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11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Callia Harding

Name: Callia Harding

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Callia is slim, lean, and shorter than most. Her hair is kept short and her clothes are always cleaned, though they are far from immaculate. She prefers deep browns and blacks over other colors and most of the time carries around sniper rifle and thermal goggles. She doesn't carry any other weapons on her person, aside from her backup blasters, and prefers to travel light, only carrying what she needs to survive without overburdening herself on a variety of items. Her hair covers the left side of her face where a large scar stretches from her forehead, across her eye, to her cheek. Her eye (still perfectly functional) and a majority of the scar are covered by her hair and an eye patch. She is often seen smiling and is always upbeat, she maintains a positive attitude and is surprisingly friendly for a person that prefers the solace of a quiet room and a weapon cleaning kit over a loud group.

Personality: Callia is an introverted adventurer who longs to discover something that she herself can name it and dreams of the day that the name will be common on the lips of everyone who has heard of it. She tends to lose herself in her own mind when she finds a conversation or situation to be boring, making her appear ditsy and unintelligent when nothing could be further from the truth. She is ambitious and hard working, though she often takes time to enjoy a simple day of relaxation so that she does not burn herself out. She is surprisingly upbeat and chipper for an assassin and often attracts people with her rather open, obnoxious cheerfulness. This is a strange juxtaposition to the way she easily dishes out death and handles contracts, though the cheery personality often leads to people underestimating her skill. They generally don't survive long.

Bio: Callia never fit in. Born and raised on Chandrila, Callia should have been a nature-loving, peace-making scholar like the rest of her family, or the rest of the planet for that matter. But while her siblings were playing with their pet squalls and taking dance  lessons, Callia was practicing with her father's blaster in the wilderness surrounding her home and breaking curfew.

     As soon as Callia was old enough, she left Chandrila and enrolled in the nearby Military Academy, bringing nothing with her from Chandrila but a lucky charm made for her by her older brother. While at the academy, Callia was faced with constant harassment, discrimination, and derision from her instructors and students alike that realized that she came from a peace-loving planet and had such an unhindered, cheery personality. Undettered, Callia pushed through and distinguished herself time and time again before graduation. Unfortunately, discrimination graduated with her. After being turned down for numerous choice assignments, she was finally placed as shuttle security (a post Callia found as boring as contemplating the beauty of the woods back on Chandrila).

     Frustrated with the Academy and unhappy with her stalled career, Callia decided to prove them wrong and defected to a group of bounty hunters and mercenaries and began to use her skills and lessons to earn money through contracts and bounty hunting. She joined a rather large crew of mercenaries at first and earned her way through a variety of slummy outer rim worlds like Nar Shaddaa and eventually earned a reputation for herself. While the quirky way she carried herself earned her enough attention, it also made her an easy target and when she eventually became a threat to local bounty hunters and mercenaries, they came after her.

     Callia managed to fight off the strays but she earned a scar that tore apart the left side of her face and she keeps the rather disfiguring scar covered by her hair and an eye patch, though recently she has thrown away the eye patch and instead just uses her hair to cover up what remains of the scar. Her cheery personality never wavered however and it seemed to only strengthen as she took even more dangerous contracts. While she was used to working alone, Callia eventually ran into a Mandalorian bounty hunter named Vho Ca'denn and has since worked alongside the rather ruthless mercenary.

Status: Bounty Hunter

Gear: Sharpshooter V Sniper Rifle, 2 Military Hold-out Blasters and a Personal Cloaking Device.


Calm Under Pressure: Whether the Force flows through Callia or not, she is completely unperturbed during combat and is extremely resistant to fear. Her hands are always perfectly steady and her training allows her to function perfectly when under direct attack, even though her specialty is long range combat where she can take a target before they know she even exists.

Heightened Perception: Callia is always consciously aware of her surroundings and uses this six sense to maneuver through areas and remain undetected. She prefers to stick to the shadows and uses her enhanced senses to gain an upper hand on her targets as she can spot them from a good distance off and get the shot off before anyone is the wiser.

Soft Steps: Due to Callia's small size and training, she can move through even uneven and rocky terrain in near silence, though this is mostly due to the slow speed and calculated steps made. She prefers stealth over open conflict and utilizes her abilities to stay hidden to ensure that the one shot she does take is the only one necessary before she disappears back into the darkness she erupted from.