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Welcome to From the Ashes

00:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chieftess Krimsa

Kori Krimsa was born into an orcish tribe in the Sea of Sand, but the Peas’mak war drew her people out into the rest of the world. While rough, she distinguished herself as a leader, rising up the ranks, and after the war had attained a fortune and a following. She spent some time with the Spear Maidens, having fought alongside them in the war, and fought as a volunteer in the Crow Arena.

With age, she eventually settled down in Inrivers, investing her fortune into various businesses, even touching upon politics. Her renown grew with her charity, as she was known to hand out great sums of money and goods in the streets, and even have homes built and provide jobs for many. To boot, on numerous occasions she brought pirates and criminals to justice with her own hands.

It was noted that some of the stolen goods did not make it back to their rightful owners, but were handed out by Kori to the needy (or kept). The recipients obviously didn’t care, most were willing to see it as a 'finder’s fee,' and the few that made a stink quickly shut their mouths. Then rumors started to spread that some of Kori’s dealings were not entirely legal, including but not limited to theft, bribery, and intimidation. Then came the suspicion that her heroic exploits were facilitated by her illicit connections. Still, people were willing to believe she was manipulating the underworld for the greater good, or that she was playing the rich to help the poor.

Heavier rumors surfaced though, such as completely setting up her heroic feats against crime, and the murder of folks that weren’t really criminal. It started to be told that, during the war, she didn’t climb the ranks because of her own ability, but because of sudden vacancies in command, and that she was ruthless against those that opposed her. The law met with considerable resistance when trying to confront her, from her closer followers and those that she'd helped through charity.

Stories and evidence continued to stack against Kori, seeming to cause her to push back harder. Many of those that spoke against her suddenly dropped their arguments, or conveniently died. Finally an official warrant was put out, but when a squad was sent to arrest her, a riot broke out which escalated into a full on battle. Kori was not apprehended, and only a small part of her wealth was seized.

Many believe Kori Krimsa is still hiding out somewhere in Inrivers, either among the poor she’d helped or with a nobleman she had some kind of connection with. Some think it was all half truths or lies, spoken by evil men covering their own tracks, while others think Kori was a master at portraying herself as a hero. Either way, she did earn the loyalty of many, and still holds power in one form or another.