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18:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wynn Montanaro

Name: Lady Eohlwynn Isabella Amelia Hurst Montanaro
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5' 8"

Appearance: Lithe but not so tender as to ascribe to the word "Delicate" as most nobles are, Wynn carries herself with an air of confidence and nobility. True nobility, mind, not the pompous, narcissistic delusions of those accustomed to getting what they want, when they want it. While in her early years she had a fair amount of belly pooch, hard times and less (Than she was used to) extravagant meals have since brought what little there was in line with the slender figure Eohlwynn now possesses. Long, blond locks frame a fair-complexioned face, preferably braided (Though when time presents an issue, she settles for a simpler, yet no less elegant ponytail) down to the small of her back. Her eyes are a piercing green, as bright and inquisitive as they are proud and clever.

Boasting both a utilitarian and elegant wardrobe, Eohlwynn often finds herself clothed in protective finery, of the sort the upper class might use when riding out of the city proper, or moving from place to place. Her standard garb consists of silk gloves, tailored to her hands while bracers of stiff leather ride all the way up to her elbows.  A long, leather jerkin fastens over a solid colored blouse, while both shoulders are covered - One by an immaculately polished pauldron fashioned in the shape of a knight's helmet, and the other by a shoulder cloak that falls down to her knees, obscuring the scabbards of three blades, two of which being ornate rapiers while the third is a simple dagger. Aside from her pauldron, possibly the only other metallic protection she uses are two lacquered black shin-guards that, like all three blades, shimmers under the keen eyes of sorcerers and wizards.

Eohlwynn's movements carry natural grace and agility, a result of careful cultivation and tutoring, though Wynn might have you believe it proof of "Noble Stock." Self assured pride emanates from her, the kind of pride one gets when being born into a well to-do family. Though many perceive it arrogance, even more fear pointing it out, for her charisma isn't some false facade. Though she has no need to prove it, she simply believes she is better than the common rabble, and those that have the gall to challenge that belief either find themselves flat on the ground or calmly rebutted, depending on their chosen approach.

Personality: Amiable, friendly, and more than a little melodramatic, Wynn often strikes people as exactly what a good noble is like. While many might argue her a simple noble girl out to play adventurer, only the foolhardy and the uneducated take her at face value. Raised in the courts and intrigue of Eastport's seat of power, Vensallathine, the eldest Montanaro is well accustomed to a life of flattery and facades. Many of her dealings have often ended in the slightest of crushes on the endearingly sweet woman,  even as they signed away more than half their profits to her.

Underneath that veneer is a shrewd businesswoman and a sharp mind. Maybe a touch naive for her mildly sheltered upbringing, but even then she compensates with a healthy dose of caution moving forward.  A lover of the arts, Wynn appreciates the finer sides life has to offer, often balking at the idea of experiencing less. It's less an entitlement, and more that her palate is more difficult to sate than most.

As expected of such an almost ostentatiously happy woman, she is prideful yet slow to anger. Slights are expected and dealt with swiftly as a matter of honor and pride, yes, but there is no anger in putting a lesser in their place just as much as there is no anger in disciplining a misbehaving pet.


Patron: Comedy, plays, speech, poetry, singing, writing, reading, dancing, fencing, artistry and more - Eohlwynn appreciates the finer things in life, and as such has a working knowledge of nearly all of it. While she dabbles in anything and everything, she is a painter at heart, and some of her originals have sold for quite a lot. Not only that, but many of her long term investments come in the from of being patron to many an artisan, from sculptors to painters to authors and everywhere in between.

Merchant Mercenary: Hailing from one of the merchant families in Vensallathine, Wynn is no stranger to haggling, whether it be over the price of a bushel of apples or the cost of her services for work to get done. While she has aspirations of an empire, right now she deals in whatever she can. Various goods, mercenary work, it matters little - If someone can pay her, she'll provide. This also comes with the added bonus of being fluent in several languages, from common to tradespeak to the language of the eastlands and more.

Highborn Allies, Lowborn Friends:
A combination of charisma, drive, wit, and personality have endeared Wynn to many a person, regardless of heritage. She's no queen in the making, but she often finds herself in the company of many a person who want her to succeed.

"My name is Inigo Montoya.":
While initially an academic pursuit, Wynn has found herself quite the lover of swordplay. The two blades she carries on her person aren't just for show, she is quite proficient with them, and the Whirling Dervish won't hesitate to unsheath them in order to accomplish her goals.

Neutral Aspects:

Wynn is the Eldest Montanaro, and the name carries weight across the land. While enough to get her in the door in many a place, it's also a danger. She left of her own volition to escape a fate the head of the household wished upon her. While there is a bounty for her safe return, the scandal she's caused puts her at a disadvantage to those aware of who she is.

It takes a special sort of person to be both naive and find wisdom in being so, yet Wynn has found a way. Though tutored in the ways of the world, there are many things about living life as a commoner rather than a Noble she knows nothing about. Eager to learn and cautious, she uses her inability to lure people off guard. Why, yes, she may know little and less about gambling, though take care lest you be cleaned out of house and home.

