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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

03:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Congregation

The Largest 'Gator population in the New Orleans area is the Mazarin family and their kin but they're by no means the only clan of the loosely confederated shifter breed - which includes a significant minority of South-East Asian crocodilians, who got mixed into the Congregation proper when emigrating in the wake of the Korean and Vietnam wars, before anyone realised how different those breeds actually are. The 'gators generally confine themselves to the wetlands and small towns around the city proper, as well as the coast although they have some fairly significant inroads into the French Quarter and in the wake of the loss of the wolves took over a large chunk of their territory primarily for the purposes of keeping the local area stable - or so they say.

 They have reasonably amiable relationships with most of the other shifter groups at the current time and are not currently feuding with the MotC, keeping things cool and cordial on all sides.

 In recent weeks, they have ceded control of much of the original Lupine territory in the city back to the two reconstituted packs, on the condition that they uphold The Agreement - a general 'we keep each other more or less informed, clean up our own messes and mostly play nice' sort of arrangement that's taken on new significance in the wake of the Wolf War.
 It remains to be seen how well this plays out.

Notable Gators:

Cecilia Mazarin, Alpha.
 Looks suspiciously like: Janet Hubert (original Aunt Viv).
 Works as the concierge at Acadia, where she rules her little patch with a steel glove over a velvet fist. So far no-one's quite worked up the courage to explain to her that this is backwards.

Jaque Mazarin, Master (Retired)
 Looks suspiciously like: James Earl Jones.
 Father to Julian Mazarin and now retired back to the Mazarin family territory in the back country where he mostly lounges in a hammock, handles the writing of angry letters from his desk and spends time ogling his wife, Elizabeth Mazarin.

Elizabeth Mazarin, Alpha
 Looks suspiciously like: Ilfenesh Hadera aged up to look like Blanche Deveroe.
 Mother to Julian and now 'retired' to the extent of exerting the expected steely control over her husband and anyone else foolish enough to come into her circle of influence without showing due deference to family tradition.

Anton Mazarin, Master (Deceased)
 Looks suspiciously like: He's dead now.
 Father to Elizabeth and a marine during the 'fight against communism' who probably shouldn't have allowed himself to get swept up in the draft. He did however bring home a wife even scarier than he is, so that's something.

Joo Li Mazarin, Master (Saltwater Crocodile)
 Looks suspiciously like: Lee Bo Hee, aged up to tiny and old.
 Four feet nothing in her socks and at an age where she now gets to pretend to be deaf a lot but if she's ever missed anything in her life, it's news to her descendants including her daughter in whom she takes a fierce pride. Still intimidating to her family and not because she's damn' near twice the size of most of them when she shifts. She mostly doesn't do that any more and indeed, probably can't. Probably.

Jean-Claude Mazarin, Submissive
 Looks suspiciously like: Morris Chestnut.
 Another cousin to the Mazarin line, second or third from Jules. Works as an architect in the city proper and is arguably the least convincing unbearded drag queen in New Orleans. Bisexual but in a long-term open relationship with Magliore which the family don't entirely approve of despite loving them both because that's what you do with family.

Magloire Gaudreau, Standard
 Looks suspiciously like: A male Grace Jones.
 Scion of another old Acadian family, Magloire is a marine engineer who until recently did a lot of work for oil companies but has recently shifted to more ecologically friendly projects. Absolutely loves nothing more than a party and pretending to scandalise the family (especially the Mazarins) who in turn, pretend to be scandalised and tut-tut at him. Because that's what you do with family.

Marcel Morpain, Standard
 Looks suspiciously like: Ask Alexandrine.
 Dancer and floor manager at Napoleons Itch, heavily invested in the Drag community. Became entangled with Nick Ozelet because he's the latest Mazarin associate (his mother was a Mazarin) to take up the family tradition of the Underground Railroad, although in recent decades this has mainly been a matter of securing new paperwork and identities for those who have wanted to change their life and avoid a family who can't accept that. As a sideline, he's also taken over the job of providing identities (and costume changes) for the occasional Preternatural visitor to the city who cannot (for whatever reason) easily go out in public.

Henriette Mazarin, Standard
 Looks suspiciously like: Tatyana Ali
 Another of the numerous Mazarin cousins, this butter-wouldn't-melt slip of a girl is one of the more persistent headaches of the clan, primarily because she's tough, determined and about as given to mischief as a barrel full of monkeys on PCP. Her current brilliant scheme revolves around taking advantage of her long-standing friendship with Emillienne to fake up a few good Bigfoot sightings in order to prank the hell out of tourists, other members of the congregation and of course, stuffy Cousin Jules.

Emillienne Chateauguay, Unknown
 Looks suspiciously like: Pending.
 A worker at a meat packing plant affiliated with the Mazarins and almost certainly preternatural, dragged in the wake of Henriette's essentially well-meaning schemes and over the last few years the two have pulled some profoundly spectacular pranks together. Currently, she's in line to be 'bigfoot' in their next grand scheme as the costume the two have faked up is in her size. One of them.

Lusignan Petitot dit Saint-Seine, Standard
 Looks suspiciously like: Pending.
 A member of the Congregation currently being tapped for technical support at several of the family properties. Not actually a master hacker, but someone who knows their way around an antivirus program and is able to keep up with the relatively modest IT demands of the extended family.