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Welcome to Welcome to Stillwater

07:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mrs. Euphegenia Barkey

The Basics:

Name:  Euphegenia Barkey

Nickname: Mrs.’B’

Physical Description:

Gender:  Female

Age: in her 60’s, some jokingly  say she had sixteen 38th birthdays

Hair:   Grey

Eyes:  blue/grey

Distinguishing Marks:  Frail looking, and well wrinkled by lots of laugh lines

General Appearance:  Frail looking, maybe.  But tough as old boots, kneading dough and up early baking, then serving all those delicious goodies she creates.  So, her five-foot five-inch height, and low weight does give the wrong first impression.  Sprightly when working and decidedly old world genteel in her carriage.  She has gone gracefully gray and has avoided the “blue-rinse” and skunk line dying favored by the vain. She has strong hands from working the bakery for so long.

History: Euphegengia came to Stillwater many years ago when her nephew sadly passed away.  She settled in quickly and became quite the byword for her delicious treats.  There is a strong professional rivalry between her bakery and Michael Lombard’s.  Fortunately, there are enough patrons to keep both of them busy. Competitively the two are usually trying to “one-up” the other in delicacies.

Personality:  As with all chefs and bakers, the artistic temperament sometimes gets the better of Mrs. ‘B’.  And she blows up for a while.  But she is soon back to her usual affable and gregarious “everyone’s Mrs. ‘B’.”  And once she closes shop for the day, she retires into her home, for a nice quiet rest, reflection and recipe planning.  She always seems to be in on some joke of life; which she shares, when asked, with sagacious homilies that leave one guessing for themselves on what the joke should be.

Sexual Preferences:   What’s that… Bicycle?   Oh, all sorts of ingredients Dearie, and never just vanilla flavoring.  Oh, yes… sometimes the more the merrier.

Employment:  Baker and being Mrs. ‘B’.