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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

19:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Michael Reaver

Name: Michael Reaver
Age:  25
Gender: Male

Lazy Description:
Human. He is of a decent height and in very good athletic shape. His green eyes seem to see everything and his brown hair is cut short.

Hair color: Brown
Skin color: Tan
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 190 lbs
Clothing preference:
Navy blue jeans, black skate shoes black button down shirt, Army jacket when cold

Much more detailed description:
Standing at slightly over six feet tall, Michael moves with a gracefulness that is seldom seen of those with height. From his many years of martial arts, as well as other physical activities, he is very fit. While many of his peers had focused on building bulk muscle, Michael realized that speed was much better than strength. As such he has focused on building lean muscle.

Looking at Michael can sometimes be a bit startling, as he is covered almost head to toe by scars of many shapes and sizes. If asked about them, he will only give vague responses as the how they were acquired. He keeps his dark brown hair trimmed short and is a stickler for being clean shaven.

Michael tends to have frown or a scowl on his face, though those that know him well can tell the difference between his normal look and when he actually means it. He tends to have dark circles under his eyes, as if he hasn't gotten enough sleep, but his green eyes are always alert and never stay looking at one space for to long.

For the most part, Michael wears a pair of jeans and some form of button down shirt, usually black or green. When it starts to get colder out he tends to wear a military jacket. If, for some reason, he needs to be dressed up more, he will be in his gray pin striped three piece suit.

He always wears a silver chain around his neck with a cross on it. He also wears a wedding band that he never takes off. In the army jacket are two holders
for police batons. Usually carries a guitar on his back, when it is warm enough, which has a pocket for a wooden pole.

Michael grew up in a good house to good parents that taught him right from wrong. His father was an officer and he taught Michael how to do many things, from using a gun to spotting a fake ID. Michael went to school like a normal kid. Unfortunately, since his father was on the force, he got picked on and eventually it went really bad. He was kidnapped by someone who wanted revenge on his father. The police found him eventually, but the man used Michael as a shield. His father was the first one in, but he froze when he saw Michael there. The man took that moment to shoot Micheal's father. Michael, who saw what happened, wanted, needed to get to his father and then miraculously he was there. Kneeling next to his fathers lifeless body. He found out later that he had teleported and that the police used the mans confusion to take him down. It was little  consolation for him just losing his father and he could do nothing but hug his mother and try to stay strong. His mother though couldn't take it and passed away from a heart attack not to long afterward.
Michael turned to music and it saved his sanity. He wrote songs and lyrics for a variety of genres from whinny emo music, to love ballads, to scream-o metal
sounds. During that time he taught himself piano and guitar and practiced singing more often. Eventually he went to college and a few years later graduated
with a bachelors in music performance. All of his music, whether it said it or not, always had the force of his parents behind it.
As he left school he now needed to find a way to take care of himself and his fiance, Lucy. They had met during college when he joined a dojo. She was the trainer and taught him much about martial arts, as well as ... other things. He showed her how he could teleport and through meditation was able to do it with a bit of concentration. They were wed shortly after graduation. Those few years were wonderful for them and they enjoyed their love and life together. Unfortunately for them these happy times would not last nearly as long as they would have hoped. At the age of 24 Lucy died of cancer and Michael fell into depression once again. The only difference was he had nothing left to lose.
He went to a new city to start over and try to find some semblance of a life. One night he was going to the convenience store when he saw it being robbed. He did something he had not done in years. He focused his mind and ported into the building behind the man, and using a disarm technique that Lucy had taught him, took the man's gun and had him stay until the police came. The officer who showed up told him he did well and that he should think about joining the new mutant branch of the police force.

Michael is usually in a dark mood and doesn't talk a lot, though when he does it usually is important. The few times when he actually seems happy is when he is making music. He gets no satisfaction from being a crime fighter, but he does want to help people. It is what his parents and Lucy would have wanted. If he happens to die in the process, so be it. He would be with his love again.

Teleporter: has to focus in order to port, but can do it fairly easily. If his need is strong enough he can port instantly, but this will most likely hurt him.

Musical aptitude: Piano, guitar, vocal
Martial artist: Med level in Akido and judo
High endurance and physical strength from years of exercise
Marksmanship: decent with a handgun. Very good with a rifle
Anti-forgery: Can spot a fake ID easily