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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

07:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Candace Whittman

Full Name: Candace Georgiana Whittman
Nickname: Candy
Age: 20
Age, Apparent: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Professional Virgin Sacrifice
Languages: English, Gaelic, Latin, Summerian, Old Ruthenian
Species: Pure Human (back at least 13 generations)
Powers: Extensive knowledge of rituals involving virgin blood

Overall Appearance: Candy looks as sweet as her name.  Her long dark hair and flawless fair skin fairly shine with a healthy virginal glow.  Of average height and build, she is neither too tall nor too short, neither too heavy nor too thin.  She dresses in designer clothes of modest cut, emphasizing the general healthy shape of her body without over-emphasizing her physical attributes.

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Walnut brown
Hair Style: Wavy and just past her shoulders
Complexion: Fair
Body Shape: Fit but not overly so, still shapely
Clothing: Custom tailored in a modest style
Character Model: Young Eliza Dushku (the Buffy years)

Basic Personality: Bright, cheerful, and often as sweet as her name, Candy can seem at odds with the darker elements who seek human blood for sacrifices.  She is very smart, though, and quite the entrepreneur, always with an eye out for a way to expand her PVS business while it lasts.  She is especially knowledgeable about contracts, contract law (both mundane and supernatural), and rituals involving blood sacrifices and happy to sit and chat with anyone who’s willing to teach her more.

Sexual Likes: While she knows she’s straight, she tries to avoid thinking about things that could ruin her business!
Sexual Dislikes: Violence, force, and trickery
Sexual Strengths: Resisting temptation
Sexual Weaknesses: Unknown

Merits: Dedicated to her current career; Intelligent; Detail-oriented - a burgeoning contract lawyer; Entrepreneurial spirit willing to invest in others; Abides by her contracts, including the non-disclosure clauses regarding any ritual she may witness

Flaws:  Agoraphobic - due to her years of self-imposed isolation she becomes overwhelmed easily in large crowds, especially when pressed in.  Acts deliberately - must take time to go over everything with a fine-toothed comb so she hesitates to make decisions; Unwilling to even consider playing sexual games; Knows things that certain groups might not want her to have knowledge of

History: Born and raised in Milwaukee, Candy had a pleasant childhood with her small upper middle class White Republican family.  She was good in school, popular enough to avoid most teen drama.  Candy was fifteen years old when she started chatting with a guy online.  It started out innocently enough, with a little faceless flirting.  When he urged her to meet with him for a date, she confessed that she had taken a pledge to remain a virgin until she married, so he shouldn’t expect anything to come of any date.  That’s when the conversation turned strange.  He became intent on verifying if she was, indeed, the virgin she was claiming to be.

She agreed to meet him despite the odd insistence on knowing about her physical purity, and when they met she was glad she had.  He was a wizard looking to complete an arcane ritual that required virginal human blood, which in an era of casual sexuality was becoming harder and harder to procure.  One pint of her blood was all he wanted.  Not only did he want her blood, he was willing to pay for it.  Ten thousand dollars was a serious sum for a fifteen year-old girl.  It was the offer that changed Candy’s life forever.

Since then, Candy has worked hard at her little enterprise.  She sells her blood to wizards and others who require 100% pure guaranteed virgin blood (with a sideline for blood-drinkers who like the rare taste).  She lives an organic vegan lifestyle and avoids anything artificial whenever possible (even wearing only natural fiber clothing and washing with natural products).  Her heritage is 100% human without any taint of otherworldliness for at least 13 generations back on both sides of her family tree.  She is neither magically nor mundanely enhanced or altered and won’t even wear makeup.  She makes an annual salary in the six figure range, rarely lower than $500k.  She has a magical contract that protects her from being actually sacrificed or altered in any way that would make her unable to continue in her current career.  Her virginity is insured to $50M.  She jokingly says her lawyers are Wolfram & Hart, but in actuality they’re Leibowitz & Schwartz, which if anyone knows lawyers is even scarier.

To command the highest price for her blood, she lives a completely organic and vegan lifestyle.  She keeps herself as physically pure as she possibly can.  She guarantees to her clients that her heritage is 100% human without any taint of otherworldliness and that she is neither magically nor mundanely enhanced or altered; she's never even been vaccinated.  For special customers who are willing to pay extra, she’s even willing to temporarily modify her lifestyle to accommodate any particular detail of their order.  One customer wanted her to drink only rose water, eat only white rice, and wear only lavender silk for the month prior to the ritual.  As her blood supply is limited and she insists on maintaining a healthy volume at all times, her contracts are limited.  She books well in advance to accommodate celestial events and other important timings.

While the money is good, Candy sees the blood sacrifice gig like being a model: it isn’t going to last forever, but while it does she’s socking away a boat load of cash in investments.  When she’s ready to quit, she figures she may make a deal with one of those otherworld types for a new career doing something else, maybe getting a job working supernatural contracts between preternaturals... but she’s not sure about that just yet.

As her name has spread in the supernatural community, she has been faced with the darker side of dealing with the darker side of the world: some people don’t feel they should have to pay her prices and have tried to kidnap her.  She has also had clients attempt to break their contracts in the middle of a ceremony, or add deflowering of the virgin sacrifice to the bill.  After narrowly escaping one such attempt, Candy contracted with a security firm to provide her with a bodyguard that can protect her from such double-crossing tactics.  She also scheduled expensive consultations with some of the best wizards and Voodoun priests in the country to include binding clauses in her contracts that will punish the client for even attempting to violate its terms.

Living or Dead Family:
Mother and Father: died in a car accident when Candy was 16
Uncle Jonathon Gage (model: Nicolas Cage): guardian and wizard, adopted brother of Candy’s mother, so not “technically” related to her and does not invalidate her no-otherworldliness family tree; Candy lives with him in Milwaukee most of the time, and he usually accompanies her when she travels.  He taught her most of what she knows about ancient languages and blood rites and finds more tutors for her when necessary though prevents her from actually practicing any magic.