Bardic Magic:
Wynn has always loved singing, things just. . .happen sometimes, when she does. Surprised confessions of love, objects levitating up into the air, ghostly apparitions appearing to dance jigs. . .It's enough that in a spot of desperation or boredom she'll take up a song when she's certain no one's around, but she has no clue where this magic stems from nor how to control it well enough to make proper use of it.


Pride: Drive and self-assured certainty she may have in spades, but with that comes a great level of pride. She takes pride in nearly everything she does, and slights, imagined or not, must be answered in some form.

Fleet of foot, short of strength:
While Wynn prides herself on being a slippery demon of a fighter, the quickest way to end a confrontation with her is to force her into a battle of strength.

Wynn has a flair for the dramatic. A self-important claim to fame. She's the leading lady, and everyone ought to know it!

It's no secret to her family that she prefers the company of women, and in the courts it was impossibly easy to noncommittally refuse the advances of suitors, even moreso outside of them. However, when she comes across someone she takes a liking to, it's almost comical how quickly her eloquence is reduced to red-faced bluthering.

Notable Equipment:

Stormcaller and Swallowtail:
Her two rapiers. Stormcaller is imbued with the element of lightning, making her strikes all the deadlier (And in a pinch an easy, nonlethal incapacitator). Swallowtail is the swifter of the two, imbued with the element of wind.

Lady Allura and Francois:
Her lady-in-waiting and manservant (Now Butler). Both impossibly loyal, Allura acts as a secretary and manages Eohlwynn's wardrobe, while Francois manages her storefront and office when she's not around as well as taking care of her staff.

Warrior's Pauldron of Protection:
Attuned to Eohlwynn, so long as this pauldron remains on her person or near her, she becomes immune to scrying.

Horse and Carriage:
With its own dedicated driver, this carriage is of quality Vensallathine make, retro-fitted to better suit Wynn's needs. When transportation beyond the city of Streamore is needed, this is what she uses.

A good duel, painting, observing the arts, fine cuisine, playful banter, quiet evenings by the fire, dancing.

Crudeness, underestimation, ignorance, brutality, unjustness, oppression

Tends to enter into conversations for the sake of banter. Will oftentimes place a hand on her hip to exaggerate the profile of the cloak her arm is under. She will stay in the finest rooms and with the finest food, given the chance and funds. When not discussing business, she has a habit of talking with her hands.

The eldest of Eastport's more influential families and would-be heiress of the family had not her father decided to sire 4 more children, not all of whom with his wife. One younger brother and 3 younger sisters to look up to Wynn proved no issue for the fair lady. In fact, those days were quite the delight. Decidedly the elder of them all, she delighted in sharing her love for the arts of all kinds, from theatre to poetry, to song and dance, to even the intricate, deadly art of fencing.

Her issues arose, however, when her decided heir-apparency was given to her brother, Octavio, on his 16th naming day. The very same night when one of her sisters made their debut, it was announced that her parents had found her a suitable suitor. Though outwardly noncommittal to most, if not all, advances of her suitors ever since her eighteenth naming day, the truth of the matter was Wynn considered herself of the Sapphic persuasion, and seemed contented to head the family herself, without the benefit of a husband. That day, however, she became acutely aware of how precarious her position was. And, instead of quietly acquiescing to her parents wishes, she proposed a friendly duel to the man who would be her husband. Wasting no time taking his honor for her own, she spirited herself to her room, wherein her lady-in-waiting and her manservant hurriedly packed whatever they could carry, pilfered what coin they could from the family's treasury, and left, bound inland. If she couldn't make her family's company greater, she'd damn well build an empire to overshadow it.

Her flight was quick and unexpected. Her family knew she was headstrong and wouldn't approve, yes, but they hadn't expected her to run away from home! A day passed. A week. A month, and still she urged her people onward. While she was certain her parents would think she'd come back the moment things became tough for her, Eohlwynn made her intentions known. And that day, between herself, Lady Allura, and Butler Francois, the Montanaro Merchant's Guild was created. Those first few days, figuring out a course of action was difficult. Securing several jobs recovering artifacts of Peas'mak, she made enough coin to convince certain providers to go through her with regards to selling their product. Selling a few of the heirlooms she'd managed brought her enough money for the building she'd eventually need to build to head this empire. A meager start, but she had to begin somewhere.

Eventually, her travels, between her struggles getting on her feet and the various mercenary work she did to supplement the income needed, she found herself in Streamore. While she wasn't in the trade hub of Vensallathine anymore, Streamore was a decent enough place to get started. Reliable enough for her purposes, she purchased a plot of land and introduced herself to the Lords there. A few years have passed since then, and she's to the point where mercenary work isn't strictly needed to keep her business going.

Problem is, a part of her enjoys it.