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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

20:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Skadi Jensen

Full Name:  Skadi Jensen  "SKAH-dee"
Age:  31  (birthdate November 12th)
Age apparent:  about the same
Gender:  female
Sexuality:  hetero
Occupation:   Senior Life Aquarist with the Audobon Aquarium in New Orleans (newly hired)
Languages:   English
Species:   Lycanthrope, inherited (bear – polar)

Significant other:  Julian Mazarin, gator Patriarch, boyfriend

Overall Appearance:

Human Form:  Skadi is a big girl.  End of story. Six foot even, she is heavy built with defined muscles although not body builder level.  They are the muscles of someone who works hard physically.  Although she does have curves that show she’s certainly female, Skadi tends to hide them behind loose clothing, usually flowing dresses.  A good solid size 18 is she.  Very long straight dark blonde hair and pale blue eyes attest to her Scandinavian heritage, as if her name hadn’t clued you in already.

Bear Form:  in her polar bear form, Skadi is as proportionately larger than a regular bear as she herself is larger than a typical human woman.  Snow white thick fur from nose to the stub of a tail, she is surprisingly graceful when she moves.  And when she swims in either form, she is poetry in motion.

Height:  6’
Weight:  do you want to be eaten?
Eye Color:  pale blue
Hair color:  rich golden blonde
Hair Style:  Straight, usually worn in a single braid that hangs long enough that she can tuck the end into the back pocket of a pair of pants.  If she wore pants.
Complexion:  fair
Body shape:  thick, solid, defined but not bulky muscles.

Obviously this skinny person is not Skadi, but this will give you the PROPER image of her hair in her usual braid.


Work:  wet suit or scuba gear fairly often, otherwise one of her flowing dresses

Casual:  long flowing dresses that tend to hide her shape.  She hopes.

Basic Personality:
Skadi has always been a big girl and self conscious about it.  Diets never worked and even with her shifter metabolism, all that did was keep her from gaining even more.  Shy around new people, having been hurt in the past, she keeps to herself mostly.  Still, her new job required contact with the public – something she could handle, but personal relationships… not so much.  Her one crowning glory, her hair, is really the only thing she truly likes about herself.

Sexual Likes:  she has no idea
Sexual Dislikes:  See above
Sexual Strengths:  See above
Sexual Weaknesses:  See above again

History:  Born and bred in Anchorage, Alaska, Skadi was born the third of three children.  Her mother, who had studied and adored Norse mythology, gave all her children names of the gods – but not the popular ones, no.  She chose each with care – her eldest, born at noon, was given the name Dagr, God of the daytime.  Vidar, her second born, was named for the god of the forest, revenge and silence.  She didn’t tell her husband about the revenge part – they had fought through most of the pregnancy.  Her third and last child, the one that took her life three weeks after birth, she named Skadi, for the goddess of winter.  Estranged from her husband who had some doubts as to his part in the creation of Skadi, she died three weeks after birth, having contracted a fever and gone out into the early December Alaskan weather.  Her husband had come for the children and raised them, never saying a word to Skadi about her possibly not being his own.  And when the time came, he inducted all three of his children into the world of Shifters that his estranged wife had never known he was a part of.  Which clinched the question of whether Skadi was his or not.  If she hadn't been, she wouldn't have been a bear.

Living or dead Family:   Skadi has her father and two older brothers, Vidar and Dagr (are you sensing a theme here?) still living in Alaska, all polar bear shifters.  They run a bush pilot business and Skadi was the first person in the family to leave Alaska and go to University.

RATING:  Fade to Black