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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

02:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Greyson Thorne

Full Name: Greyson Thorne
Nickname: Shades
Age: 28
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but not fanatical about it.
Occupation: Ex squaddie, fugitive and migrant worker.
Languages: English, German, a smattering of a few others.
Species: Well, he definitely was human a while back. He's not so sure now.
Powers: A bit more agile than a werewolf, a little less tough. Maybe as strong, give or take.

Overall Appearance: Eternally not quite six feet in height and perpetually scruffy, Shades pretty obviously is doing his best not to stand out - comfortable boots that'll last a long time and dry out quickly are worn under dark coloured combats and above those is usually some sort of jacket worn over a tee shirt, none of which quite manage to hide his hard, rangy physique - which he'd be the first to have to admit has benefitted as much from his current occupation of 'migrant odd-job man' as it did from his being in the services. His skin tends to the pale except when he's sunburned (which isn't often these days) and his hair's gloriously red, verging here and there on full-on Celtic gold that's accentuated by... yes, hazel eyes brimming with mischief. All in all, a dangerous lad of the lock up your daughters variety, or he would be were it not for the aforementioned effort he's making not to attract too much attention these days.

Height: 5' 11 1/2"
Weight: 190lb's
Eye Color: Hazel.
Hair color: Red.
Hair Style: Shaggy, wavy at the back, scruffy.
Complexion: Pale.
Body shape: Athletic.
Clothing: Decent baggy jacket, combats, good boots.

Sexual Likes: Slim, athletic girls and small breasts.
Sexual Dislikes: Not many.
Sexual Strengths: Dominance, athleticism, enjoys his partners pleasure.
Sexual Weaknesses: Unable to take things too seriously.

History:  Grey's spent the last couple of years trying to live down the unfortunate infamy that the 'Grey' name picked up shortly after he got posted, one that resulted in his kitbag picking up inexplicable bondage gear during exercises and items of his webbing being substituted for leather straps shortly before parade. None of this was helped by his nickname prior to that being 'Shades' on account of his once turning up hungover on morning parade and being thoroughly beasted by a true descendent of The Voice for his wearing a pair. Well, that and avoid getting arrested for anything ever since he arrived in the States by an extremely unusual route. An otherwise inoffensive home-counties boy who did alright at school, then decided to sign up for a bit of a world tour of fine German bars (because not every serviceman's a hard-bitten veteran of the desert) it all began for him after he mustered out of the army (just infantry, not one of your fancy lads like THEM) and, while hanging out with mates in Manchester decided to celebrate his return to civilian life with an epic pub crawl. Two days later he was arrested in Glasgow for drunk and disorderly (which, Glasgow being Glasgow took some serious doing) and sentenced to community service, during which time he encountered a Very Bad Day Indeed that led to him waking up some days later at the top of a cliff with a foul taste in his mouth. He arrived in the U.S. without troubling himself to pass through anything resembling customs or indeed, without any paperwork of any kind and has been working his way down the coast ever since - every now and then trying to go inland and generally failing to do so as he invariably wakes up at the end of the month near the coast with a bad taste in his mouth, facing a long bus journey (after stealing some money and clothes) to get back to his car. And now he's in New Orleans. Hooray!