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Welcome to Blood, Sex, & Gumbo: AV in the Big Easy

03:41, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:Viktor Wallington
Apparent Age:25-30
Languages: English, German, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French
Rank or Position:Master
1. Aura of Power: Vampires have an Aura of Power, though only Master Vampires can even potentially actively use theirs.
2. Physical Prowess: Vampires are extremely strong - even the new dead are capable of lifting cars.
3. Fast Moves: Vampires are faster than most humans, but it is difficult to tell how much faster. In later books Anita says that vampires move like blurs or they could fly away. Although in most cases a vampire appears to teleport or move with blinding speed, the vampire has actually used its "mind tricks" to conceal its movement.
4. Acute Sense: Vampires' senses of hearing and smell are also very strong.
5. Silent Moves: Vampires make no noise, even the newborn vampires don't make any noise when moving around.
6. Passing for Human: Vampires are able to appear human only after years of practice. Newly made vampires have difficulty smiling without showing their fangs, and feel as if they are made from carved wood.
7. Stillness: Vampires have the ability to remain completely still, expressionless, and silent. New vampires learn this as they age, while older vampires use this often for effect.
8. Unaging: When a human is bitten, the age that they were turned at is the age they will stay at for their afterlife.
9. "Rolling": Vampires can "roll" victims by making eye contact. "Rolling" typically refers to a temporary hypnotic state that vampires can use to conceal their movements (giving them the illusion of instantaneous movement), to give commands to the victim, or to reduce the pain of a vampire's bite. Victims with supernatural power, such as other vampires, animators, human servants, and lycanthropes, display varying amounts of resistance to this technique, but most people avoid the technique by not looking vampires directly in the eyes.

Master Gifts
17. Pyrokinesis: Some vampires have a minor level of pyrokinesis, but major pyrokinesis is almost unheard of among vampires because flame is an element of purity, with the exception of Warrick who believed it to be a gift from God. (counts as two powers for major, and a DAMN good explanation)

5. Human Servant Creation: Most or all master vampires appear to be able to create a "human servant." By marking a human with four successive "marks," the vampire makes the human into a human servant. A vampire can only have one human servant at one time, and cannot remove a mark once given. A vampire's human servant functions similarly to a witch's familiar in that when the servant is nearby, the vampire's abilities are stronger. Most vampires seem to be able to exercise some control over their servants, but a necromancer servant, such as Anita, has complete free will. The death of either the servant or the vampire may injure or kill the other member of the relationship.
- a. First Mark: the vampire shares energy with the servant. The first mark grants the human servant greater resistance to injury and to vampire mental powers, and an almost complete immunity to their own vampire's mental powers.
- b. Second Mark: Anita experiences this mark as a pair of floating points of flame in the color of the vampire's eyes that merged with her own. The second mark allows the vampire to draw power from the human servant, to experience food and drink consumed by the servant, and to enter the servant's dreams.
- c. Third Mark: The third mark is made by the vampire drinking the servant's blood. It conveys increased healing, immunity to poison, and allows the vampire and servant to communicate mentally even when awake.
- d. Fourth Mark: The fourth mark is made when the servant drinks the vampire's blood. It conveys immortality (from age) to the servant, almost complete mental communication, and allows the servant to draw on the vampire's strength. Anita believes that this causes said human servant to lose his or her soul.

Nature Masking: Some of this line can entirely hide their supernatural presence, seeming to be nothing but a normal human to all senses.

Appearance: Vik is tall, 6'5" and powerfully built, 265 lbs. He keeps his dark hair slicked back most of the time, if it isn't it hangs loosely at about his jawline. He is what most would consider handsome, though not overly so. He is generally seen dressed impeccably in designer suits, if he owns other clothes, they aren't warn very often.

Personality:Vik can joke, and enjoy himself, and he does in certain company. He is typically very serious, being a business man, this is to his benefit. Vik cares about his money and associates, be they employees or friends. If you are neither, he doesn't care much. Vik doesn't dislike any group of preternaturals, his past has taught him an unforgettable lesson, everyone is an individual, no group can be judged as a whole.

Merits:Takes care of what's his, passionate in his beliefs, loyal to the few close to him.
Flaws:Cold at times, sees the world in mostly black and white, temper

History:Born in Germany in 1295 Viktor was a happy child, raised by his devoutly Catholic family, he grew to love the church as they did. As he grew, it became evident his poor parents couldn't even afford to feed him, they cried the day he left to live with the priests and clergy. Being raised in the church he became even more indoctrinated into it's belief structure and social heirarchy. Which he was roughly at the bottom of. Then, the heresy began, the church was at a loss for what to do. Eventually, the Pope, Gregory IX, signed the papal bulls that lead to the papal inquisitions. Viktor was determined to show his love for God and the cuhrch, he signed on to help. Since Viktor wasn't literally related to the church he basically became their goon, executioner.

He burned hundreds of people at the stake, 99% of which were undocumented as this was a sign that the church couldn't save the souls of the heretics. His last execution was a beautiful woman who was not only accused of heresy, but witchcraft. Viktor and the church had no idea she was a powerful vampires human servant and lover. Once she was disposed of, Viktor returned to the small cottage the church provided him. That night his cottage caught fire, no cause could be determined, he barely escaped, only to find himself kneeling at the feet of Louis Dermonte. The vampire, Louis calmly, coldly, explained to Viktor what he was, what the woman had been, and what Viktor soon would be. At first Viktor thought this a nightmare, vampires were just stories... then he began to fight, the fire in his heart unwilling to give in. This amused Louis, greatly. He simply knocked Viktor out and took him to his home, days later,or was it weeks, Viktor awoke, starving, a strange hunger. Louis arrived shortly after with the local priest in tow, immediately the priest begged Viktor to help him, Viktor was big and strong, surely he would help. Instead, instincts kicked in and VIktor fed for the first time. He drained the priest dry.

Louis explained that Viktor would need to feed to remain strong, inside Viktor wept for what he had lost, outwardly he was ready to learn. Louis taught him a loose set of rules, it appeared that Louis was, as much as a vampire can be, a decent person. He showed Viktor the churches persecution of people who simply believed differently than them or couldn't afford their protection, then he showed Viktor his family. Viktor watched as his mother and father were burnt at the steak for unknown crimes against the church. This was the event that set Viktor on his course of revenge and debauchery. Viktor decided right then, if the church was against it, he was for it. Random churches and cathedrals began to burn to the ground seemingly overnight. This ability surprised Louis, he was surprised to see he had passed it on, and Viktor seemed even more powerful with his pyrokinesis than Louis did. Indeed he would be a force with a few years of age. Before burning the churches, Viktor stole everything that he could, it was all used for profit. He became rich almost instantly. The church owed him this.

As years passed, more churches burned, more things were stolen, Viktor grew bored and began to travel, always fighting the Catholic church, he remained in Europe mostly. Germany, France, Spain and Italy were his most common stopping points. He picked up the languages easily enough and owned properties in all of them. Once he heard about the witch trials in Salem he came to America to stop them. He helped several escape certain death. They helped him travel, and establish a new base here in America. Eventually making his way to California, Hollywood, movie stars, a cesspool of everything the church was against, drugs, sex, and rock and roll. Viktor was in heaven, or as close as he thought he'd ever be. He began to help local drug dealers and pimps out with things. Eventually he took over the drug trade in northern California, most specifically San Francisco. He may not be the Master of the City, but it seems the streets are his.