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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

11:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Giovanni Coleman (Synch)

Alias: Synch
Name: Giovanni ‘Manêstonehe’ Coleman.
Family:  Angelo ‘Vo'eveho’ Coleman. (Father, owns Coleman’s workshop, human.) Maria Coleman (Mother, nurse, human.) Mike Coleman, (Brother, technician, human.) Jimmy Coleman. (Brother, Student/musician, human.)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Nationality: American.

Physical Description:

Synch doesn’t stand out much aside from his piercings and alternative clothing. He doesn’t have any visual mutant features. His long black hair accentuates his long face, and he has regularly had compliments about his hair being so soft and shiny. With his baggy clothing it’s hard to see yet he has a rather sturdy build and rugged hands from the heavy work he’s done over the years. Another slightly unusual feature is his rather large mouth and appetite.

Lazy Description:
Hair color: Black
Skin color: slightly tinted
Eye color: Brown
Height:  5”7’

Clothing preference: off work he prefers baggy clothing and sneakers. He has been known to wear stuff in his hair which varies from beads to feathers. At work (and sometimes off work) he wears dungarees and a shirt combined with workers boots.

Other: when he’s off from work he usually wears several gold and silver rings, some bracelets on his left arm and several piercings. Starting with a gold ring in the right earlobe, three more higher up and a pin trough his tongue. He has one visible scar on his right hand which is somewhat circle shaped between his thumb and forefinger.

Personality: Synch is a rather laid back and easy going person.  He likes to help and it goes so far that he has trouble saying no. He’ll often take on jobs that he doesn’t have the time for and ends up working nights to finish up small repairs. It doesn’t seem to bother him much since he enjoys the work. However, Synch’s first priorities lie with his family and friends. If any of them need him he’ll drop anything and will try to do anything he can to help. He’s proud of who and what he is and isn’t afraid to let it be known. Although he’s not very outgoing he compensates for being helpful. Synch is rather hard to tick off and prefers to resolve things with a friendly conversation.

Giovanni was blessed with the unusual ability to find the purpose of things. It did not take him long to understand and use this ability because his mutant ability was already active at birth and he didn’t know any better than to feel things around him. Because of this he has always been interested in building things and taking things apart, to great delight of his father. Thanks to his ability he had a rather easy time at school and could have eventually gotten a job nearly anywhere. He decided to work at his father’s work- and repair shop since he could really use the help. Once his parents found out he was a mutant his father tried to help him with his powers. The man was a rather potent shaman and tried to teach the boy all he could. It didn’t bare much fruit but synch did get to know a lot about shamanism and its rituals. There was this one occasion where the training paid of. After a day of preparation and several hours of meditation he succeeded in activating his ability in a slightly different manner. It was a rather amazing feeling to synchronise with something and feel its past knowledge rush trough his head. Once Synch got out of his trance two days had passed. He had trouble getting up and the headache was unbearable. Trying to reach the bathroom he collapsed in the hall and was soon found by his mother. It took him a few days for him to fully recover, but he was rather glad he did it and wondered how vast his ability could be used. He hasn’t had much luck at experimenting with his powers and aside from being a mutant his life has been rather normal until he met Levi.

It was early in the morning when Synch went to deliver some iron plates his father needed for a job. He did not get too far though. When he drove out of the garage Synch seemed to hit something. It was a soft thumb but he had to check it out since it was his father’s truck. To his surprise he found a blue girl with bright pink hair in the back of the truck. She didn’t seem injured but she was unconscious and he just couldn’t afford to get another ‘accident’ related to his driving.  Hoping for the best he decided to bring her inside and put her on the couch. It didn’t take long before Levi woke up and took a peek in the workshop. When Synch noticed her he stopped what he was doing to check if she was ok. He explained his situation and begged her not to sue him. Levi franticly shook her head and with a soft voice said she didn’t want to prosecute him, which was soon followed by a loud growling coming from the small girl’s tummy. Synch recognised the sound easily since he had made it himself many times. He gave the girl a warm smile as he said: “Well, at least let me offer you something to eat. Sounds as if you haven’t eaten in days.” She opened up a little after some sandwiches and a glass of milk though it was mostly still Synch talking.

