around almost perpetually as their parents are unaware of the truth. She also summons other duplicates from time to time, either to stand in for one or both of the twins, or to play out other aspects of her personality. Only Alexandra and Calista have legal identities.

Further, she actually 'is' each of her copies, seeing through all sets of eyes, controlling each body. As she also has more brains, she can go about different tasks in different bodies, carry conversations and multitask with the best of them. Having grown up this way, she doesn't consider this strange and often muses about how normal people deal with only having one body and one brain.

She has a band comprised of only her duplicates called Parallels

Personality: Alexandra is slightly strange person. She is generally very driven, eager to do a lot of different things, try a lot of different things, and to test herself against limits.

She wants to use her power to help and to do good, but is still working out how to best go about it as her power does not, in fact, make her that much more capable than the average person, it only gives her strength in numbers.

She identifies as gay, though she is not completely opposed to experimentation.


Alexandra and all her copies are 5'7" and extremely fit. She has trained extensively her whole youth in order to be able to put her powers to use. She's trained in gymnastics, track and field, judo, karate, fencing and marksmanship. (this is made possible by her ability to be in several places at once, able to focus on several things at once)

All of her have the same slightly innocent looking blue-eyed face, the same small c-cup breasts and a very fit, very toned athletes body.

There are however differences in how each copy comports itself, which parts of Alexandra's personality she likes to play out in it.

Alexandra herself presents a tomboyish athletic girl. She seems slightly aloof and distant, but can also be fun when the mood strikes her. She mostly wears jeans and t-shirts. She wears minimal but tasteful makeup.

She may appear slightly neutral due to how much of her personality is 'channeled' into other copies.

Calista has dyed dark hair and comes off as slightly more pale, although this impression is more due to contrast than a truly different skin tone. She has several piercings and wears a signature black leather jacket. She gives off a very firm 'butch lesbian' vibe and is usually the mouthpiece for when Alexandra wants to say something rude or tell a dirty joke.

Melinda is Alexandra's attempt at being 'in with the cool kids', she keeps her hair longer, wears more obvious makeup, pads her bra and dresses much more femininely. Some have commented that this seems slightly forced, but not enough to raise any serious eyebrows. She is Alexandra's idea of how she might have been if she wanted to be a pretty cheerleader type.

Jessie is the last of the copies with an established name. She is where Alexandra might channel her goofier sense of humor and how she expresses the masculine side of her personality. She doesn't see herself as male or transgendered, but she does think that everyone has that side to them, however small, and in Jessie she tries to express that. She dresses in boy's clothing, binds her breasts down and never wears makeup. Although Jessie can't really pass for a boy, she does like to play at it.