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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

18:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sarah Backers

Name: Sarah Backers
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Family: Jim Backers (father, deceased), Laura Johnson (mother), David Backers (Grandfather)

Physical Description:
 Exactly as on the picture. She stands 193 cm (6'4") tall with long red hair and an eye patch over her right eye. Her other eye has a yellowish golden iris. She looks pretty tough and regularly has bruises and plaster on her body.

Lazy Description:
Hair color: red
Skin color: white
Height: 6’4”
Weight: You shouldn’t ask a lady her weight, could get slapped in the face for that. >.<

Clothing preference: Though she has a lot of clothing lying around in her apartment she prefers tank tops, loose jeans and her favourite green coat.
She wears an eye-patch and has a varied collection of them.

Personality: She’s got the grace of a tourist, with the charm of demolition. Adding to that an attitude that has gotten her into allot of trouble in the past. It is safe to say she isn’t the easiest person to get along with. Since the day she lost her eye she has also become allot more cynical. She look gift horses squarely in the mouth, and finds clouds in every silver lining. Though she does genuinely try to help when there is injustice done she usually ends up making things worse.

Sarah is the only child of Jim Backers. She has always been somewhat of a rebel, and got into many fights over the most ridiculous things which caused her to not have many friends. Her parents divorced once her father’s latent mutant ability manifested. It was one of those stranger mutant abilities. Jim was able to fuse things together, altering the molecular structure of two things and fusing them together into a new substance.

Laura didn’t think to kindly of mutants and did not want anything to do with either Jim or Sarah. This did not help with Sarah’s aggressive nature, but at that time she had bigger troubles since Jim’s ability came at a cost. His body could not cope with his mutation and was slowly breaking him up from the inside. It gradually became worse and after a year Sarah quit school to take care of her father who had gotten to a point where he couldn’t care for himself no more. Not long after that, Jim died. Once her father died something snapped inside of her. Grandfather was appointed care. He struck a deal with her to pay for her housing and bills but she’d still have to work for anything else. Without schooling or training in anything she decided to try something simple and applied for a job as barmaid.

After some job hopping from bar to bar she got herself quite a reputation. One day when she was going to work Sarah got cornered by a gang. She only recognised one of them. Sarah had broken his arm a couple of days back in a bar fight and it seemed he didn’t think too kindly of it. She remembers having seriously injured a few before the idiot with a knife took a stroke at her face. After that it was a rather one sided battle. It was a short Asian guy that later found her unconscious and bleeding in the alley. He did what any sane person would and called an ambulance. Since he recognised her from somewhere he decided to ride with them to the hospital. Later they found out they vaguely knew each other from the pubs. His name was Ishida and once they got talking it seemed they had similar interests. They became friends and later joined a band together.

Sarah has recently been arrested once again for a fight on the streets. This time she saw someone get beat up in an alleyway. As she saw this she ran at them at full speed and kicked the aggressor straight in the face. With one kick the man fell over and knocked his head against some trashcans. He is still in a coma. She has been sentenced to 6 months of community service. Since she is usually more trouble than she is worth the police commissioner has decided to pick a different approach. He knew just the place to send her. He decided to write an official letter to Miss Mittens.

Powers: Movement.
She can manipulate movement to some degree. She can apply up 10 kilos(22 lbs) of force to any object. Though she can only target 1 thing with that ability, it has come to be very useful. There is no time limit to this skill. She can turn it on and off at her leisure. Her second and favourite ability she has is that she can make things semi-immovable. If something isn’t moving she can “pin” it to its spot. She can also target moving things as long as something is touching it with the same speed.(someone pulling a gun for example: she can pin the gun to the persons hand or make the trigger of the gun jam. The reason why its semi-immovable is because it works somewhat the same as superglue. If someone’s hand is stuck to a wall he or she can still pull themselves free though it will be very painful. Someone with super strength can easily break the wall to get themselves free.) The number of things that can be affected with her powers at the same time depends on the size of the things that are targeted. The maximum surface area she can 'glue' is about 1 square meter (1 square yard), but it could also be several things depending on their size. As long as Sarah doesn’t unpin or re-pin an object it will stay immovable for 30 minutes. If the power is targeting a mutant it will only last 10 to 15 minutes due to their natural resistance to other mutant powers.

1) Musical interest.
 Sarah loves music and has learned to play the bass rather well. She was one part of a band called ‘Something completely similar’ which played mostly covers. It disbanded a few years back. She’s mediocre at playing guitar and has once tried to play a cello which didn’t go very well.

2) Bar fight brawler.
She has been in many fights, and though she has never been educated in hand-to-hand combat she can stand her own with just two fists and a whole lot of adrenaline.

3) Adept with handguns and rifles.
Her father loved hunting. Because he never had a son he regularly took Sarah hunting. There she discovered she had she was quite good at it.
After she lost her right eye she lost most of her aim. She has been spending a lot of time practicing and has been able to get adjust to the change. Now her shots are pretty decent, but still not what it used to be.

1) Reputation.
Sarah has a reputation as a trouble maker and has made more enemies than friends in her past.

2) Bad temper.
Once you get her mad she can be very hard to handle. Especially in a fight she loves to cut loose and has vowed to do more damage than she takes.

Life motto:
Stay rude stay rebel.