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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

05:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Florin

Race: Splice (Gamma Type)

Animal Type: Skunk

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Eye color: Sky Blue

Hair Color: White

Physical Description: Florian is a slender young male, standing at 5'10" and possessing a lithe build. He is more cute than handsome (though he would never say or think either word applies to him), his angular features, wide eyes and soft fur seeming to come together to accentuate an attractiveness he would rather hide in a book or with a downcast gaze. His body is lean and his natural splice nature gives him some muscle tone, but he also possesses some softness to his form as he leads a mostly sedentary life. His slender, lithe form is covered from head to toe in luxuriously soft fur of black, the midnight shade interrupted by stark white upon his chest, stomach, inner thighs, face and, of course, in a long stripe down his back and along the top of his long and fluffy tail.

He has somewhat shaggy white hair that falls down around his head and often conceals his eyes (which he prefers), those locks soft and silky to the touch. His ears are large and rounded and are situated closer to the top of his head than to the side. He has a pink button nose and a mouth possessing expressive lips that are often kept pursed in a thoughtful moue as he's always thinking about something. He doesn't possess claws or sharp fangs as a natural skunk does, his teeth and nails more human than animal, but he does possess pads upon his palms and the soles of his feet like a regular skunk would upon their paws.

Florin dresses modestly, usually in thick sweaters and baggy cargo pants (though any pants he wears have to be tailored specially for his large tail). It is rare to see Florin in anything fancy or form-fitting as he finds such clothing embarrassing both for the attention it draws and how little it hides, respectively. Unlike some of the other splices he's seen, he chooses to wear shoes, usually slip on sneakers or boat shoes. He can also be seen wearing glasses, an affectation leftover from his life before Sanctuary as he doesn't need glasses in the least.

Personality: Florin is the picture of the shy and reserved bookworm, usually preferring to keep to himself and keep his nose buried in a book than to interact with others. He is rather socially awkward, not always knowing what to say or do when he has to speak or otherwise interact with the splices or humans around him. When he manages to speak (usually after some internal monologue to psych himself up for it), it is usually in a voice so quiet and soft that people often can't hear him and have to ask him to repeat himself, which only makes him feel more awkward and shy. He is easily embarrassed and can be flustered with little effort, especially when caught in a situation he isn't used to.

If one manages to get past that barrier of shyness (which is no mean feat, to be sure), they will find an intelligent and witty young male who is well-versed in a number of subjects and can talk for hours on end about things a variety of subjects. He is a caring and gentle individual and would be a fiercely loyal and dedicated friend to anybody who did manage to befriend him. Thus far, however, his own shy demeanor and bookish nature have kept him from finding anybody to call a friend and, so, he is simply a shy and lonely splice for now.

Bio/History: Florin was spliced not by an illegal lab nor by any large and commercially known splice lab. No, his creators were a pair of geneticists who had funded their own private lab and were going on grants and loans to try and create new and useful splices. They were what you would call fringe scientists, trying to go against the normally accepted way of doing things and trying to find different applications for current splicing technology.

But, before going big and bold with new splicing combinations and multi-purpose splices, they made a more simple foray into splicing with their first creation. The concept was simple. A splice that could be used to non-violently disperse crowds or incapacitate criminals. A perfect splice for law enforcement uses. And what could be better for that then the animal that came ready made equipped with it's own form of spray deterrent: the skunk.

And so Florin was their first creation. Unfortunately, he was technically a failure. While he looked perfectly formed when he was pulled from the tube he'd been grown and artificially aged to 10 years old in, the pair of fresh from the university scientists had made a mistake in his very genetic code. A mismatched genome in some place or other and they ended up making a skunk without the trademark scent gland that would be needed to fulfill the purpose he had been intended for. He was a skunk without a spray and, unfortunately, that wasn't what they needed.

In a larger and more well-funded lab, he would have been disposed of and his genetic material used for the next splice. But, as the pair were new and he was their first creation, they didn't have the heart to do so. So they kept him around, one of the scientists giving him the name "Florin" (a play on the name of a skunk character from an old cartoon movie he wasn't familiar with) and letting the skunk splice stay on as a sort of mascot when he was younger and, as he grew, letting him work as a receptionist/bookkeeper/lab assistant.

Despite not being able to fulfill the original purpose he was designed for, he acquitted himself to the tasks given to him admirably. He was intelligent and clever and blessed with a mind that soaked up information like a sponge. As such, he acquitted herself well to the lab assistant and bookkeeping roles. He was a little less successful at the receptionist role as, being raised in a lab with only a pair of anti-social scientists for company, he wasn't used to speaking to others. Answering a phone was right out for him as was setting up appointments with people face to face. He was great at filing, though, and could send emails like nobody's business.

He lived the next 9 years of his life in this manner, finding a sort of peace with the life he was living. He had her tasks. He had the lab experiments he would assist with. He had books that his creators would leave lying around or bring him as gifts when they did venture out of the lab. He was happy, he supposed, as far as he understood what feeling happy was supposed to be like.

Unfortunately, as is the case for many splices, said happy existence could not last forever. Being a small, privately funded lab that churned out more failed but interesting experiments than actual useful "products", it was only a matter of time before money ran out and the lab was forced to close down. The two scientists had sunk everything they had into the lab and, as such, ended up having to sell much of what they had to pay off debts. One of these things was, unfortunately for him, Florin.

But, thankfully, the two scientists still held too much affection for the skunk splice to sell him off to some brothel or private collector. Instead, they sold him (more donated, really, though there was minimal money exchanged to keep the transaction "legitimate") to the Phoenix Corporation. Which was how Florin found himself transported to The Sanctuary and found himself suddenly in a whole new place with a whole new life spread out before him.

Which, frankly, terrifies him to no end, if he's honest. But he'll just have to try and endure, he tells himself...even as all he wants to do is bury his head in a book and hide away from the world around him.

How does this character react to other Splices: He is unused to other splices, having had only two humans as company along with the occasional experimental splice that would be created and then passed along to a buyer (in the rare case they were successful). Add to this his naturally shy demeanor and, while he has no animosity towards other splices, he has a hard time speaking to them and is often reserved around them (as he is around most others).

How does this character react to humans: About the same as he reacts to splices, really. He is slightly more used to humans due to his upbringing, but, since all other humans are strangers to him, he is shy and quiet around them as he is around most others. He does have an understandable subservient streak around humans, given his previous "employment", but his shyness and social awkwardness keeps him from going out of his way to express that part of his personality.

Anything else we should know about your character: As though to make up for his "deficiency" as a skunk, his mind is far sharper than most. He is gifted with an eidetic memory, remembering most anything he reads or hears with little effort. It has given him a wealth of knowledge on a number of different subjects, which he sometimes shares unbidden without meaning to. Given this, he is a very quick learner and also an adept teacher (if he can get past his reserved nature to teach anybody anything).