It wasn’t until he mentioned he was a mutant that he got her talking. She wanted to know everything about what he could do and how it felt to synchronise with stuff. After the talk about powers Synch asked her where she was from, thinking the girl was over the initial shock. All of a sudden the girls eyes got teary and she started to tell everything that happened to her over the last few days.* ‘Wrong question’ Synch thought as he listened to Levi’s story. He didn’t understand it completely with all the sniffing and sobbing, but he understood the girl was in trouble. He had a rather low resistance against sob stories and couldn’t just shove the girl out of the door without a place to go. He decided to offer her a place to stay and work. The shop could always use a hand and since one of his brothers moved out they had the room. Levi gladly accepted and she has been working there ever since. Their friendship has been beneficial to both of them. As Synch helped Levi get used to normal day to day life, she has made sure Synch got out of the dusty workshop to enjoy life and its unexpected turns. At first Levi seemed somewhat scared of people, but it didn’t take her long to get used to unfamiliar faces. After a wile she even enjoyed having short conversations with customers and handled deliveries faster than his dad did.

Recently a group of mutants has joined together to form some sort of super team. It wasn’t really Synch his idea of a good time but Levi just didn’t shut up about it. First it was this water monster they supposedly disposed of. Levi almost flew trough the roof when she saw the news. But once they had fought the dragon she put her mind on joining the team. Synch was reluctant at first. He had enough things to do without saving the town on a regular basis. Yet Levi was rather headstrong about it and would eventually go with or without him. Since she had been like a sister to him for the two years they have known each other he wasn’t about to let her go alone.

See Levi’s background for more details.*

Powers: Psychic aura.
Everything is made with a purpose. Synch is able to synchronise with an inanimate object to discover its purpose and the purpose of the sum of its parts. The main problem with it is that it isn’t foolproof. Objects are very different from living things and it’s somewhat of a riddle to understand the info they give (if given any.) Luckily Synch has lived with the ability all his life and is regularly able to get some info from objects. Yet if it will be useful information is a very different matter and depends on what the object wants to let go. There are occurrences where the object will give too much information. This is not only time consuming but also very hard on the psyche.

To synchronise his mind with something he uses his aura. He is aware of inanimate objects within a radius of 2 feet around him and can synchronise with any object in that radius. However he can only synch with 1 thing at a time. His father has tried to help him with his powers and he has picked up one useful ability concerning his power. For more information see ability: Shamanism.

1) Shamanism.
His father has tried to teach him the wonders of shamanism. Though he was a poor student he did pick up a useful ability. The trance to go to the spirit world helps his synching ability to expand to a point. With it he can roughly reconstruct the history of an object to about three years back. The ability works mostly the same as his power yet it takes a lot of time to prepare and undergo the ritual. The strain on Synch’s mind and body is rather severe and he’ll need a couple of days to recover. In the end it isn’t even certain he will get any information (in which case it is less of a strain on his psyche, yet he will still need to rest for a day or two.) He prefers not to use this ability so it’d better be important if you ever ask him.

2) Builder.
One of the things Synch excels in is making things. If it’s jewelling, mechanics or electronics he’s had some experience. Synch has followed a study towards electronics but most of his skills he has leaned from his father.

3) Drivers license.
He can drive and has a drivers licence to prove it.

1) Blend in.
There is nothing distinctively mutant about him. Because of this he easily blends in with a crowd.

2) Sense of surroundings.
His aura works somewhat as an sensor. He knows what is around him as far as his aura reaches (which is about 2 feet.)

3) Focused worker.
If it’s either because of his obsession with technology or because of his powers is unknown, yet once he’s busy with building or repairing he gets so focused that he regularly forgets about other things. Although it’s not always as useful to forget about stuff it does make him a very efficient worker.

1) Uncreative.
Though he is a genius when it comes to fixing and building things he has the creative capability of a goose. Synch is incapable of inventing new things.

2) Psy-aura.
Anyone with psychic abilities or some spiritual sense will recognise his aura isn’t normal and could indentify him as mutant.

3) Dozes off.
Synch regularly doesn’t get enough sleep. Because of this he relies heavily on coffee and tends to doze off and falls asleep once he isn’t busy.