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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

07:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Julian Mazarin

Description: Jules is a fairly (around six feet and change - we're not talking ridiculously glandular here) tall and alarmingly square largely African-American gentleman currently lurking somewhere in his early thirties. Despite his preference for good food and long, lazy days in the Florida heat a combination of good genetics and the involuntary exercise program forced upon him by his preternatural nature have given him a shape less classically triangular and rather closer to an inverted isosceles trapezium (this description brought to you word-a-day toilet paper), dropping from broad shoulders to a not much less broad set of hips and filling the intervening space with a truly alarming amount of what can only be described as solid Jules. His face is rough-hewn but masculine and while only a charitable soul could call him handsome he's nonetheless possessed of a certain comfortable, lived-in charm that's been tanned and toughened by the sun without being abraded.

 Having established a theme, his build runs with it with limbs that are deceptively long seeming short and stocky only by virtue of their proportions, being rather too solid to be graceful or athletic but despite their bulk his arms end in hands that are are sensitive and dexterous enough to put him at the pinnacle of his profession as anyone who ever saw him julienne an onion can attest. On the whole he presents the impression of a man less born and nurtured than assembled during wartime in some sort of unimaginable biological drydock from massive prefabricated components, an impression that is not reduced by the way that he only moves when he needs to and then with the bare minimum of unnecessary fuss and bother, presenting himself as a man who has long-since proven to his satisfaction his own ability to do what needs doing, when it needs doing, without having to make any especial effort.

 He habitually wears a tough-looking and heavily worn-in brown leather jacket and a neat dark green denim shirt (slightly faded at the elbows but still in good condition) that just about covers his torso, while a matching set of equally hard-worn and hard-wearing dark tan jeans cover his legs. Heavy, worn-in (but not out) full-length outdoors boots are his usual footwear, except when the heat of summer drives him into heavy sandals and godawful summer shirts and shorts, of the sort that even the most garish and dreadful tourist would be ashamed to inflict upon their hosts, usually chosen for their eye-clashing colour scheme that's sometimes been enough to make some of the more visually sensitive members of the Miami preternatural population duck for cover or reach for their sunglasses.

Model: Vaguely resembles George Foreman, crossed with more than a hint of Brian Blessed.

Personality: A man who very much feels in tune with his other side, Jules lives his life the way most of his people do, in comfortable contentment. When your natural inclination is to lie on a sandbank waiting for food to wander by and you only really feel territorial if someone is standing on your tail, you just don't get the kind of vicious infighting common to wolf or cat-descended Shapechangers. On very rare occasions someone has brought their trouble to a place where he just can't ignore it and those people have been swallowed up by the swamps and woods without a ripple, but for the most part you can't irritate him with a brass band on Sunday morning. On the other hand he's a good chef - a really very good chef indeed - and that means that a lot of his nearly zen-like calm gets hung up along with his jacket at the door of his kitchen, from which Wonderful Things and the thunderous echoes of total dictatorship issue in roughly equal proportions.

Merits: Patient, even-tempered, relaxing to be around.
Flaws: Inclined to laziness, grounded in reality.