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01:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kuruno Driftwit

Name: Kuruno Driftwit

Clockwork Engineer Alien - this includes natural genius
Mech Pilot - this includes the PUM
Fast Healer
Natural Flight

Physical Appearence: Like most Nurelians, he appears slightly Eel-like in body shape. At the midsection, the body is bloated due to gas sacs filled with gasses to allow natural floatations. Along the lower sides are six thin tentacles, all which can split into three "fingers" at the end. His body is a blueish and grey color with some purple mixed in. His gas sacs as well as the dots and lines along his body are bioluminescent and glow a white or pale blue color. His throat, when speaking, glows the same color. He has four almost beady red eyes, and a small mouth lined with sharp but mostly harmless teeth. He has a tail with two pencil-thin additional tails, one per side of the main one. He also wears clothing, like most other civilized folk. It's usually a brown, bronze, and brass colored outfit that he wears, obscuring his body save for the neck, head, tail, and tentacles. He often has specially made goggles around his neck or on his head.

Like most Nurelians, Kuruno has absolutely nothing impressive in physical strength. However, a Nurelian's crowning trait is their mind. Most Nurelians delve into scientific fields, or engineering fields; whether it be working on natural science, magic, or engineering. He chose the latter; studying vigorously in clockwork fields in order to learn how to construct that kind of technology. Amongst his small community of fellow Nurelians, he eventually broke expectations and rose to recognition after time and time again not only showing that he was dedicated, but that his work paid off. However, he didn't exactly want to live simply, floating idly while tinkering wih sprockets until his sacs would eventually deflate he'd die of old age; rather, he was a more adventurous one. Keeping good-byes to a minimum, he left his fellows in search for a number of things; knowlege, projects to work on, and perhaps a little bit of fake or fun. Maybe even conflict, despite his kind being a bit fragile.


Nurelian. These guys are their own category. Nurelians are soft, squishy, and fragile; literally. They don't have many bone structures, and their gas sacs don't help their fragility. While getting punched or hit won't do them in, Nurelians aren't that durable and will often try to avoid getting harmed; else they risk popping a sac and have to wait a day to weeks on end for it to heal and refill. Additionally, theyre bioluminescent; easy to see in the dark. Sneaking will be difficult. Thirdly, they are extremely expressive emotion-wise. What I mean is Nurelians project emotion clearly through facial expression. If one is angry, they'll look angry. If one is happy, they'll look happy. If one is lying, that's also obvious. Lastly, they're not that strong.

Clockwork obsession: Kuruno loves clockwork technology, almost to obsessive levels. If he has a chance to learn something new, he'd like to take it. If there's a chance to work on something, he'll take it. He loves clockwork technology very much. Nerds, right?

Spineless: He's a coward. Sure, he might act all tough and what not when he's simply relying on his brain power, but smash a bottle and hold it to him and he will back off faster than you can say "say that again". When with others or able to hide behind a machine, he's more confident, but he's fully aware of his race's physical inferiority to almost everyone else, and thus will often back off and submit should personal physical conflict be a risk.


Natural geniuses.
Nurelians have a pretty high natural IQ thats a racial thing; thus they compensate for their physical faults with mental and intellectual dominance. Kurono here applies his genius to clockwork technology, but even then he's able to pull off other feats of intelligence and wit.

Natural Flight: Nurelians have no legs; rather they sport gas sacs filled with floatational gasses that allow them to drift around and slowly fly. They can't exceed certain heights and they're definitely not faster than everyone else, though.

Fast healer: while Nurelians are fragile, they're also fast healers. A damaged Gas sac could be healed up and refilled or refilling in a day or two! Of course, this has no combat application, but it sure helps them get back up when they get knocked down.


"P.U.M.": the Personal Utility Mecha is an invention of his. It's a clockwork machine with four legs and two arms, no taller than a human, that compensates for Kurono's physical incapability. Not only is it good for handling heavier duty things that he alone cannot handle, but it's decent for defence too.
Stats to be determined.

Reference Image:

P.U.M. Reference Image (Behold my artistic incapability as i fail to even clean up the edges of this screenshot)(Another note; The P.U.M. is inspired from something MUCH bigger. You're going to have to use your imagination to fix the inconsistencies and errors, such as the size of the main body.)

And before I forget, a brief thing to point out a few things the species has that will concern RP, on a purely RPS level. This stuff will have little to no effect on the actual game.

Talking: When a Nurelian speaks, they don't need to move their mouth, as their vocals dont function the same way it does for other people. When a Nurelian is talking, their lower throat will flash a dim biolumnsience similar to that which is on the rest of their body. Some Nurelians move their mouths when they speak to try and seem familiar to other species, but this is entirely optional. Just to throw this in there, Nurelians are very expressive with their facial expressions. It's pretty easy to tell how one's feeling (happy, sad, angry, etc) by looking at their face.

Things concerning their floatations: Nurelians naturally float via gasses in gas sacs on their body, which make up that bloated part of their body. They can adjust their flight rather quickly at-will, but this doesn't exactly make them super fast. Also, Nurelians who spend plenty of time in windy enviroments know how to avoid getting blown away. If the wind is too strong, or the Nurelian just wants to stop floating or sit or something, they'll do one of two things; anchor themselves down, or deflate their gas sacs. To do the former they just wrap their tail around something. It's one of if not their strongest appendage, and like their tentacles, fully prehensile.

Mind stuff: Nurelians are natural born geniuses. Don't expect a dumb one; at least to the standards of other races. If only they had the brawn to back up the brain.