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12:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bristol Salvatore

Bristol is a devilishly handsome charmer. Long blonde hair and gem-like amber eyes that sparkle like the sun. His dark Caucasian tan bespeaks time in the sun and the calluses on his hand prove he's done work at one time, but not much frequently. Right around six feet tall he's lean and muscled. His facial hair might be a mustache, a goatee or a full beard depending on his mood and the season.

Bristol is always well dressed with an ornate cutlass bouncing at his hip. If he's armored it's a chain shirt, but seldom is he seen wearing armor. Typical a buttoned up shirt is opened lower than is decent showing off his muscled torso and hairless chest. He remains fashionable often wearing above the knee high leather boots with a hard sole and a bit of a heel to push him above the six foot mark.

He's very quick to laugh and make those around him laugh with a charming and charismatic personality. The ladies seem to take to him, and he flirts constantly, but no one has actually see him take a woman to bed.

Despite all the above, the first thing everyone notices about Bristol Salvatore is THE HAT! The largest and most flamboyant, floppy leather had adorns his head always with a giant feather protruding from the folded up side. The feather at current is a bright red. Bristol is quick to tip his hat at a friend, or foe, and quicker to dip it into a deep bow for a lady before a dance. He's quite adept at flipping his garish hat in all manner of acrobatics. Flipping it from the floor to his head, rolling it over his shoulders from one arm to the other, even throwing it across the room to land atop a designated mug.

The swashbuckler is a fun lover, a bit of a gambler, and can be the life of the party.