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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

15:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rachelle Reeves

Rachelle Reeves was an instrumental part of the Sellout Prince's takeover of the City.  A living legend who managed to beat the Invictus at their own game, she utilized her mortal assets and connections like a surgeon's scalpel, systematically cutting the First Estate off from the centuries of consolidated power.   Vulnerable and exposed, Dominic Acosta's regime was thus ill prepared for Mizz Young's brutal yet virtually bloodless seizure of power.  Then she disappeared, turning over the reigns of power to the Chief Administrator and her Enforcers, and vanishing from Detroit's political scene.  Some among the Carthian Movement claimed that she never left the city, and that she was still operating behind the scenes pulling strings, but most of Detroit's Kindred suspect this is merely a bluff to keep the Conspiracy nervous and off balance.

Rachelle was possessed of extremely dark skin, the pure jet black that only comes out of central Africa.  Her hair was shorn short, in the style adopted by many of the city's Firebrands.   Despite her uniquely dark skin and piercing brown eyes, she had a tendency to blend in to whatever crowd she was a part of, a habit exasperated by her preference of being in the company of large numbers of mortal kine.  Baring a sharp smile and an easy laugh, she was adept at making friends high and low, a skill who none within Detroit would underestimate should she ever make her return.