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Welcome to English Regency Free-Form Game

15:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Andromeda Wilkes

Name: Andromeda Wilkes

Gender: Female
Age: 26

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: A knee-length mass of golden-brown, usually done in a myriad of braids or twists and piled on top of her head.
Eyes: Brown.
Appearance: As tall as most men, Andromeda is lean and muscular if somewhat buxom. Her skin is tawny with bronze undertones, though the lavender-and-black she currently wears makes her look sallow and sickly. One can expect that when her mourning period is over and Andromeda returns to wearing brighter colors, she will return to her usual vibrancy.

Due to the distance between Britain and the West Indies, whatever was fashionable in London could often take some while to arrive in the islands. Andromeda realized that shortly after arriving in London, but being a frugal sort she decided it was better to update her wardrobe gradually rather than replacing it all at once. And so, her current dresses are slightly out-of-date compared to those of women raised in England. She hopes that if anyone notices, they will assume she has simply dyed her older gowns for mourning, as opposed to being a provincial.

Personality: Outgoing, friendly, and outspoken. Andromeda has never hesitated to say what she thinks, a trait instilled in her by an indulgent father who raised his only child to be the son his beloved wife could never give him. She finds it absurd that a woman should be expected to behave in a manner that may be contrary to her nature, where a man is permitted to be as quiet and retiring or brash and adventurous as his own makes him.

Her habits served her well in the more relaxed society found in the West Indies, but after arriving in England she made a number of missteps and errors before her solicitor and advisor stepped in. Now, although she attempts to engage people in conversations about things other than the weather or the preciousness of someone's babies, but if her partner insists in limiting themselves to such inanities she simply smiles and nods along until they happen on another topic.

No matter if the smiles are forced and somewhat awkward. She was raised to be polite and civil, after all-- and she's kind, gracious, and tries to avoid being rude or giving offense, at least in public. Andromeda needs the goodwill of English society, particularly the peers. Behind closed doors, in the privacy of her own home, she can be quite blistering in her opinions.

Andromeda grew up in the West Indies, the only child of an English plantation owner and his beloved free mulatto wife. Her mother died when she was very young during one of the many waves of fever which periodically swept the region, leaving the girl to be raised by her father's household staff.

Although she was raised to be a proper young lady, as her father's only child and heir she was also educated in matters of business and finance. She showed such a talent and liking for it that she gradually became more of a partner in his enterprises, and assumed that when he died she would simply step into his place and continue as he had. So neither Andromeda nor her father ever worried about what would become of her when he was gone, and didn't consider marriage a necessity as many other young women of her age did. She was more than competent enough to take care of herself and the businesses without him, and marry if and when she pleased. So passed her first six-and-twenty years, happy and content in the islands.

Until, one day, a young solicitor, James Redcliff, arrived from England in search of her father. Solomon Wilkes, he said, had been determined to be the only surviving heir to the estate of Lindenbury Hall, seat of the Barons Merrifield for generations, and would he care to return to England and take up his title and lands?

No doubt he would, if he hadn't died just a few weeks prior.

How unfortunate for his family. His son, then?

No son. There's only the daughter, Miss Andromeda. Would the solicitor care to meet her?

Yes, indeed.

Redcliff, who recalled having come across something unusual during his firm's research into the family of the deceased Baron Ezekiel Wilkes, reviewed his notes before meeting the bereaved young lady and confirmed that the original writ was designated in fee tail general, rather than fee tail male. In fact, the old Baron's grandmother had held the title, as had several of her foremothers. He presented his findings to the young lady, and his gentle earnestness-- combined with the sadness she felt when everything she saw seemed to remind her of her father--  convinced her to leave the islands for her new estate in England.

Unfortunately, upon arriving in London the pair discovered that Redcliff's superiors did not share his opinions of her heritage and suitability, and refused to support her claim to the title. But she still has the income from her holdings in the West Indies, and with her solicitor and friend to guide and advise her, she's determined to gain her inheritance. As Redcliff was let go from his firm for refusing to drop her case, she has also obtained the services of Edward Davies, whose superiors, while they don't seem enthusiastic about supporting her claim, at least don't seem to object.

She has since taken possession of Lindenbury Hall and begun managing the estate, both out of a sense of responsibility and a desire to demonstrate that she is worthy and capable of possessing the title. Although she refers to herself as the "heir" to Merrifield, rather than Baroness or Lady, she also does not correct those who do. Perhaps, she feels, if society gets used to hearing her called as such, they will not object as strongly if at all. In the meantime, Miss Wilkes will do, and she has no objections to her close friends addressing her as Andromeda in private. In fact, she insists upon it.

Hobbies: Reading poetry, essays, and non-fiction, shooting, gardening, debating.
Likes: Brilliant colors, flowers, animals, socializing, coffee, managing her estates and making money.
Dislikes: Tea (the drink itself, not the meal), quiet, overly orderly or fussy decorations, mindless chatter.

Love Interest: Andromeda has no interest in marriage, especially not to someone who might wish her to step back into a more traditional woman's role. She rather enjoys having the ability to manage her own estate and finances instead of depending on male relatives. That said, while she is able to deed her holdings in the Colonies to anyone she wishes to, the peerage in England (should she succeed in claiming it) has much stricter rules of inheritance, and she expects that at some point she'll be forced into matrimony if only for dynastic purposes.

Residence: In Allton: Lindenbury Hall. In London: 13 Ashgrove Court.