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19:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Iruka Takehashi

Full Name: Iruka Takehashi
Nickname: Ruka
Age: 24
Age apparent: 19 (Ruka looks very young for his age. Gets carded a lot at clubs which irritates the hell out of him)
Gender: male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Sex Scene Comfort Rating: 4V
Occupation: Dancer, Choreographer
Languages: Japanese, English
Species: Lycanthrope - Dolphin
Powers: Ruka is head of the dolphins. Not because he wants to be but at the moment is the most powerful one in the city.
Standard: Physical Prowess, Fast Healing; Acute Senses; Silver Vulnerability; Control animals; Hybrid Form; Aura of Power; Pass as Human
Alphas: Partial Change; Taming the beast; Call Animal; Healing(aura/reiki)
Heads of Clan: Feel the City; Summoning Cry; Slashing Aura

Overall Appearance:
Long dark brown hair, brown skin and brown eyes, Iruka is unremarkable in colouring. His Japanese features however are sharp and delicate, his form lithe and tones and his grace and skill with dance an epic gift. Teased for how he can be a klutz when walking but glide in dance as if in water Iruka is a dichotomy. A feminine man, in features and behaviour he is not in the least bit camp, and while feminine there is no denying that he is a man despite of it.
Small in stature and slim and toned he looks much younger then he is, often getting carded for age restrictions and pony tail bristling with annoyance when it happens. Laughing eyes and a frequent smile paint him as an open person his eyes are bright and emotion shifts his face and eyes constantly. The attentive person will always know EXACTLY what is going on in his thoughts because it’s so clearly painted across his face. Iruka is a terrible liar.
Finally his back is littered with not just scars, but scars upon scars upon scars, layers years old and a mix of everything from cuts and stabs and gouges, to burns and even a bullet wound near his spin. Lastly, across his nose, cheek to cheek is a long, think scar, standing out darker then his tanned skin colour.

Height: 5’ 6’’
Weight:  72kgs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Style: Long, usually tied up or tied back but below shoulder blade length
Complexion: honey/cinnamon tan
Body shape: Dancer’s lithe build
Clothing: Baggy pants, tank tops, comfort clothing usually a little worn and off the rack and well worn
Character Model:  Jin Akanishi

Basic Personality:
Iruka is a kind and gentle individual most of the time. He loves his brother, he loves to dance and he loves to help out whoever he can when they need that helping hand. With Naru in a scholarship program in the University of California Iruka is lonely, having left being all his orphanage friends in Japan to come and support his brother’s dreams, even if that brother lives in a dorm room and not in the small apartment he’s rented.

With a traumatic childhood history Iruka is very body shy regarding his scars and self conscious. He’s naive in matter relating to intimacy and sex and doesn't trust people who come on strongly or once he’s realised that they’re after sex. He does have a fierce temper when crossed, becoming stubborn and ready for a fight if he thinks it’s necessary and doesn't like bullies at all.
A gay man he’s comfortable in the fact he’s attracted to men rather than women but chooses not to act on that attraction when it occurs. Submissive and shy by nature when anything romantic comes up, he freaks out and fights when feeling trapped or dominated too strongly. Iruka is not in the least bit camp-gay. While he believes everyone’s choice is their own his behaviour, habits, appearance and soft voice often lead to him being teased about being feminine and is a sure way to get on his very bad side. He is a man, and while not the most rugged, hairy, sweaty brute doesn't not like being compared to women.

Sexual Likes: General foreplay, blow jobs and frotting. Never had penetrative sex, after childhood trauma doesn't feel comfortable being seen fully naked, Iruka does favour more passive roles but due to his personal body issues he has been accused of trying to top from the bottom on occasion.
Sexual Dislikes: Being completely restrained.
Sexual Strengths: ....dolphins can hold their breath for a really long time?
Sexual Weaknesses: Shy, body shy, tentative and naive about sexual intimacy

Merits: Friendly, responsible, polite, hard working, creative and excellent dancer and choreographer

Flaws: Fierce temper, shy when faced with intimacy, body shy, stubborn

Some History:
A few years into his own dance training Ruka scraped up enough to take Naru to his old home town. To the shrine where his mama had said their family had worshipped for generations, and the dolphin kami for whom he was named. Swimming in the waters of the small coastal town Iruka was swept up by a wave. Tumbled and tossed he would have been fine if his foot hadn't tangled tightly in seaweed.

He would have drowned but when he was half unconscious and fading fast something big came up to him in the waters. A dolphin, and at first he thought it was the kami, come to take his soul to the shrine but the creature began tugging at him, trying to get him loose and help him. The teeth closed in a bite around shin but managed to get him free of the seaweed and take him back to shore. The next fool moon, well it was lucky that they were still near the beach and the Head of the Dolphin clan could find him and explain what had happened before the shift took him.

Now Naru and his friend won scholarships and are studying at the university of San Francisco and Ruka, worried about his brother being so far away, followed a career opportunity to come to San Francisco with him

Living or dead Family:
Father – Miroku Takehashi
Mother – Nana Takehashi
Adopted Brother - Naru
Adopted son - Bryce Shinya Takehashi