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Welcome to House Zauthril

03:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Hath Zauthril ( Szrakai Drow House Inquisitor 122 years)

There are few within House Zauthril who do not at least know of The Inquisitor, though few care to know more of him than they must. Even those who have overcome such instinctual aversion know little. Though a declared Blessing of The Spider Queen upon The House, Hath (a Szrakai) was not born of Sauphrina... nor unto any recognized vassals. He was brought into The House shortly after The Time of Troubles, by Sauphrina herself, and set to task immediately distinguishing himself among The House Spies. Being born a Szrakai allowed Hath to walk freely where others would require spell or cosmetics, an undeniable edge in infiltrating the slave pens of Menzoberranzan and/or surface communities targeted for raiding. Recalled just before Lolth's Silence, Hath's gift for ferreting out traitors and insurgents within The House inspired no small infamy-- the threat of gracing his table, the table of the newly appointed House Inquisitor, inspired terror in all the right places. It is said that Hath can discern fact from fiction no matter how silvered the tongue. A reputation well earned, Hath has extracted confessions from prisoners who withstood even the most zealous of priestesses. While one might wonder at the rivalries or jealousies that such a track record might inspire... it has instead drawn a modicum of respect for his mastery of craft (he is still a male, if an exceptionally effective one), and more than a few dangerously tempting (and some indulged) sexual advances. His continued success ratio, and tempered ambitions, have ensured that his tenure as House Inquisitor has thus far outlived she who appointed him to the office-- and evidences every indication of continuing unabated for the foreseeable future. While Hath dutifully reports those secrets extracted to The Matron, he holds little interest in rumor-mongering or gossiping... Those who go beyond reputation and rumor will have discovered Hath to be insatiably curious, meticulously detail oriented, coldly logical, and perhaps more than a little sadistic. There's something darkly magnetic about Hath that tends to draw others to him, supplicants, supporters, subordinates, and aspiring apprentices seem to flock to him. Perhaps strangest of all, he holds some greater value to "His Word"... A Drow who holds himself to agreements bound sometimes by only his reputed integrity without the need to coerce, manipulate, or argue into upholding his end of a bargain. Honorable as honorable might be said to be...for a Drow.