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Welcome to From the Ashes

02:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Choc
Aliases: Shorty, Gobling (Mostly slang and derogatory remarks than actual nicknames.)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Half Goblin, Half Halfling (Presumably)
Height: 3'0.5"

The Meatsack I Call Home:
Choc has short hair black hair on one side of her head that never really grows past a stubble, and long black hair on the other. Her skin is a chocolatey colour with scars in a few places, like the X on her forehead or the puckered scar across her nose, or even the wild slash down her left cheek.
She has pointed incisors like her mother(Goblin!) and bright inquisitive eyes. She's pretty short, but that's normal for both Goblins and Halflings.

Choc has rosy lips and hairy feet (with really tough soles I might add!) and tries to never wear shoes. She can be found wearing whatever suits the circumstance, but defaults to general peasant garb like a pleb. If she NEEDS to disguise, she'll put on shoes. Usually she's covered in a thick layer of dirt and sand.

At the moment she wears her sand coloured robes, a brown leather tunic and (mostly)brown leather breeches. All of which are patched and well worn. Her feet and forearms are wrapped in bandages, if only to keep the constant weathering of the sand at bay. Of course, undergarments as well. She also sports a cord belt (To hold up her pants!) and a place to keep her knife(s) when she comes into possession of one. She has one pack of basic essentials that are non-lethal to her capturer. Bedroll, small rations, cup, etc.

This is Me:
Choc's hard. Her mind is a flurry of activity, but she's hard. She's spent her whole life surviving in a desolate wasteland with a man who saw her as no more important than a dog. One thing's for sure. Choc knows exactly what she wants. She wants to be recognized as a person, get rich and eat meat. Not necessarily in that order.

Her occupational history can be summed up with Former Bandit and Escapee. She can really think on the fly, and her attitude or personality can flip like a drunken dwarf who's beard you just stepped on.

She dislikes the world she lives in and wants to change it. Good or bad, it just has to be different. Currently, she has no friends. Though she'd likely be willing to make some if the opportunity arose.

The Good Stuff:
- Poke 'n Stab; Knife Edition
Choc is skilled with any knife she lays her grubby little hands on. She's like a wizard of the blade, able to get it into places it probably shouldn't go. Though this is mainly concentrated on offense, not defense.

- When it hurts, it doesn't as much
She's got a high enough pain tolerance and sound enough stomach to sew her own wounds shut without screaming or getting squeamish. Living out in the desert has given her a weathered hide and a mindset that sees small wounds as commonplace.

- Survival; Solo Edition
With a harsh upbringing in a harsher environment, one does not last this long without some survival skills, whether it be scrounging for food or singing a good tune(Lying*) to keep you alive. She can skin an animal, remove the guts and cook it. The odd trap here and there, even recognizing where she's going. Nails went for a 'tough love' kind of upbringing. Where Choc would live or die based on her own will and skills over anything he might do to help.

- Throwin' Rocks
When all there is to do for fun is throw rocks at desert lizards, you get pretty good at it. She can throw a rock with pinpoint accuracy at a distance of forty feet. Further, and it's more of a lob than a bean. Even then, it's accurate enough to hit an average sized person.

Neutral Aspects:
- This Meatsack is Short
She's hard to hit, but she can't reach the top shelf. Her reach is also, very short. She is small, some things are much too heavy for her to lift. Things of that nature.

- Crudeness of the Mouth
Gets her point across easily, but offends people just as easy. She never learned how to be polite, Only how to survive and it comes across as a somewhat crude and painfully honest responses. Some would call it naivete. Though it isn't quite.

- Super Kawaii (Cute)
Self explanatory. Comes with being small. She's cute despite the scars and can be mistaken for a human child at a distance. However her pointed teeth and darker colouring are telltale signs she isn't quite like the rest.

- Illiterate
Can't read or write. CAN count though. (Only vocally.Not very high either. A couple dozens.) This limits her ability to avoid being swindled by merchants and shopkeepers among other things of similar nature.

- Not Very Clean
There's not enough water in the desert to bathe in it. You can probably smell her a mile away if she's in a sophisticated setting. She's fine on the streets, but anything beyond where a general commoner would go, she'd stick out.

- Fear of humans
It makes sense. That's what Nails was. And the man she'd just escaped from. It makes places like the city very uncomfortable. Her trust is very limited to non-existent and can likely only be gained by food or something else more simple/animalistic.

- Poor Impulse Control
If she gets the idea to hit a flat hand with a hammer, there's no little voice saying "No.". Choc takes what she wants, when she wants and it can lead her into trouble. She hasn't learned that some things belonged to others. Well, others other than Nails. And he's dead.

Notable Equipment:
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Mug
- Food for two days

Likes: Food, water, stuff and things.
Dislikes: Humans, Sand
- Eats way too fast
- Sleeps with a weapon in hand. (Anything handy she can use as a projectile)

Choc was born on the side of the road to a dying goblin. It was a miracle she even survived, but the event left her with her very first scar. Choc was born via a surprise cesarean section with a cutlass. Casualties of war and all that. Right?

It was roughly in the later half of the Peas'mak war, the babe piqued the interest of the killer. A roguish fellow by the name of Nails. (Somewhat infamous. He stole from the rich and gave to himself!) Not the most admirable of people, but a man knowing that a baby would die in the Sea of Sand if not taken to. Plus, he'd always wanted an underling.

And so began the adventures of the Vagabond Nails and his underling, Choc. Because she was brown. And Nails is bad at naming conventions. He was a vagabond. A highwayman. Murderer? She was disposable. Not a real person.

In her early years, Choc did learned a great many things. Like how to take her lumps 'like a man' and how to wield a dagger efficiently. She also learned survival techniques and that in the desert, the one with the water made the rules. Typically, she was bait, and they preyed on passing caravans or travelers.

One day, they hit bad news bears, and the traveler they were following wasn't one who liked to be followed. In fact, he did something about it. What he did, left Nails dead and Choc with..Well, Problems. And a ringing head when she woke up from the sound thrashing. Suffice to say, she was now in the hands of another handler.

Which brings us to the here and now. Streamore. Where the recent escapee is now at large and totally lost in a sea of people.